Isotope-8 items are used to increase the stats of your Heroes. If you still can't purchase any of the Iso-8 items below in the Store, you might need to unlock the Iso-8 technology first. Refer below to learn how.
Refer here: How to Unlock ISO-8 Technology. Note that the below items are just suggestions and are not the only way to build your Hero stats.
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- Isotope-8 for Heroes (Players Below Lvl 125) -
"Strong Iso-8" means, the name of the Iso-8 and the color it belongs.
In order to purchase this Iso-8 item, you need to go to the [Store] > [Resources] section. Look for the color it belongs and find the specific name mentioned.
Choose the highest "Strong Iso-8" tier you have unlocked. You can get better "Strong Iso-8" item tiers by researching as you progress through the game.
- Mix: means (4:4), (3:4) or (4:3). For 3 Iso-8, Mix means (3:3:2)
- Reactive (Tier 5 and above) Isotope-8: Available for players level 125 and
higher. Go here for Iso-8 suggestions: Suggested Reactive (Tier 5) ISO-8 for Heroes
- Players under Lvl 125 can also refer to the Suggested Iso-8 link above for more options.
- Hero ISO builds may change after a critical Hero buff or nerf! Thanks for understanding. ^^
- Builds: Most builds here are PVE based, but will still work fine for PVP.
- PVP Switching: For full PVP players, I suggest that you just remove or replace Health or Stamina (due to armory bonuses) stats below with Defense or Evasion only. Example: Steady Iso-8 can be switched to Violent Iso-8 (removed Health), Steady Iso-8 to Forceful Iso-8 (replaced Health with Defense), or Steady Iso-8 to Mercurial Iso-8 (replaced Health with Evasion).
- Do not switch Steady Iso-8 to 4 Strong Iso-8 and 4 Precise Iso-8!, it's lower!
- For Mixed builds, if there are only 2 stats remaining, combine them. Example: Mix
Durable Iso-8 (remaining stat: Defense) and Powerful Iso-8 (remaining stat: Attack) = Full Bulky Iso-8 (Attack and Defense).
- Note: Health stat is still good for heroes that benefits from a shield, shields are health based.
- Empowered Iso-8 Suggestions for Heroes NEW!
- Character Restricted Augmented Iso-8 Drops NEW!
- Select Hero Class to View Guide: -
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- Blaster Heroes (Players Below Lvl 125) -
-7 [Health-Stamina-Defense] = Durable Iso-8 and 1 [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
- Mix [Attack-Accuracy-Evasion] = Mercurial Iso-8 and [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
Baron Mordo
- 5 [Health-Stamina-Attack] = Robust Iso-8 and 3 [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
- 5 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and 3 [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- You might also want to add 1~3 [Attack-Defense] = Bulky Iso-8
- Mix [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
- Full [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
- Full [Attack-Defense-Evasion] = Expert Iso-8
- You might also want to add 1~3 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
Daimon Hellstrom
- Full [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
- or Mix [Attack-Evasion] = Proficient Iso-8 and [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
- Mix [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8 and [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
Death Locket NEW!
- Mix [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8, [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8, and [Attack-Defense] = Bulky Iso-8
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- or Mix [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8 and [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
Doctor Voodoo
- 3 [Health-Stamina-Attack] = Robust Iso-8, 3 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8 and 2 [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
- Mix [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8 and [Attack-Defense] = Bulky Iso-8
Dr. Strange
- Full [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
- You might also want to add 1~3 [Health-Stamina-Accuracy] = Flourishing Iso-8
Electro NEW!
- 6 [Attack] = Strong Iso-8 and 2 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
Elsa Bloodstone NEW!
- Mix [Attack] = Strong Iso-8 and [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8
- Mix [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and [Health-Defense] = Sturdy Iso-8
- Full [Health-Defense] = Sturdy Iso-8
- Mix [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8
- Full [Attack] = Strong Iso-8
Human Torch
- Full [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
- 5 [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8 and 3 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- 3 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8, 3 [Stamina-Attack] = Relentless Iso-8 and 2 [Attack] = Strong Iso-8
Iron Man
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- If you need some Stamina, add 1~3 [Health-Stamina-Accuracy] = Flourishing Iso-8
Invisible Woman
- 5 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and 3 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
Karolina Dean
- Mix [Attack-Accuracy-Evasion] = Mercurial Iso-8 and [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
- Mix [Health-Stamina-Accuracy] = Flourishing Iso-8 and [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
Misty Knight
- 6 [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8 and 2 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
Ms. Marvel
- 6 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and 2 [Stamina-Attack] = Relentless Iso-8
- or 3 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8, 3 [Stamina-Attack] = Relentless Iso-8 and 2 [Attack] = Strong Iso-8
Nico Minoru
- Full [Health-Defense] = Sturdy Iso-8
- Full [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
- Mix [Health-Stamina-Defense] = Durable Iso-8 and [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
- Full [Health-Defense] = Sturdy Iso-8
Richard Rider NEW!
