Here's a game guide on how and where to get the Evolution Elements needed to evolve your monsters to their powerful forms in the Action RPG puzzle card game - Tower of Saviors, available on Android Google Play and iOS App Store (mobile devices).
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- Evolution Guide for Beginners -
- You can check the evolution materials needed for your monsters by viewing their "Evolve" page. Encountered Evolution materials will be displayed, while the unencountered ones will just display a "?" profile icon, just continue through the game to unlock new evolution icons.
- It is best to keep all evolution materials that you need, or keep at least 1 of each kind for future use. Max the levels of your monsters first before evolving. Note that after evolving your monsters, their Team Cost will increase, Lvl up your account to increase your Team Cost, more info can be found here: Tower of Saviors: Leveling and Combining Guide for Monster Cards and Player Level
- Feel free to expand your Inventory to save more Evolution Elements.
- Power Release is a new kind of evolution with a spin.
- 5* = means the card has 5 Diamonds (seen via Card Profile) or Rarity 5.
- The Enochian Tower (Specific Stages - Any Floors) -
- Ex: Baby Honeymons and Crystal Eggs will randomly appear on any floor of the "The First Seal" stage in the Enochian Tower.

- The Fifth Seal Stage (Any Floors)
- You can farm 5* Crystal Dragons here.
- The 5 Regions or Islands Around Enochian Tower -
Here you can find all Shades series - evolution materials, they will randomly appear under any floors of the stage stated below.
Island Region: Glacial Iceberg

- 3rd Stage: Elf on the Glacier = Unison of Cerulean
- 2nd Stage: Palace Under the Sea = Rebirth of Cerulean
- 1st Stage: Hollow Citadel of Water = Cerulean Spirit
Island Region: Afire Volcano

- 3rd Stage: Elf in the Flame = Unison of Crimson
- 2nd Stage: Feast of the Cannibal = Rebirth of Crimson
- 1st Stage: Hollow Citadel of Fire = Crimson Spirit
Island Region: Misted Woodland

- 3rd Stage: Elf in the Mount = Unison of Malachite
- 2nd Stage: Rare Visitor in Eden = Rebirth of Malachite
- 1st Stage: Hollow Citadel of Earth = Malachite Spirit
Island Region: Holylight Palace

- 3rd Stage: Elf Under Lightshine = Unison of Gold
- 2nd Stage: The Grand Palace = Rebirth of Golden
- 1st Stage: Hollow Citadel of Light = Golden Spirit
Island Region: Dark Cove

- 3rd Stage: Elf in the Dark = Unison of Grim
- 2nd Stage: Banquet in the Glens = Rebirth of Grim
- 1st Stage: Hollow Citadel of Darkness = Grim Spirit
- "The Lost Relic" Special Battles: The Daily Battles -
Special battles can be found in the Lost Relic at the top left corner of the world map. Daily Battles are the best and easiest way to obtain the materials you need, the only drawback is that, you'll need to wait for the specific day to farm them.
Important Note:
- Before entering any battles, pay attention to the restrictions of the battles, for instance, limitation of the turns, team cost and restricted attributes. These can be found at the right side area of the stage's title.
Monday's Daily Battle: Collection of Elements

- Cerulean Spirit, Crimson Spirit, Malachite Spirit, Golden Spirit, or Grim Spirit

- Crystal Egg, Little Crystal Dragon (rare), The Cursed Sword, The Sword of Slaughter (rare), Baby Honeymon or Honeymon (rare).
Tuesday's Daily Battle: Sword's Descent Day

- The Cursed Sword (Apprentice or Elite Stages), The Sword of Slaughter (Elite or Master Stages), and The Evil Sword (Master Stage).
Wednesday's Daily Battle: The Hunting Day

- Baby Honeymon (Apprentice or Elite Stages), Honeymon (Elite or Master Stages), and Master Honeymon (Master Stage).
Thursday's Daily Battle: Gem Searching Day

- Crystal Egg (Apprentice or Elite Stages), Little Crystal Dragon (Elite or Master Stages), and Crystal Dragon (Master Stage).
Friday's Daily Battle: Day of Elements

- Apprentice Stage: Cerulean Spirit, Crimson Spirit, Malachite Spirit, Golden Spirit, or Grim Spirit

- Apprentice or Elite Stages: Rebirth of Cerulean, Rebirth of Crimson, Rebirth of Malachite, Rebirth of Golden, or Rebirth of Grim

- Elite or Master Stages: Unison of Cerulean, Unison of Crimson, Unison of Malachite, Unison of Golden, or Unison of Grim

- Master Stages: Eternal Cerulean, Eternal Crimson, Eternal Malachite, Eternal Golden, or Eternal Grim
- More Evolution Materials and Locations -
The Lost Relic - Saturday's [Weekend Battle] Day of Dark Elements

- Master Stages: The Midnight Joker
Zodiac Evolution Materials
- The Water Astralist = The Royal Court of Pisces or The Royal Court of Aquarius
- The Fire Astralist = The Royal Court of Taurus or The Royal Court of Aries
- The Earth Astralist = The Royal Court of Capricorn or The Royal Court of Sagittarius
- The Light Astralist = The Royal Court of Virgo, The Royal Court of Leo or The Royal Court of Libra
- The Dark Astralist = The Royal Court of Cancer, The Royal Court of Gemini or The Royal Court of Scorpio
- The Fortune Teller = Farm from any "The Royal Courts" Zodiac battles above.
Soul Stone Evolve Materials for Evolving Guardians (Zodiac)
- 1* Soul Stones = all 2nd Seal island regions.
- 2* Soul Stones = all 3rd to 5th Seal island regions.
- 3* Soul Stones = all 6th Seal island regions.
- All rarity can be found from any Soulstone battles in the Lost Relic.
- All rarity can drawn from the Friend Point Seal.
Other Special Evolution Materials
- Get them via Special Events, Lost Relic One Time Clearance Event Stages, Friend Points Seal, Guild Dungeons, and more (depends on the card and event).
- Other Options for Getting Evolution Materials -
The "Friend Point Seal"
- All evolution materials mentioned above can be drawn from the "Friend Point Seal".
- To get Friend Points, just login everyday, add friends to let them use your featured Ally, hire Adventurers or your Friends' featured Ally before every battle, and more.
Join a Guild!
- Try to join Guilds in the game because Guild members have access to special Evolution Elements, Soulstone Battles, and daily guild missions.
In-Game Events
- Sometimes, the game will give free special Evolution Materials as "Purchase Rewards", "Login Rewards" or more.
Related Tower of Saviors Tips & Guides:
Tower of Saviors: How to Farm or Get Free Diamonds - Early Game Farming Guide
Tower of Saviors: Leveling and Combining Guide for Monster Cards and Player Level
Tower of Saviors: All Farmable Monster Cards and Their Drop Locations
Tower of Saviors: Quick Leveling Guide for Active Skills and CD
Tower of Saviors: Tips and Walkthrough Guide - How to Defeat Seal Bosses With Beast Team
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