Spellborne: How To Catch Mons (Increase Capture Rate)

Here are some tips for beginners, on how to increase your Capture Rates and catch all wild Mons in the monster catching adventure MMORPG browser game - Spellborne.

Refer below to learn how to reduce the HP of target Mons to reach the ideal target range for capture, Good luck!

Spellborne - Day Care Captured Mons

How To Increase Capture Rates:

1) Reduce Mon's HP Down to 1~3 HP

   - Take note that in Spellborne, Lower HP = Better Capture Rates, so aim for 1~3 HP, but for best results, aim for 1 or 2 HP especially if you are using Common Crystals.

2) Consider the Mon's Lvl

   - Aside from reducing HP, the Lvl of the Mon you are trying to catch also affects capture rates.
   - For example, Lvl 1~4 wild Mons are easier to capture compared to Lvl 8~12 wild Mons.
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Type of Crystals To Use

Spellborne Crystals
(Image Source: Spellborne Wiki)

Use Better Crystals To Increase Capture Rates

   - Buy them from the Greater Market in-game, though crafting, or by completing certain missions/tasks/quests/events (given as rewards).

   - For beginners, just use Common Crystals for now, save better Crystals for future use or if you think it's OK to use them to capture certain Mons.

   - Save your Prismatic Crystals for capturing hard to find and capture Mons.

Example Capture Rates Using Common Crystals:

   - Lvl 1~12 Mon with 1 HPCommon Crystals capture rate around 99% (failed x3 so far).

   - Lvl 1~5 Mon with 2 HP = Common Crystals capture rate around 95%~80%.
   - Lvl 6~12 Mon with 2 HP = Common Crystals capture rate around 75%~50%.
   - *Note: Above list is only based from our initial tests, not 100% accurate.

   - Lvl 1~4 Mon with 3 HP = Common Crystals capture rate around 90%~75%.
   - Lvl 5~12 Mon with 3 HP = Common Crystals capture rate around 70%~33%.
   - *Note: Above list is only based from our initial tests, not 100% accurate.

   - Lvl 1~12 Mon with 4 HP = Common Crystals are not recommended, avoid if possible to conserve your Crystals.
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Helpful Mons For Capturing

Spellborne - Poison Move

Toadle/Frogge: Toxicity Move (Poison)

   - Toadles can be found early game in Sunshine Trail (pond area) near Heiwa Village.
   - Lvl up your Toadle to Lvl 13 to unlock the Toxicity Move (Poison).

   - Other Early Game Mons with Toxicity Move:
   - Snetail = Can be found early game in Sunshine Trail (3rd grass area, harder to find than Toadles).
   - Lvl up your Snetail to Lvl 17 to unlock the Toxicity Move (Poison).

How To Use Poison

   - The idea here is to reduce the Mon's HP first (below 20 or even lower HP), then use Poison to slowly reduce the HP until it hits 1~2 HP (ideal target range for capture).
Spellborne - Poison Move
   - Poison Damage Per Tick = Check the Mon's HP to track the damage, it can go from 0 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 or 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5. Poison damages are inconsistent, but usually increases by 1 dmg per turn.

  - NOTE: Using Poison too early or when the Mon's HP is still kinda high would result to higher Poison damage per tick, making it harder to capture.

  - TIP: While Poison is in effect, do not use moves that can damage the Mon, so either use Status moves like "Friendship" and "Intimidation" to skip turns, or simply switch to a different Mon.

   - WARNING!: If you fail to capture the Mon at 2~3 HP, the Mon would probably faint from Poison! One way is to use Common Crystals when the Mon's HP is 1 or 2 (3 HP is still a gamble), and use Super Crystals when the Mon's HP is 3 or 4 and about to faint from Poison (only if you think that Mon is good enough to catch though, otherwise you can just let it faint).

How To Stop Poison?

   - Use any Status move to inflict status effects to the Mon, over-riding the Poison effect.

Hachibee/Marubee: Para-Sting Move (Paralysis)

   - Hachibees can be found early game in Sunshine Trail (3rd grass area, kinda harder to find and only appears during the day).
   - Lvl up your Hachibee to Lvl 11 to unlock the Para-Sting Move (Paralysis).

How To Use Paralysis

   - The idea here is to control Poison damages. If you think the Poison damage is getting too high, you can switch to your Hachibee or Marubee then inflict Paralysis to the target to stop the Poison!
   - Once done, use Poison again to reset the Poison Damage back to 0 or 1.
Spellborne - Para Sting Paralysis
   - You can do this multiple times if you want or until you can reduce the target Mon's HP to 1 or 2 (ideal target range for capture). Just make sure that your Mons got enough SP.

