Here's a list of Towers and Defensive Structures with their specific info, for the real-time action and arcade reverse tower-defense game - Royal Revolt 2! This section will cover some brief in-game info about Towers, Barricades, Spikes, and Blockades, with in-depth shortcuts to easily determine their strengths and weaknesses.
The Polls section is available on the second page of this guide, see below for the link.
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- Royal Revolt 2 Towers and Path Defensive Structures: Info, Strengths and Weaknesses -
Important Notes:
- Spells, Troops, and Defensive Structures not listed below will dish or absorb fixed/default damages, no percentage increase nor reduction.
- All Strengths and Weaknesses below are based from in-game stats.
- Defensive Structures: For Paths -

Base Stats: Damage 58 | Health 1,150
- Attacks
- Strong Against = None, based from in-game stats, but they can hit multiple targets!
- Not Effective Against = Paladins, Cannons, Mortars, Pyromancers and Frosters.
- Defenses
- Immune to Some Units = Knights, Archers, Frosters, Pyromancers, Arblasters and Mortars.
- Immune to Some Spells = Some spells like Firestorm, Blizzard, and Toxic Cloud doesn't affect Spikes...might be a bug though...
- Sturdy From Normal Attacks (100%) = Bladestorm and Apocalypse (Scroll). Knights ignore Spikes!
- Sturdy From Piercing Attacks (100%) = Swordrain. Archers and Arblasters have Piercing attacks but they ignore Spikes too.
- Weak From = None, based from in-game stats, but they have low HP though. Note: Only Heroes, Paladins and Cannons are able to destroy traps without getting hurt.

Base Stats: Health 2,300
- Defenses
- Sturdy From Poison Attacks (90%) = Toxic Cloud and Mortars.
- Sturdy From Piercing Attacks (75%) = Swordrain, Archers, and Arblasters.
- Weak From Fire Attacks (200%) = Firestorm and Pyromancers.
- Weak From Blunt Attacks (100%) = Hammerstrike, Sonic Blast, Paladins and Cannons.

Base Stats: Health 2,500
- Defenses
- Sturdy From Poison Attacks (90%) = Toxic Cloud and Mortars.
- Sturdy From Piercing Attacks (75%) = Swordrain, Archers, and Arblasters.
- Weak From Blunt Attacks (100%) = Hammerstrike, Sonic Blast, Paladins and Cannons.
- Weak From Ice Attacks (100%) = Blizzard and Frosters.
- Defensive Structures: Towers -

Base Stats: Damage 50 | Health 2,000 | Range 6.3
- Attacks
- Strong Against = None, based from in-game stats.
- Not Effective Against = Paladins and Mortars.
- Defenses
- Sturdy From Poison Attacks (90%) = Toxic Cloud and Mortars.
- Sturdy From Piercing Attacks (75%) = Swordrain, Archers, and Arblasters.
- Weak From Fire Attacks (300%) = Firestorm and Pyromancers.
- Weak From Blunt Attacks (100%) = Hammerstrike, Sonic Blast, Paladins and Cannons.

Base Stats: Damage 40 | Health 2,250 | Range 6.7
- Attacks
- Strong Against = None, based from in-game stats, but has a nice range.
- Not Effective Against = Paladins, Frosters, and Cannons. Note: Bombs can be kicked back to them to avoid damages.
- Defenses
- Sturdy From Poison Attacks (90%) = Toxic Cloud and Mortars.
- Sturdy From Piercing Attacks (50%) = Swordrain, Archers, and Arblasters.
- Weak From Blunt Attacks (100%) = Hammerstrike, Sonic Blast, Paladins and Cannons.

