Here's the Page #2 of the game guide Royal Revolt 2: How to Earn Lots of Medals and Win Leagues or Tournaments in the real-time action and arcade reverse tower-defense game - Royal Revolt 2! The 1st Page of this guide can be found here: Royal Revolt 2: How to Earn Lots of Medals and Win Leagues or Tournaments
This section will include some tips on how to effectively farm Medals to increase your League Rank, and strategies on how to win League Tournaments!
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- Farming Medals Strategy #2: Maintaining Ranks! -
Here you can get a good amount of Medals by just raiding 1 kingdom, less hustle browsing the Global Leaderboards for potential raids.
- Find a Kingdom from your League that has 150 Medals or more, just check and make sure you can at least reach their Castle Gate, yup, no need to destroy the Gate!.
Step #2:
- If you think you can, add that kingdom to your "Favorites" because you'll need to attack that same kingdom later (if the results are good enough for you). If you can't find any, just do the normal strategy above for now.
Step #3:
- Proceed and destroy all or most towers until you reach the Castle Gate to get 2 Crowns. Note that you can also ignore some powerful Towers by using the "Hero Scream!" (tap on the Hero's Portrait).
- Mind the time and DO NOT destroy their Gate to get around 60% Battle Completion! Why? because your aim here is to get 1 or 2 Crowns, at least 75 Medals, and Negative/Positive Trophies to maintain your Rank!
- Use Hero Scream to pull your troops away from the Castle Gate.
Step #4:
- Now, go back to that same kingdom, and do a raid again. Here you'll notice that the number of Medals and Trophies is still close to the previous one!, this is because you didn't increase your Trophy Rank too high.
- Sample Raiding Results #1: Kingdom A
- Raid #1: 40 Trophies and 204 Medals = 2 Crowns, 59%, 118 Medals and +13 Trophies.
- Raid #2: 38 Trophies and 195 Medals = 2 Crowns, 59%, 113 Medals and +11 Trophies.
- Raid #3: 36 Trophies and 187 Medals = 2 Crowns, 50%, 93 Medals and +4 Trophies.
Note: Stats will change if the enemy player is online or if you attack other kingdoms.
- If you're getting consecutive positive trophies, try to reduce your completion percentage to get negative trophies, and to maintain your rank.
- Sample Raiding Results #2: Kingdom B
- Raid #1: 29 Trophies and 159 Medals = 2 Crowns, 62%, 98 Medals and +4 Trophies.
- Raid #2: 28 Trophies and 157 Medals = 2 Crowns, 63%, 97 Medals and +4 Trophies.
- Raid #3: 27 Trophies and 154 Medals = 2 Crowns, 52%, 79 Medals and -4 Trophies.
- Raid #4: 28 Trophies and 157 Medals = 2 Crowns, 63%, 97 Medals and +4 Trophies.
- Sample Raiding Results #3: Kingdom C
- Raid #1: 34 Trophies and 180 Medals = 2 Crowns, 65%, 116 Medals and +12 Trophies.
- Raid #2: 32 Trophies and 172 Medals = 1 Crowns, 50%, 85 Medals and +0 Trophies.
- Raid #3: 32 Trophies and 172 Medals = 1 Crowns, 50%, 85 Medals and +0 Trophies.
- Raid #4: 32 Trophies and 172 Medals = 1 Crowns, 50%, 85 Medals and +0 Trophies.
- Raid #5: 32 Trophies and 172 Medals = 1 Crowns, 50%, 85 Medals and +0 Trophies.
Note: As you increase your kingdom's overall upgrades, Medal count gained from raiding will also increase.
- Farming Medals: About Degrading Ranks! -
If you think of it, it should work, but the truth is, once you can finally attack your beefed up kingdom and finish with 50% to 60% completion, you'll still get a high number of positive Trophies!, that's the problem, so in the long run, on my opinion, it's not recommended. Both strategies above are still better, especially when you can earn 90+ Medals per raid.
If you want to experiment on it, here's how:
- Find and attack kingdoms with very low Trophies (0 to 5), then just let your hero die, do not attack any buildings and do not advance.
- Winner's Strategy #1: Stealing First Place! -
Aside from the usual methods where you just keep playing and see if you end up 1st place, here I'll show you one of the trickiest ways to win tournaments, even FREE USERS can do this! Yes, there is a risk involved though but the rewards are good, especially when you are confident enough to gamble your Time, Food and some Gems!
Example: @ Platinum League (1 day and 23 hours)
- 1st Place = 175 Gems
- 2nd Place = 70 Gems
- 3rd Place = 35 Gems
- 4th and 5th Place 18 Gems, and the rest, 4 Gems.
Step #1:
- Just do the usual Medal farming strategies, preferably the 2nd one.
- Try to maintain your Tournament Leaderboard Rank to 1, 2 or 3 because the higher your ranks is, the better, coz it's easier and you'll consume less Food/Gems to steal the top position.
- Track heavy Gem users or other competitors that are also using this method. Just stay at 2nd place (about 100~300 Medals lower that the 1st).
- If you think the other competitors are too cheesy far from you (heavy Gem users and some because of hackers), maybe it's better to prepare for the next tourney instead, your choice.
Step #2:
- Continue until the time remaining is around 1 hour or 30 minutes.
- For Platinum League, you can actually use up to 100 Gems, don't use more than that because the 2nd placer will get more Gems than you after the tourney, and thus, it will defeat the purpose!

- Option #1:
- Go to your Silo > Get Food > Refill Silo using "Facebook Invites", repeat if necessary.

- Go to your Silo > Get Food > then Get Food using Gems, repeat if necessary.
Step #3:
- Go and outrank the 1st placer with 100 Medals or more!

- You must be at 1st place, then just wait for the time to expire to receive your Gems!
- Winner's Strategy #2: Destroying Momentum! -
This is the most risky way to win, but if you can pull this smoothly, the tourney is yours all the way!
Step #1:
- Before the new Tournament, make sure you have full Silo and Farms.
Step #2:
- It's simple, right from the start, do non-stop Raids to massively increase your Medal count, then refill your Silo using "Facebook Invites" or Gems for more Raids!

Step #3:
- Aim for 1k, 2k, or more Medals early on, outrank everyone!
- This will break the momentum of other players and discourages them to pursue 1st place!
- Beware of hackers and players with same intent though!Step #4:
- Note: You still need to be active every 3 hours if possible to increase your lead until the end. Do not let them get a chance to outrank you!
Related Royal Revolt 2 Tips & Guides:
Royal Revolt 2: How to Earn Lots of Medals and Win Leagues or Tournaments
Royal Revolt 2: Best Top Troops for Raiding - Polls
Royal Revolt 2: Special Package Offers - How to Make Them Reappear?
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