   - WARNING!: Para-Sting move has 90 Accuracy so it is NOT a guaranteed hit, so if you are unlucky, the target might still faint from Poison. Also note that 90 Accuracy can go lower against Mons that can increase their Evasion or decrease your Mon's Accuracy.

   - To mitigate this problem, one way is to avoid using Para-Sting if the target Mon is going to faint from Poison Damage next turn (already too late, unless you want to gamble), so it's best to use Paralysis 2 turns before the target faints from Poison (to get a 2nd chance if it fails).
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More Spellborne Tips and Guides:

-  >  Monster Type Chart (Strengths and Weaknesses)

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   - NOTE: Gameplay info above or in-game might change anytime depending on game updates, feel free to share some tips below, thanks! ^^

That's it guys, thank you for checking our How To Catch Mons (Increase Capture Rate) for the monster catching adventure MMORPG browser game - Spellborne.

Spellborne: Monster Type Chart (Strengths and Weaknesses)

Here are some tips for beginners, on how to identify your Mon's strengths and weaknesses in the monster catching adventure MMORPG browser game - Spellborne.

Use the Monster Type Chart below as reference to help you with your battles! Good luck ^^

Spellborne Type Chart

Monster Types:

Primary and Secondary Types

   - Each monster will get two Types: 1 Primary Type (main) and 1 Secondary Type (sub).
   - Primary Types = Land, Water and Air.
   - Secondary Types = Apocalyptic, FireIce, ElectricPoisonHeavy, and Normal.

Example Type Matchup:


Spellborne Woodot
   - Woodot (Free Starter Mon) = is a Land/Heavy Type Mon.
   - Woodot's Land type moves are strong against Water type Mons, but weak against Air type Mons.
   - Woodot's Normal type moves are neutral so it won't get any Type advantage. Still useful for catching mons using weaker attacks, or when you need other moves aside from Land attacks.


   - Since Land types are weak from Air type moves, you might want to avoid battling against Mons that can use Air type moves.
   - Since Heavy types are weak from Fire and Electric type moves, you might want to consider and avoid battling against them as well, unless their Primary Type is Water ~ then you have a chance.

Basic Squad Composition

   - Build a balanced squad with varied types to cover most scenarios (team flexibility when running though a specific area, dungeon, or map, or when hunting a specific Mon). Switch or add them to your squad once needed.

   - For beginners, capture at least x1 Land, x1 Water, and x1 Air Mon for your team, then expand depending on what you need or want to play with.
Spellborne Squad Composition
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Things To Watch Out!

Basic Move Sets and Power

1) You Did Not Edit or Set Your Moves Correctly!

   - Make sure to use correct moves to maximize your Mon's potential. Getting all Normal type moves and ignoring other Types that could make your Mon more versatile in battle is not recommended.

2) You Have The Moves But Power Is Just Too Low.

   - For Example:
   - Your Mon = A Land/Ice Type Mon.
   - Your Opponent's Mon = An Air/Apocalyptic Type Mon.
   - Both Mons will get type advantage because Ice is strong against Apocalyptic and Air is strong against Land.

   - For this match, it is most likely that the Mon with higher Power will win. If your best Ice move can only do 35 Power but your opponent's Air move can do 80 Power, then you'll probably lose! So also consider the Power of your moves even if you have type advantage.

Basic Moves and Stats

1) You Did Not Edit or Set Your Moves Correctly!

   - Like getting all Physical Class moves but your Mon's Attack stat is very low, and you invested all points to Special Attack for example.
   - Unless you are building a Special Attack build Mon but your Mon's early game moves are all Attack Moves (like Dynorat for example), this is OK until you can unlock what you need.  

2) You Have The Best Move Set But You Invested On The Wrong Stats.

   - TIP: Moves and stats goes hand in hand, check the move list of your Mon (including evolved forms) then decide which Move Class and Attribute to focus on. Preferably, focus or invest on your Mon's strongest or most useful moves.
Spellborne Wiki
   - NOTE: How To Check My Mon's Moves List?
   - You can check them by using this useful wiki: Spellborne Wiki

   - TIP: Another way is to check your Mon's Attack and Special Attack stats (Innate Stats from your Mon's stats info and Base Stats from the Book of Knowledge in-game (as reference only, still need confirmation if this is accurate though)). If for example Attack is way higher than Special Attack = check your Mon's move list if it's ok to focus on Physical attack moves, if it's not competitive enough then try to catch a new Mon with higher Special Attack stat.

   - Attack (ATK): This stat affects how much damage a monster’s Physical moves deal.
   - Special Attack (SP.ATK): This stat affects how much damage a monster’s Special moves deal.