Base Stats: Damage 30 | Health 1,750 | Range 2.7 | + Slow Effect!
- Attacks
- Strong Against = Pyromancers and Mortars if Frost Towers can reach them.
- Not Effective Against = Frosters and most long ranged Troops.
- Defenses
- Sturdy From Poison Attacks (90%) = Toxic Cloud and Mortars.
- Sturdy From Piercing Attacks (50%) = Swordrain, Archers, and Arblasters.
- Weak From Blunt Attacks (100%) = Hammerstrike, Sonic Blast, Paladins and Cannons.
- Weak From Fire Attacks (100%) = Firestorm and Pyromancers.

Base Stats: Damage 49 | Health 4,950 | Range 2.7 | + Chance to Inflict Panic Effect!
- Attacks
- Strong Against = Frosters, Cannons, and Mortars if Gargoyle Towers can reach them.
- Not Effective Against = Pyromancers and most long ranged Troops.
- Defenses
- Sturdy From Poison Attacks (90%) = Toxic Cloud and Mortars.
- Sturdy From Piercing Attacks (50%) = Swordrain, Archers, and Arblasters.
- Weak From Blunt Attacks (100%) = Hammerstrike, Sonic Blast, Paladins and Cannons.
- Weak From Ice Attacks (100%) = Blizzard and Frosters.

Base Stats: Damage 305 | Health 4,880 | Range 7.0 | + Chance to Inflict Panic Effect! | Can only be damaged by ranged attacks!
- Attacks
- Strong Against = Frosters, Cannons, and Mortars.
- Not Effective Against = Pyromancers.
- Defenses
- Immune to Melee Attacks = Knights, Paladins, and even Heroes!
- Sturdy From Poison Attacks (90%) = Toxic Cloud and Mortars.
- Sturdy From Piercing Attacks (50%) = Swordrain, Archers, and Arblasters.
- Weak From Fire Attacks (300%) = Firestorm and Pyromancers.
- Weak From Blunt Attacks (100%) = Hammerstrike, Sonic Blast, and Cannons. Paladins are Blunt but melee units can't attack Firebolt Towers.

Base Stats: Damage 46 | Health 5,700 | Range 3.0 | + Poison Effect!
- Attacks
- Strong Against = Paladins. Mortars also if Snake Towers can reach them.
- Not Effective Against = Knights. Cannons, Pyromancers, and Mortars too if Snake Towers can reach them.
- Defenses
- Sturdy From Poison Attacks (90%) = Toxic Cloud and Mortars.
- Sturdy From Piercing Attacks (50%) = Swordrain, Archers, and Arblasters.
- Weak From Blunt Attacks (100%) = Hammerstrike, Sonic Blast, Paladins and Cannons.

Base Stats: Damage 868 | Health 5,680 | Range 5.5
- Attacks
- Strong Against = None, based from in-game stats, but it can dish out high damages.
- Not Effective Against = Paladins and Frosters. Cannons too if Skull Towers can reach them.
- Defenses
- Sturdy From Poison Attacks (90%) = Toxic Cloud and Mortars.
- Sturdy From Piercing Attacks (50%) = Swordrain, Archers, and Arblasters.
- Weak From Ice Attacks (100%) = Blizzard and Frosters.
- Weak From Blunt Attacks (50%) = Hammerstrike, Sonic Blast, Paladins and Cannons.
- Royal Revolt 2: Best Towers and Path Structures for Defense! -
- Since we all have different preferences and opinions, I think it is best to lay it all out as Polls instead, and let all players participate and share their thoughts. ^^
Best Towers and Defensive Path Structures for Defense!
- Go here: Royal Revolt 2: Best Top Towers and Defensive Path Structures for Defense - Polls
Related Royal Revolt 2 Tips & Guides:
Royal Revolt 2: List and Best Spells to Use - Strengths and Weaknesses
Royal Revolt 2: Best Top Spells to Use Early Game, Mid Game, and Late Game
Royal Revolt 2: List of Troops - Info, Strengths and Weaknesses
Royal Revolt 2: Best Top Troops for Raiding - Polls
Royal Revolt 2: Best Top Troops for Defense - Polls
Royal Revolt 2: Best Top Towers and Defensive Path Structures for Defense - Polls
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