Cash Shop Items that can only be bought by Rubies can also be traded to other players. Unfortunately, not all items from the Cash Shop can be traded, to learn which items are available for trade, refer to the list below.
This is also a guide for all players that are farming Rubies and planning to buy Cash Shop items for their main account or character. It will save buyers from purchasing items that can't be traded after all the hard work!
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- Tradable: Direct from Cash Shop Items -
Popular Items Section
- Big Bag: This bag can contain all sorts of things (8 slots).
- Popular New Head Gears NEW!
Equip Section
- Items from Equip Boxes can be traded too! (Not Equip Boxes).
Consumable Items Section
- Auctioneer's Compendium: Allows you to register 5 more items to the Auction
Hall. (Max item Registrations: 20)
- Secret Auction Book: Lets you extend your item registration period at the
Auction Hall to 7 days.
Materials Section

or Cash Shop)
- Artisan Hammer: A hammer that is made of Superior Tin. (Composition
Artificer or Cash Shop)
- Celestial Hammer: A hammer that is made of Superior Mithril. (Composition
Artificer or Cash Shop)

Garnet. (Composition Artificer or Cash Shop)
- Artisan Magic Stone: A magic stone that is carved out of a Superior Topaz.
(Composition Artificer or Cash Shop)
- Celestial Magic Stone: A magic stone that is carved out of a Superior Amethyst.
(Composition Artificer or Cash Shop)

Artificer or Cash Shop)
- Artisan Stick: A stick that is carved out of a Superior Jujube Wood.
(Composition Artificer or Cash Shop)
- Celestial Stick: A stick that is carved out of a Superior Wooden Heart.
(Composition Artificer or Cash Shop)

(Composition Artificer or Cash Shop)
- Artisan Fabric: Fabric that is made out of Superior Silk. (Composition Artificer
or Cash Shop)
- Celestial Fabric: Fabric that is made out of Superior Dark Cloth. (Composition
Artificer or Cash Shop)
Pet Section
- Pets from Pet Eggs can be traded too! (Not Pet Eggs).
- Items above can't be registered to the Auction Hall.
- If an item not listed above becomes tradable in the future, please let me know by
using the comment section below.
- To get more free Rubies, go here: How to Get More Free Rubies Per Day
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