Physical Moves VS Special Moves

   - TIP: In addition to the Type Chart above, it looks like the game favors Special moves more than Physical moves at the moment (might change anytime). Special moves deals more damage (higher type multiplier) compared to a Physical move with same Type and Power.

Abilities (Mon's Passives)

   - Watch out for Abilities that can enhance your Mon's damage or defense (affecting type advantage or disadvantages), these can turn the tides of battle if used correctly!
   - TIP: Abilities are also important when deciding which moves and stats/attributes to focus on.

   - Example early game Mons:

Toadle + Hydrotic Ability

Spellborne Toadle
   - Hydrotic is a rare ability that increases all Water Type moves by 25%.
   - So you might want to focus on high Power Water moves and enhance those with correct stats.

Dynorat + Zealous Flame Ability

Spellborne Dynorat
   - Zealous Flame is a rare ability that increases all Fire type moves by 50% but Water damage received is doubled.
   - Focus on high Power Fire moves and enhance those with correct stats.

Pandoro + High Mass Ability

Spellborne Pandoro
   - High Mass is a rare ability that increases all Heavy type moves by 25% but speed is divided by 2.
   - Focus on Heavy type moves and enhance those with correct stats.

Abilities Quick Info:

   - A passive Ability is possessed by every monster. Each species has 3 Abilities: Common, Uncommon and Rare (60%, 35% and 5% respectively).
   - Players can change the ability of the monster using Mark of Janus item (random from remaining 2 Abilities).
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More Spellborne Tips and Guides:

-  >  How To Catch Mons (Increase Capture Rate)

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   - NOTE: Gameplay info above or in-game might change anytime depending on game updates, feel free to share some tips below, thanks! ^^

That's it guys, thank you for checking our Tips on Monster Type Chart (Strengths and Weaknesses) for the monster catching adventure MMORPG browser game - Spellborne.

Pixels: Wine Not? Muckchuck Mead Quest - How To Complete

Here are some tips on how to complete the "Wine Not? Muckchuck Mead Quest" using the best methods (less resources possible) in the building platform, simulation, and adventure game - Pixels.

How To Trigger Quest: Go to the south west area of Terravilla (24 hours after completing the previous "Wine Not?" quest) then go inside the Drunken Goose, talk to Goose to start the quest. You'll need 24 bottles of Muckchuck Mead to complete this quest.
Pixels Winery For Wine Making

Wine Not? Muckchuck Mead Quest


   - 24 Muckchuck Mead = 576 Muckchuck, 72 Honey, 240 Cooking Mix.
   - 1 Muckchuck Mead = 24 Muckchuck, 3 Honey, and 10 Cooking Mix.
   - Energy Required = 96 Energy (4 Energy Per Bottle).

   - Cooking Mix = 10 Berries each (Buck's Galore Shop).
   - Estimated Total Cost = Around 23,000 to 30,700 Berries.

   - Reward = 28,800 Berries and 2 bottles of Muckchuck Mead.

How To Make Wines?

Pixels WineryPixels Muckchuck Mead
   - The Winery is located south west of Terravilla, you can use Wineries from other lands as well.
   - You should be able to make this wine if you followed all pervious quests, the required Beverage Master Skill is Lvl 18.

Honey and What To Do With My Wax From Queen Bees?

Pixels HoneyPixels Wax
   - You should still have your Queen Bees from previous quests, so Honey shouldn't be a problem.
   - Just keep your Wax for now.
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Method A: Do Everything

Plant and Harvest Everything

   - Estimated Total Cost = Around 23,000 Berries
   - Estimated Energy = Around 5,000 Energy
   - Method A and Method B are almost on par based on Total Cost and Energy Consumed after rewards so any method is fine, but if you only have around 23,000 Berries, consider Method A.

Complete Quest

   - Muckchucks requires Lvl 32 Farming Skill to plant them.
   - Just follow the requirements and complete the quest, good luck! ^^
Pixels Muckchuck MeadPixels Muckchuck Mead
   - NOTE: Sell the 2 Muckchuck Mead (2400 Total Berries NPC price) you received as a reward, even higher if sold in the Marketplace.
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Method B: Buy Most Items

Buy From Other Players or From the Marketplace

   - NOTE: You can only buy in the Marketplace or do P2P trades after reaching the required "Reputation Score" in-game (check and test). This might change anytime though depending on updates.
   - Go to the Marketplace (upper area inside the Buck's Galore) to buy or check prices. When buying, go for prices that are lower than the price in the Marketplace or Shops (find good deals).

   - Estimated Total Cost = Around 30,700 Berries
   - Estimated Energy = Around 96 or 156 Energy
   - Method A and Method B are almost on par based on Total Cost and Energy Consumed after rewards so any method is fine, but if you only have around 23,000 Berries, consider Method A because this method would require around 30,700 Berries.

