If you are wondering why certain Special Pack Offers like the Starter Pack or Warrior Pack doesn't appear anymore while playing in the real-time action and arcade reverse tower-defense game - Royal Revolt 2, then you've come to the right place for answers!
Special Package Offers will randomly pop-out after raiding other kingdoms. They offer discounted items that would really get your attention, especially for the discounted 3rd Spell Slot!, but based on our experience, these offers are somewhat elusive...
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- The Mystery Behind The Special Package Offers! -
For Free or Non Cash Users!
- To cut it short, the truth is, it's impossible to get even 1 offer if you are a Free user like me!...
- Why!? Yes, because if you have lower Gems than the offer, the offer will pop-out like crazy after some raids!, but if you have enough Gems for it, it will never show up!, or another offer will pop-out with higher Gems requirement ~ LOL!,
- It's not an in-game bug or what, it's all part of their business plan!
- The best thing to do now, is to earn your Gems and buy the 3rd Spell Slot (600 Gems) alone. So far, it's one of the best option for your hard earned Gems.
- So, if you really really want these offers, the only way is to spend real cash and gems for it. Refer below to learn how to make the offers reappear.
Frequently Asked Question:
- Hey!, I'm a free user and I got interested on the pop-out offer, so I went and purchased some Gems from the Shop, but when I came back, the offer is gone! Why!?
- Answer: You must purchase the offer on the spot or right away, then you should get the offer automatically. Note: The offer will disappear once you close (X) it! Not only that, you'll never see it again because you have higher Gems now!
- If you did it right, and something went wrong, report your problem here: feedback.flaregames.com.
- Why!? Yes, because if you have lower Gems than the offer, the offer will pop-out like crazy after some raids!, but if you have enough Gems for it, it will never show up!, or another offer will pop-out with higher Gems requirement ~ LOL!,
- It's not an in-game bug or what, it's all part of their business plan!
- The best thing to do now, is to earn your Gems and buy the 3rd Spell Slot (600 Gems) alone. So far, it's one of the best option for your hard earned Gems.
- So, if you really really want these offers, the only way is to spend real cash and gems for it. Refer below to learn how to make the offers reappear.
Frequently Asked Question:
- Hey!, I'm a free user and I got interested on the pop-out offer, so I went and purchased some Gems from the Shop, but when I came back, the offer is gone! Why!?
- Answer: You must purchase the offer on the spot or right away, then you should get the offer automatically. Note: The offer will disappear once you close (X) it! Not only that, you'll never see it again because you have higher Gems now!
- If you did it right, and something went wrong, report your problem here: feedback.flaregames.com.

For Cash or Gems Users!
- I recommend that you wait for the offer you like to appear first before purchasing Gems, preferably the 75% ones. Remember to purchase the offer on the spot or right away!
- But, if you purchased Gems before, and the offers are not appearing, the only way to make them reappear is to spend your Gems until you have under 300 Gems!
- Spend your Gems on removing "Ruins" (start near your Castle Gate), or any that you like except leveling your Hero! (required Food to Raid increases based on your Hero's Lvl.)
- I did this personally, and after 1 raid, the offers popped out again like crazy! ~ LOL!
- Note: It looks like if your Hero is at Lvl 40+, offers are getting rare...
- If something went wrong, report your problem here: feedback.flaregames.com.
- Good Luck! ^^,
- But, if you purchased Gems before, and the offers are not appearing, the only way to make them reappear is to spend your Gems until you have under 300 Gems!
- Spend your Gems on removing "Ruins" (start near your Castle Gate), or any that you like except leveling your Hero! (required Food to Raid increases based on your Hero's Lvl.)
- I did this personally, and after 1 raid, the offers popped out again like crazy! ~ LOL!
- Note: It looks like if your Hero is at Lvl 40+, offers are getting rare...
- If something went wrong, report your problem here: feedback.flaregames.com.
- Good Luck! ^^,
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