This game guide will cover all 7 Europe scenes and 42 stages of Zombie World War defense game. Some of the EUR stages are very tricky to complete because you will be encountering a horde of nasty zombies like Doctors, Fast Dogs, and Exploding Fat zombies!
Note that these are just suggestions and are not the only way to play the game. Please follow these series of guides to accurately complete all objectives needed while playing through the game.
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- Zombie World War: EUR (Easy Mode) -
Important Notes:
- USA Stages - Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide (Easy Mode)
- You must follow the guide above first for recommended upgrades, if you did, you
may proceed to the EUR guide below.
- Do not use the Lucky Slot or spend Cash, earn your Cash instead for future use.
- To learn how to effectively farm Coins, go here: Farming Guide
- If you are still having trouble completing a stage, upgrade your Wall.
- Complete all Stages labeled with "Extra Reward" to get more Cash and Coins.
- Once you have 190 Cash, buy the M82A1 sniper rifle and replace 95M below.

EUR Stage [1-1] to [1-6]
- Just continue using your 95M.
- No upgrades needed for now.
EUR Stage [2-1]
- Just continue using your 95M.
EUR Stage [2-2] to [2-4]
- Welcome to the first waves of Doctors!
- It is possible to complete the next 3 stages, but to make it a lot easier, go back to
USA Stage [6-6] and farm for your next weapon!. This is also a good opportunity to practice some Guard Combos.
- Complete all Stages labeled with "Extra Reward" to get more Cash and Coins.
- Do not use the Lucky Slot or spend Cash, earn your Cash instead for future use.

- Unlock Terminator Lv.1! This Guard has a weak damage at lower levels but no
need to upgrade, Lv.1 is all we need. This might take a while but it will make your battles against all upcoming Doctor zombie stages much easier!
- Get Wall Lv.5 or 6 too, after this, your good to go until the end of Egypt!
- Dual Shift Combo!
- Make sure that you only have M249 and 95M equipped.
- How?, just tap and hold your finger on the screen to attack, then use your other
hand/finger to continuously tap the red "switch weapon" button near your soldier! You'll be firing both weapons at once! Use this trick for shattering zombie hordes.
- Terminator > Ghost King > Hell's Messenger Combo!
- Go back to EUR Stage [2-3] or [2-4] and practice Guard Combos against those
waves with Doctor zombies.
- When the wave starts, just attack and kill some Doctor zombies in front of you,
but once you see a lot of them pouring out, tap (no need to drag and drop) Terminator to go nuclear, this will attack all zombies, letting them all teleport in front of you!. Right after they teleport, quickly tap (no need to drag and drop) Ghost King to freeze them all, time it well and it should look like this:

- After the freeze, use Hell's Messenger to kill all zombies that teleports next.
- Wait for the 2 Guards to cool-down then repeat combo if needed.
- New Game Update: Doctors are now weaker, but at higher stages/game modes,
this combo will greatly help you!
EUR Stage [2-5]
- Just continue using M249 or both weapons with your Guards.
EUR Stage [2-6]
- This is a very tricky Stage because there are 3 possible wave scenarios:
- 1) [Regular Zombies] > [Doctors and Fat Zombies] > [Regular Zombies]
- 2) [Regular Zombies] > [Regular Zombies] > [Doctors and Fat Zombies]
- 3) [Regular Zombies] > [Doctors and Fat Zombies] > [Doctors and Fat Zombies]
- Scenario 1 or 2 would be great, but if you land on Scenario 3, it would be harder.
- The upgrades and combos above can still dominate all scenarios though, the only
difference is that, you will need to use both weapons (Dual Shift Combo!) the whole period to keep those Fat zombies away from you.
- Prioritize Doctor zombies in front of you though.
EUR Stage [3-1] to [3-6]
- Just continue using M249 or both weapons with your Guards.
- Stage [3-4] and [3-5]:
- Doctor Zombies Again!, same strategy above, should be easy.
EUR Stage [4-1] to [4-6]
- Just continue using M249 or both weapons with your Guards.
EUR Stage [5-1] to [5-6] NEW UPDATE!
- Just continue using both M249 and 95M weapons with your Guards.
- Upgrade your Wall to Wall Lv.6, Fire Rate Lv.5, and Damage Lv.5 as you
go on through the game.
- Stage [5-5]:
- Doctors and Fat Zombies again!, refer to Stage [2-6], they are the same.
EUR Stage [6-1] to [6-6]
- Just continue using both M249 and 95M weapons with your Guards.
EUR Stage [7-1] to [7-6]
- Just continue using both M249 and 95M weapons with your Guards.
- Stage [7-4]: Doctors and Fat Zombies again!, should be easy though.
- Next, UAE/EGY Stages - Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide Part 3
Related Zombie World War Tips & Guides:
Zombie World War: How To Get More Coins - Farming Stages
Zombie World War: Stages with Lots of Dogs, Doctors or Fat Zombies