Here's a list of Troops and info guide for the real-time action and arcade reverse tower-defense game - Royal Revolt 2! If you are looking for some good Troops to use for raiding other kingdoms, this guide will help you decide by providing some info through polls to see what other experienced players think is good!
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- Royal Revolt 2: Best Top Troops to Use! (Based From Polls!) -
Leadership increases the overall number of Troops that you can summon when raiding, to increase your Leadership Skill, level up your Hero as you progress through the game. I don't recommend leveling up your Hero with Gems though because it will also increase your Food requirement per Raid!
If you are still unsure which Troops to take, read more about their Strengths and Weaknesses here: List of Troops - Info, Strengths and Weaknesses
or select the "View Results" buttons below to learn what other players prefer. ^^
Best Top Troops For Defending Kingdoms (Poll Based)
- Go here: Royal Revolt 2: Best Top Troops for Defense - Polls
Poll #1: Best Top Troops To Use Early Game (Choose 1 or 2)
Choose 1 or 2 Troops below that you think (based from your experience) is best for raiding other kingdoms early game. Note that your Hero's Leadership Skill is somewhat low at this point of the game, refer to the number on the Troop's portrait to see their summoning requirement.

Poll #2: Best Top Troops To Use Mid Game (Choose 2 or 3)
Choose 2 or 3 Troops below that you think (based from your experience) is best for raiding other kingdoms mid game! Refer to the number on the Troop's portrait to see their summoning requirement.

Poll #3: Best Top Troops To Use Late Game (Choose 2 or 3)
Choose your final 2 or 3 Troops below that you think (based from your experience) is best for raiding other kingdoms late game! Refer to the number on the Troop's portrait to see their summoning requirement.

Thank you for your participation, please feel free to use the comment section below if you like to explain more about your choices. ^^
Related Royal Revolt 2 Tips & Guides:
Royal Revolt 2: List and Best Spells to Use - Strengths and Weaknesses
Royal Revolt 2: Best Top Spells to Use Early Game, Mid Game, and Late Game
Royal Revolt 2: List of Troops - Info, Strengths and Weaknesses
Royal Revolt 2: Best Top Troops for Defense - Polls
Royal Revolt 2: List of Towers and Defensive Path Structures - Info, Strengths and Weaknesses
Royal Revolt 2: Best Top Towers and Defensive Path Structures for Defense - Polls
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