This guide will only focus on mid to high leveled relics, probably around Lvl 25 and
above. Why? because at lower levels, you can easily get most of the best relics around your level through battling other clans. Plus, You can't really feel the power of the relics until level 25 and above. Spend your Karmas on leveling your ninjas instead.
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- Lower Levels 1~25 -
Just focus on getting relics that gives mainly Health and Power bonuses. Armor and Agility
can also be good addition to your relic set. Spending Karma for relics is not recommended except for relics that gives Karma per day.
Good news! Now with the new Undead Horde Feature, all players can now test their relic
combos on them. Train until Lvl 18 to unlock the Undead Horde riding on a black blimp around your island. Higher number of undead kills means that your current relic combo is a better one. Experiment with your relics and try to get the highest number of kills on your current level.
can also be good addition to your relic set. Spending Karma for relics is not recommended except for relics that gives Karma per day.
Good news! Now with the new Undead Horde Feature, all players can now test their relic
combos on them. Train until Lvl 18 to unlock the Undead Horde riding on a black blimp around your island. Higher number of undead kills means that your current relic combo is a better one. Experiment with your relics and try to get the highest number of kills on your current level.
- Mid to High Levels 25 and Above -
Start collecting good relics from this point on. Why? yes we should because some relics will
retire and it will be removed from the list forever. Bought relics on the other hand will never disappear unless you sell them.
retire and it will be removed from the list forever. Bought relics on the other hand will never disappear unless you sell them.
- Health - Increases clan's HP
- Power - Increases clan's Damage
- Agility - Increases clan's Dodge
- Armor - Decreases damages dealt by enemies
- Critical - Increases clan's Critical Rate
- Attack Speed - Increases Damage per Second
- Gold Won - Increases Gold won by a percentage.
- Experience Gain - Increases Experience gained by a percentage.
- Experience Gain - Increases Experience gained by a percentage.
- Best Relic Combos -
I always hear from others that there is "NO BEST" relic combo but still they always look
for the best relics compatible with their clan (hehehe). Anyway, these are just recommendations and feel free to share yours too!
- If you are using +% Armor weapons, try not exceed 50% total Armor with Relics! The below
set will not benefit you, so you have to make a different relic set because of the Armor cap.
Most used Relics!

- Energy Ball: A SUPER RELIC that doubles your entire clan's power! (+100% Power).
- Rainbow Seishin: The Jack of all Trades! giving your clan +15% Attack Speed, +25 Power
per ninja, +15 Agility, +25% Health and +10% Critical.
for the best relics compatible with their clan (hehehe). Anyway, these are just recommendations and feel free to share yours too!
- If you are using +% Armor weapons, try not exceed 50% total Armor with Relics! The below
set will not benefit you, so you have to make a different relic set because of the Armor cap.
Most used Relics!
- Rainbow Seishin: The Jack of all Trades! giving your clan +15% Attack Speed, +25 Power
per ninja, +15 Agility, +25% Health and +10% Critical.
Best Relic Combos! Level 70+
Set 1
- Volcanic Pendant (Level 70)
- Energy Ball
- Toshi Tatsu
- Kaze Cape
- Rainbow Seishin
- Keifer Challenge
- For Fighting Zombies, just swap Keifer Challenge with Wings of Yami (80% AtkSpd).
Set 2
- Shards of the Path (level 75)
- Volcanic Pendant (level 70)
- Energy Ball
- Toshi Tatsu
- Wings of Yami
- Black Flame Orb NEW!
Notable differences between the two sets.
- Set 1: Better survivability
- Set 2: Better Damage output
- Your choice!
Set 1
- Volcanic Pendant (Level 70)
- Energy Ball
- Toshi Tatsu
- Kaze Cape
- Rainbow Seishin
- Keifer Challenge
- For Fighting Zombies, just swap Keifer Challenge with Wings of Yami (80% AtkSpd).
Set 2
- Shards of the Path (level 75)
- Volcanic Pendant (level 70)
- Energy Ball
- Toshi Tatsu
- Wings of Yami
- Black Flame Orb NEW!
Notable differences between the two sets.
- Set 1: Better survivability
- Set 2: Better Damage output
- Your choice!