Into the Dead comes with Mission Level sets to give you challenges while playing the game. To help you complete these missions, the guide below provides recommendations for every specific mission.
Completing Challenges will give some rewards like Coins and it will increase as you finish more Mission Levels. New weapons will be unlocked too after reaching specific mission levels.
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- Things To Mind Before We Start -
Mission Description:
- "In One Run" or "In a Single Run" = means you need to complete the mission
before you get caught by zombies.
- "In Total" or if not specified = means that the mission is cumulative, it can be done
after multiple runs.
Skip Mission
- Will cost you some Coins. Higher Mission Levels will cost you more.
- Only skip a Mission if it's impossible for you to complete or if the guide below
recommends it. Earn Coins and reserve them for this, especially at later levels.
- Guide to Missions and Levels -
Early Game Notes:- Try not to exceed 1500m for now to easily complete the "Set a New Distance
Record". Check 1st Mission - Level 3.
- Earn and conserve your Coins to get the Submachine Gun early game.
Mission - Level 1
- Collect a Weapon from a Crate
- Use a Perk = (Any Perk except Head Start. I recommend More Crates Perk.
Note that using a Perk will cost you 100 Coins per Perk per run. For now, equip only to complete certain missions.)
- View Weapon in the Armory
Mission - Level 2
- Use 2 Perks in one Run = (Any Perks except Head Start. I recommend Armed
Start and Ammo Boost.)
- Kill 2 Zombies in One Run
- Reach 250m in one Run
Mission - Level 3
- Set a New Distance Record = (This is the reason why I don't recommend Head
Start above. If you followed my advice, this is going to be easy.)
- Use a Full Perk Loadout = (You need at least 400 Coins. Unequip all Perks then
earn the Coins needed. Try not to exceed 1,600m~2,000m, check 1st mission of Level 5 below.)
- Kill 5 Zombies in One Run
Mission - Level 4
- Glance Off of a Zombie = (Just run just right beside the zombie. It will count once
the zombie bumps into you or pushes you.)
- Kill 5 Zombies with the Pistol
- Enter a Cornfield = (About 1,300m.)
Mission - Level 5
- Set Distance Record Without a Kill = (Use a Head Start, then break your record.
Do not kill any zombie though.)
- Jump 3 Fences
- Kill 10 Zombies in One Run
Mission - Level 6
- Chainsaw a Zombie while in Mid-air = (Go here: Chainsaw Zombie In Mid-Air)
- Kill 5 Zombies with the Chainsaw
- Run for 2000m in a Single Run = (Use Head Start if you can't do it.)
Mission - Level 7
- Kill 20 Zombies with the Pistol = (Shoot them twice for sure kill.)
- Make it through 10 Cornfields = (Reach above 1,400m to count. Make sure that
you have a weapon before reaching the Cornfields. Fast Unlock Submachine Gun for 3,500 Coins in the Armory to make this easier and to start earning more Coins per run.)

Mission - Level 8
- Reach 3,000m in One Run = (Submachine Gun will help you complete this.)
- Kill 5 Zombies with the Shotgun = (Can kill multiple zombies per shot!)
- Make it through 5 Forests = (Reach above 2,600m to count.)
Mission - Level 9
- Kill 20 Zombies with the Chainsaw
- Chainsaw 5 Zombies while in Mid-air = (Refer to 1st Mission - Level 6 above.)
- Run for 1,500m in Total without a Kill = (Use a Head Start if you want.)
Mission - Level 10
- Kill 200 Zombies in Total
- Kill 25 Zombies in One Run = (Submachine Gun will help you complete this.)
- Run 5,000m in Total
Mission - Level 11
- Run 21,097m in Total
- Glance Off of 25 Zombies = (Refer 1st Mission - Level 4 above.)
- Jump 25 Fences = (Jumping over Fallen Trees will also count!. It is easier to
complete this under Classic - Survival Game Mode.)
Mission - Level 12
- Reach 1,000m in One Run Without a Kill = (Use a Head Start if you want.)
- Kill 2 Zombies with One Shot = (Use a Chainsaw, Shotgun or Grenade.)
- Finish a Run 3 Days in a Row = (Refer here: Guide to Mission Level 12)
Mission - Level 13
- Kill 5 Zombies with the Revolver
- Run for 10,000m in Total
- Kill 500 Zombies in Total = (Choose which Mode do you think you can gain
more Coins per run. Example: Survival 2000m = 250 Coins, while around Massacre 20 Zombies = more or less 250 Coins. It is better to concentrate on earning Coins while doing missions. I recommend Survival though.)
