Looking for some decks to beat the Duel Stars Challenge? Well, you have come to the right place. This guide will guide you through the different decks, rules methods to be used to able to complete the new replay feature of Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM.
To access the Duel Stars Challenge, just enter an already completed Challenge or Duel Node. Refer below for more information.
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- Duel Stars Challenge Info and Rules -
For starters, it is recommended to gain more cards first by focusing more on the story mode.
Get the "Mirror Force" card from Chapter 19 and the "White Hole" card from Chapter 23. This will give you a wider range of cards for the Duel Star Challenges.
- Objectives related to the number of Duel Stars you currently have will give you some Free
Cards and Duel Points as rewards! This is a great opportunity to broaden your card pool.
The Rules
- 1 Card Hand = Your hand can only hold 1 card.
- 2 Card Hand = Your Hand can only hold 2 cards.
- Deck x2 = The opponent has 2 times his deck.
- Deck x3 = The opponent has 3 times his deck.
- Hurt = You lose a number of life at each round.
- Cripple All = All your Monsters lose a number of Power at each Round.
- Heal = The opponent gains a number of Life Points at each Round.
- Boost All = All the Opponent's Monsters gains a number Power at each Round.
- Life Points = You start the Duel with a number of Life Points.
- Fragile = All your Monsters are Fragile.
- Self-Destruct = All your Monsters Self-Destruct at Round End.
- (Specified Cards) Only: All your Monsters of a different Type than the specified cards are
destroyed when played.
The Rewards
001 Stars: 1 Duel Point
010 Stars: 1 Duel Point
025 Stars: 1 DP and Metalmorph (Spell)
050 Stars: 1 DP and Waboku (Spell)
075 Stars: 1 DP and Change of Heart (Spell)
100 Stars: 1 DP and Skull Stalker
125 Stars: 1 DP and Gokibore
150 Stars: 1 DP and Dark King of the Abyss
175 Stars: 1 DP and Garoozis
200 Stars: 1 DP and Water Magician
225 Stars: 1 DP and Yaranzo
250 Stars: 1 DP and Wodan the Resident of the Forest
275 Stars: 1 DP and Cyber Soldier of Darkworld
300 Stars: 1 DP and Horn of Heaven (Spell)
325 Stars: 1 DP and Magical Thorns (Spell)
350 Stars: 1 DP and Heavy Storm (Spell)
375 Stars: 1 DP and King Fog
400 Stars: 1 DP and Doma The Angel of Silence
425 Stars: 1 DP and Air Eater
450 Stars: 1 DP and Leogun
475 Stars: 1 DP and Acid Crawler
500 Stars: 1 DP and Blue-Eyes White Dragon

525 Stars: 1 DP and Sword of the Deep-Seated
550 Stars: 1 DP and Steel Ogre Grotto #1
575 Stars: 1 DP and De-Spell
600 Stars: 1 DP and Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness
625 Stars: 1 DP and Umi
650 Stars: 1 DP and Two-Mouth Darkruler
675 Stars: 1 DP and Stone Dragon
700 Stars: 1 DP and Evil Dragon Ananta
725 Stars: 1 DP and Fiend Kraken
750 Stars: 1 DP and A Feather of the Phoenix
775 Stars: 1 DP and Summoned Skull
800 Stars: 1 DP and Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua
825 Stars: 1 DP and Millennium Golem
850 Stars: 1 DP and Master Gig
875 Stars: 1 DP and Curse of Darkness
- Suggested Cards and Decks -
Deck x2, Deck x3 and Heal
- Almost normal, just use your preferred decks. For more deck options, go to the deck
building section here: Cards and Deck Building Guides
2 Card Hand, Hurt, Cripple All, Boost All and Life Points
- You can still use your preferred decks, just make sure that your monsters can build up their
Powers faster than your enemies. For more deck options, go to the deck building section
here: Cards and Deck Building Guides
- For Life Points rule, I recommend the Empathy Deck or any healing deck.
Fragile and Self-Destruct
- Modify your preferred deck and add White Hole or Waboku (if you can take the backfire)
spell cards. Build up your monster's Power to deal great damages.
- The Empathy Deck is also a great deck that can handle Waboku's Backfire effect.
- Shared Fate and Requiem Decks are also possible.
1 Card Hand
- Check your card pool and choose all monster cards with high Power and Life Points. Aim
for at least 10,000 to 12,000 Life Points. Preferably with helpful effects and can battle or survive alone.
- Add spell cards like Mirror Force, Just Desserts, or any spell cards that you want.
- I recommend to finish this last until you get those powerful cards (get 500 Duel Stars first).
- You only have 1 shot per Round, so make it count!
- For more in-depth 1 Card Hand guide, go here: 1-Card Hand Decks for Free Users
Monsters Only
- Remove all Spell cards from your deck then check your card pool for more monster cards
with at least 1200 Power (preferably with good effects).
- Use Decks that can boost Power fast. Dragon decks, Empathy decks, Dark decks with
"Temple of Skulls" cards, Drain Decks and more!
- At Chapter 23 (Monsters Only Node - Dragon Deck). You might want to switch to an all
monster Sneak and Shared Fate deck. Use example or similar cards like the one below.

monster Requiem and Shared Fate deck for this. Use example or similar cards like the one below.
- If your opponent's monster have less than 500 Power because of your Requiem, do not
place any monster card below them. Concentrate on the other two nodes instead. This will greatly conserve your monsters and will give you more cards to use in the end.

- For more info, refer here: Spells Only Deck Building Guide
NOTE: Use Side Deck Cards!
- If your opponent's deck is using a common Monster Type or Attribute, Check the Shop
for "Annihilate" spell cards that can destroy that Monster Type or Attribute.
- Example: "Exile of the Wicked" spell card annihilates or destroys all Fiends! (Chapter 24).
- Beating Specific Type Decks -
(Type of Deck) Only
- Except Monsters Only and Spells Only.
- Cards are still very limited and some of the useful ones can only be obtained by spending
Duel Points. So, how are we going to beat all the Specified Type Decks around?
The answer is simple, we will just create a single deck using Coins, Card Points and Free
Cards from rewards that can beat all specified type decks! Curious? Check the link below to learn more!
Beat all Type Decks Using a Single Deck!
- How to Beat all Type Decks in Duel Stars Challenge
- Hint: "Make the Rules Work for You!"
Related Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM Tips & Guides:
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM Tips, Tricks, Game Help and Info
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: How to Level Fast - Objectives Guide
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: How To Play or Duel - Player's Rule Book
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: How to Create and Use Customized Decks
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: Monster and Spell Card Effects
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: Duel Stars Challenge - Type Deck Locations
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: How to Beat all Type Decks in Duel Stars Challenge
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: 1-Card Hand Decks for Free Users
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: How to Level Fast - Objectives Guide
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: How To Play or Duel - Player's Rule Book
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: How to Create and Use Customized Decks
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: Monster and Spell Card Effects
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: Duel Stars Challenge - Type Deck Locations
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: How to Beat all Type Decks in Duel Stars Challenge
Yu-Gi-Oh! BAM: 1-Card Hand Decks for Free Users