Buy All Muckchucks and Complete The Quest

   - Buy Muckchucks = 49.1 Berries or lower is a good deal, ok until 49.3 Berries. If 49.5 Berries or higher consider farming Muckchucks instead (Method A).
   - Just follow the requirements and complete the quest, good luck! ^^
Pixels Muckchuck MeadPixels Muckchuck Mead
   - NOTE: Sell the 2 Muckchuck Mead (2400 Total Berries NPC price) you received as a reward, even higher if sold in the Marketplace.
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That's it guys, thank you for checking our Wine Not? Muckchuck Mead Quest - How To Complete Guide for the building platform, simulation, and adventure PC browser game - Pixels.

Pixels: Wine Not? Hotato Hotka Quest - How To Complete

Here are some tips on how to complete the "Wine Not? Hotato Hotka Quest" using the best methods (less resources possible) in the building platform, simulation, and adventure game - Pixels.

How To Trigger Quest: Go to the south west area of Terravilla (24 hours after completing the previous "Wine Not?" quest) then go inside the Drunken Goose, talk to Goose to start the quest. You'll need 24 bottles of Hotka to complete this quest.
Pixels Winery For Wine Making

Wine Not? Hotato Hotka Quest


   - 24 Hotato Hotka = 576 Hotato, 72 Honey, 240 Cooking Mix.
   - 1 Hotato Hotka = 24 Hotato, 3 Honey, and 10 Cooking Mix.
   - Energy Required = 48 Energy (2 Energy Per Bottle).

   - Cooking Mix = 10 Berries each (Buck's Galore Shop).

   - Reward = 16,800 Berries and 2 bottles of Hotka.

How To Make Wines?

Pixels WineryPixels Hotato Hotka
   - The Winery is located south west of Terravilla, you can use Wineries from other lands as well.
   - You should be able to make this wine if you followed all pervious quests, the required Beverage Master Skill is Lvl 5.

Honey and What To Do With My Wax From Queen Bees?

Pixels HoneyPixels Wax
   - You should still have your Queen Bees from previous quests, so Honey shouldn't be a problem.
   - Just keep your Wax for now.
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Method A: Do Everything

Plant and Harvest Everything

   - Unfortunately, only lands owners can generate Hotato seeds with their exclusive skill  "Redifferentiator" and using the "Quantum Recombinator" that can be found inside the P.L.O.T. Building near the center of Terravilla.

   - At this moment, you can't trade seeds as well...
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Method B: Buy Most Items

Buy From Other Players or From the Marketplace

   - NOTE: You can only buy in the Marketplace or do P2P trades after reaching the required "Reputation Score" in-game (check and test). This might change anytime though depending on updates.
   - Go to the Marketplace (upper area inside the Buck's Galore) to buy or check prices. When buying, go for prices that are lower than the price in the Marketplace or Shops (find good deals).

Option 1: Buy Hotato Seeds

   - You can buy seeds from the Marketplace, but you need to reach Farming Skill Lvl 25 first to be able to plant the seeds. Prices are kinda expensive at the moment though...better wait for it to go down.
   - Check the prices in the Marketplace and compare them, go for the cheapest option.

Option 2: Buy All Hotato Crops

Pixels Hotato
   - Hotato crops are kinda expensive as well, better wait for it to come down around 30 Berries (depends on supply and demand).
   - Check the prices in the Marketplace and compare them, go for the cheapest option.

Option 3: Buy Hotkas

Pixels Hotato Hotka
   - Buying Hotkas might be a better option (prices varies depending on supply and demand), but if you want to get them cheap, you need to wait for prices to go down below 800 or 900 Berries. 800x24 = 19,200 Berries needed (you would only lose 2400 Berries after getting the 16,800 reward).
   - Check the prices in the Marketplace and compare them, go for the cheapest option.

Option 4: Stop Here For Now

   - If you think prices are way too high than the reward... it might be best to stop here for now. Complete this quest when prices are low or if you have extra Berries to spend.

Complete Quest

   - Just follow the requirements and complete the quest, good luck! ^^
Pixels Hotato HotkaPixels Hotato Hotka
   - NOTE: Sell the 2 Hotato Hotkas (1400 Total Berries NPC price) you received as a reward, even higher if sold in the Marketplace. At this point you should be able to take back all investments you've made on your Queen Bees, Chickens, or Silk Slugs.
   - NOTE: You can also save your 2 Hotato Hotkas for the "Fuy Gieri Barbequest!" quest if you want, bot most probably it's cheaper to buy the items needed from the marketplace instead.
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That's it guys, thank you for checking our Wine Not? Hotato Hotka Quest - How To Complete Guide for the building platform, simulation, and adventure PC browser game - Pixels.

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