Mission - Level 14
- Kill 20 Zombies with the Shotgun
- Run Over 2,000m Without a Kill = (Use a Head Start if you want.)
- Set 5 Distance Records Without a Kill = (Skip this mission! = 1300 Coins. You
should have way more than enough Coins by now.)
Mission - Level 15
- Kill 50 Zombies with the Pistol
- Kill 3 Zombies with One Shot = (Use a Chainsaw, Shotgun, Grenade or Rifle.)
- Run 42,195m in Total = (Just keep on earning Coins while doing missions. If you
are doing Survival, try to do more or less 3,000m average to get around 400 Coins per run!.)
From here on, you can play Hardcore Mode to complete missions that requires
you to kill a number of zombies using a specific weapon. Equip the required Weapon/s first before playing, and if you have enough Coins, you can also equip Armed Start Perks.
At this point of the game, you should be close to 40,000 Coins.
Mission - Level 16
- Reach 4,500m in a Single Run = (Survival Mode + Ammo Boost Perk +
Submachine Gun will do the trick. If you fail, it's ok because you will get a good amount of Coins anyway. Skip if you can't do it.)
- Kill 5 Zombies with the SMG
- Retrieve 65 Weapons From your Graves = (This will take a lot of time so it is
ok to skip this.)
Mission - Level 17
- Kill 100 Zombies in One Run = (Any Mode + Ammo Boost + Luck, but
if you can't do it after 10 tries, Skip it.)
- Kill 50 Zombies with the Chainsaw
- Glance Off of 300 Zombies = (Just Skip it!)
Mission - Level 18
- Finish a Run 7 Days in a Row = (Refer to 3rd Mission - Level 12 above.)
- Glance Off of 50 Trees = (Go inside Forests!)
- Kill 2,500 Zombies in Total = (Any Mode that you like, skip if you want.)
Mission - Level 19
- Reach 2,000m Without Glancing Off Zombies = (Classic Survival Mode + Head
Start + Armed Start then dodge/kill all zombies.)
- Glance Off of 3 Zombies in 3 Seconds = (Try to do it in an area with lots of
zombies, or skip if you can't do it.)
- Kill 50 Zombies with the Shotgun
Mission - Level 20
- Reach 2,000m in a Run Without a Weapon = (Survival Mode + Head Start then
avoid all zombies and Weapon Crates.)
- Kill 10 Zombies with Grenades
- Kill 20 Zombies with the Revolver
Mission - Level 21
- Kill 5 Zombies with One Shot = (Use Grenade.)
- Finish a Run 10 Days in a Row = (Refer to 3rd Mission - Level 12 above.)
- Kill 20 Zombies with the SMG
Mission - Level 22
- Glance Off of 500 Trees = (Just Skip it!)
- Kill 10 Zombies with the Assault Rifle
- Kill 50 Zombies with the Revolver
Mission - Level 23
- Run 100,000m in Total = (Just Skip it!)
- Jump 250 Fences = (Just Skip it!)
- Chainsaw 25 Zombies While in Mid Air = (Refer to 1st Mission - Level 6 above.)
Mission - Level 24
- Reach 5,000m in One Run without a Kill = (Just Skip it!)
- Kill 20 Zombies with Grenades
- Kill 10 Zombies with the Rifle = (Try to hit at least 2 Zombies per Shot.)
Mission - Level 25
- Kill 20 Zombies with the Rifle = (Try to hit at least 2 Zombies per Shot.)
- Kill 20 Zombies with the Assault Rifle
- Kill 50 Zombies with the Grenades = (Just Skip it!)
Mission - Level 26
- Kill 50 Zombies with the SMG
- Kill 50 Zombies with the Rifle = (Just Skip it!)
- Kill 50 Zombies with the Assault Rifle
From Here on, missions sets will become repetitive. The game will just get 3
missions above for you to complete per level.
- Keep on completing missions to increase your record. Refer to the mission
guides above on how to complete specific missions.
- Use the CTRL F function here and type the mission you need, to find it.
- Play with your friends and show off your record. Good Luck!
Related Into the Dead Tips & Guides:
Into the Dead: How to Earn More Coins - Survival Techniques