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To Contact Customer Support for all your questions and concerns. Click the 'Contact us'
button under the game to get in touch with a Tetris Battle customer service specialist. Feel free to submit your request for better gameplay experience.

- Click here to submit a request for assistance: Tetris Battle Support
- Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
- Your Email Address*
- Subject*
- Description or details of your request.*
- Operating System you are using*
- Browser you are using*
Type of Issue*
- Choose the nearest issue that fits your subject and descriptions above.
Game Product*
- Choose the game mode in which you are experiencing problems.
- This is optional but if you can upload screenshots or videos, it would be better.
Alternatively, you can also report your issues at the forums to let other players help you.
Scan through posts to see similar problems.
- Click here to post your game issues: Bug Reporting and Troubleshooting
Error 6: Tetris Server Login Fail
- Test your connection to Tetris Battle servers by visiting the link created by Tetris below.
- Visit this link: Tetris Server Testing
- Let the test complete, then copy the complete report and paste it into a notepad.
- Save and attach it into your request above.
- Please feel free to include any new information or details that you may think useful or
related to this issue.
To Contact Customer Support for all your questions and concerns. Click the 'Contact us'
button under the game to get in touch with a Tetris Battle customer service specialist. Feel free to submit your request for better gameplay experience.
- Submit a Request -
- Click here to submit a request for assistance: Tetris Battle Support
- Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
- Your Email Address*
- Subject*
- Description or details of your request.*
- Operating System you are using*
- Browser you are using*
Type of Issue*
- Choose the nearest issue that fits your subject and descriptions above.
Game Product*
- Choose the game mode in which you are experiencing problems.
- This is optional but if you can upload screenshots or videos, it would be better.
Alternatively, you can also report your issues at the forums to let other players help you.
Scan through posts to see similar problems.
- Click here to post your game issues: Bug Reporting and Troubleshooting
- Known Issues -
Error 6: Tetris Server Login Fail
- Test your connection to Tetris Battle servers by visiting the link created by Tetris below.
- Visit this link: Tetris Server Testing
- Let the test complete, then copy the complete report and paste it into a notepad.
- Save and attach it into your request above.
- Please feel free to include any new information or details that you may think useful or
related to this issue.