- Coming Soon! ^^
Rocket Raccoon
- 3 [Health-Defense] = Sturdy Iso-8 and 5 [Attack-Defense-Evasion] = Expert Iso-8
Scarlet Witch
- Mix [Attack-Defense-Evasion] = Expert Iso-8 and [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
Shocker NEW!
- 5 [Attack-Defense] = Bulky Iso-8 and 3 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
- Mix [Attack-Accuracy-Evasion] = Mercurial Iso-8 and [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- or Full [Attack-Accuracy-Evasion] = Mercurial Iso-8Storm
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- If you need some Stamina, add 1~3 [Health-Stamina-Accuracy] = Flourishing Iso-8
- Full [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
- 5 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8 and 3 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- Full [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8
- Mix [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8 and [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8- Full [Attack] = Strong Iso-8
War Machine
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- or Mix [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8
- Bruiser Heroes (Players Below Lvl 125) -
- Mix [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and [Health-Stamina-Attack] = Robust Iso-8
- or Mix [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8Ares
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- Mix [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8 and [Health-Accuracy] = Focused Iso-8
- Mix [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8 and [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
- 3 [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8, 3 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8 and 2 [Stamina-Defense] = Resilient Iso-8
- Full [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
Captain Britain
- Mix [Stamina-Attack] = Relentless Iso-8 and [Stamina-Attack-Accuracy] = Masterful Iso-8
- Full [Health-Defense] = Sturdy Iso-8
- If you need some Stamina, add 1~3 [Health-Stamina-Defense] = Durable Iso-8
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- or 5 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and 3 [Stamina-Attack-Accuracy] = Masterful Iso-8Gorgon
- 5 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8 and 3 [Health-Stamina-Defense] = Durable Iso-8
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 or Full [Health-Defense] = Sturdy Iso-8
- 4 [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8, 3 [Stamina-Attack-Accuracy] = Masterful Iso-8, and 1 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- Full [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8
- You might also want to add 1~3 [Attack-Defense] = Bulky Iso-8
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
Human Torch
- Mix [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8 and [Attack-Evasion] = Proficient Iso-8
- 5 [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8 and 3 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
Hyperion NEW!
- 2 [Stamina-Attack] = Relentless Iso-8 and 6 [Stamina-Attack-Accuracy] = Masterful Iso-8
- 4 [Stamina-Attack-Accuracy] = Masterful Iso-8, 2 [Attack-Defense] = Bulky Iso-8, and 2 [Health-Stamina-Attack] = Robust Iso-8
Iron Fist
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
Iron Man
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- or Mix [Health-Accuracy] = Focused Iso-8 and [Health-Defense] = Sturdy Iso-8
Jessica Jones NEW!
- 3 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8, 3 [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8, 1 [Attack-Accuracy-Evasion] = Mercurial Iso-8 and 1 [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
Luke Cage
- 4 [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8, 3 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8, and 1 [Attack-Defense] = Bulky Iso-8
Molly Hayes
- 6 [Health-Stamina-Attack] = Robust Iso-8 and 2 [Health-Accuracy] = Focused Iso-8
- or Mix [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
Ms. Marvel
- 6 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and 2 [Stamina-Attack] = Relentless Iso-8
- or 3 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8, 3 [Stamina-Attack] = Relentless Iso-8 and 2 [Attack] = Strong Iso-8
- Mix [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- Full [Attack-Accuracy-Evasion] = Mercurial Iso-8
Spider-Girl NEW!
- 6 [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8 and 2 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
Spider-Gwen NEW!
- Full [Attack] = Strong Iso-8
- or Mix [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and [All Stats] = Chaotic Iso-8
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- or Full [Health-Defense] = Sturdy Iso-8
- Full [Health-Defense] = Sturdy Iso-8
- If you need some Stamina, add 1~3 [Health-Stamina-Defense] = Durable Iso-8
- Full [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
- 6 [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8 and 2 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
- Mix [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8 and [Attack-Defense] = Bulky Iso-8
- You might also want to add 1~3 [Health-Defense] = Sturdy Iso-8
- If you need some Stamina, add 1~3 [Health-Stamina-Defense] = Durable Iso-8
- Mix [Attack-Defense-Accuracy] = Forceful Iso-8 and [Health-Attack-Accuracy] = Steady Iso-8
Wonder Man
- 5 [Attack-Defense-Evasion] = Expert Iso-8 and 3 [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8
- Mix [Health-Attack] = Powerful Iso-8 and [Attack-Accuracy-Evasion] = Mercurial Iso-8
Related Marvel: Avengers Alliance Tips & Guides:
- Marvel: Avengers Alliance: Suggested Reactive (Tier 5) ISO-8 for Heroes
- Marvel: Avengers Alliance: Suggested ISO-8 Stats for Agents
- Marvel: Avengers Alliance: How to Unlock ISO-8 Technology
- Marvel: Avengers Alliance: Recommended Heroes to Get
- Marvel: Avengers Alliance: Best, Top and Most Used Heroes Per Class