Chaos Fighters is a very addictive anime style RPG game presented by Coco Entertainment International. Available on Android - Google Play and iOS - App Store. Refer to the list below for more Chaos Fighters game guides, that will help you unlock the full potential of your Fighters and experience epic battles with cool combos and clever strategies.

- Chaos Fighters Gameplay Trailer -
- Chaos Fighters General Game Guides -

Complete List of Fighters
- Key Topics: Best Characters Overall; Stats and Max Stats
Fighter Stats Calculator
- Key Topics: Per Fighter Fusion Upgrades or Lvl

Fighter Core Builds
- Key Topics: Punishers, Speedsters, and Tanks; Primary and Secondary Stats; Suggested Skills and Builds; Recommended Pets and More
List of Pets and Pet Skills
- Key Topics: Active, Passive and Exclusive Skills; Pet Tips and Guide

Suits or Set Items Drop Locations NEW!
- Key Topics: Drops from Team Instances; Stats of Suits or Set Items; Sorted Per Level
- Chaos Fighters General FAQ Game Guides -
What are BMVs or Converters?
- Key Topics: Basic Modifier Value on Fighters; Determines the Potential of Fighters; In-depth BMV Explanations.
- Chaos Fighters Quick Walkthrough Guide -

- Check and claim all available rewards or bonuses, there are 2 Login bonuses, one is below your portrait and the other one can be found by Visiting the Fortune Cat. There are so many EXP/Gold/ENG bonuses in this game, just check and claim them all. Save up your Diamonds for more important items or game features.
- If you don't have a fighter build yet, go here to find some ideas:
- Chaos Fighters: Fighter Builds - Core Stats, Skill Builds, Recommended Pets and More
- Equip Skills that you want every after leveling up, choose wisely, experiment, and make sure it will enhance your preferred build. Note: Only Reset your Skills at higher lvls (30+? or if you get 3+ Pros) to get preferred PRO skill/s (Expertise Effect).
Arena and Backpack Management
- At Lvl 10, the Arena will become available, participate every day to reach achievements and get more bonuses!
- But before that, make sure you equip your weapons and armors.
- Equip weapons and armors with stats that will support your build, preferably with 4 Stats per item. Sell unwanted equipments to get some Gold, and keep non-equipable items.
- Only open your Weapon Box if you are sure you are ok with your current Fighter. Note that Fighters can only equip specific weapons. Weapon Box can obtained from the Newbie package, open it at certain Lvls.
Enhancing/Reforming Amulets (Enhance/Reforge)
- Once you reach the Quest Mission that will suggest you to Enhance all your gears to +2 (or to Purify an item), it's ok go on to the "Forge" and enhance all of your equipped items (except your Fighter and Pet), but after that, I recommend that you wait until you reach at least lvl 23, and obtain the recommended items below before Enhancing or Reforging again.
- Only Enhance or Reforge items with 4 stats to give you higher chance to get what you need. The best items for your Basic Enhancing/Reforming Amulets are the following:
- Lvl 23 Headgear
- Lvl 24 Necklace
- Lvl 25 Shoes
- Lvl 26 Weapon (Focus More Here, especially if you are not a Tank)
- Lvl 27 Chest Armor (Focus More Here, instead of the Lvl 22 Chest Armor)
- Lvl 28 Gloves (Not the Weapon)
- Lvl 29 Pants
- Lvl 30 Ring
- Note: For higher tier of Enhancing/Reforming Amulets (later on), also use higher Lvl items, use the simple chart below as as future reference:
- Weapon Tiers #1: Lvl 1, Lvl 11, Lvl 21, Lvl 31, and so on.
- Chest Tiers #1: Lvl 2, Lvl 12, Lvl 22, Lvl 32, and so on.
- Head Tiers: Lvl 3, Lvl 13, Lvl 23, Lvl 33, and so on.
- Necklace Tiers: Lvl 4, Lvl 14, Lvl 24, Lvl 34, and so on.
- Shoes Tiers: Lvl 5, Lvl 15, Lvl 25, Lvl 35, and so on.
- Weapon Tiers #2: Lvl 6, Lvl 16, Lvl 26, Lvl 36 and so on.
- Chest Tiers #2: Lvl 7, Lvl 17, Lvl 27, Lvl 37, and so on.
- Gloves Tiers: Lvl 8, Lvl 18, Lvl 28, Lvl 38, and so on.
- Pants Tiers: Lvl 9, Lvl 19, Lvl 29, Lvl 39, and so on.
- Ring Tiers: Lvl 10, Lvl 20, Lvl 30, Lvl 40, and so on.
- Do not discard any of your extra Fighters, you can transform them in the Laboratory (unlocks at Lvl 31) to get specific Fighters for Fusion!
- Now go to the Arena to challenge all Fighters there. Use the free Refresh option right after defeating all or most Fighters in the Arena, note that refreshed fighters will be based from your current Lvl, so it's best to do this before leveling up you fighter, and to make things easier once you come back.
- Go Adventure and advance the red stages to unlock the first Team Instance (F-1) after Stage 2-15. Join in or create a new team, then attack. Repeat this instance to get more EXP, Gold and Items, check and update your gears after some fights.
- It's true that Sweeping a Stage will give you fast EXP and Gold, but Team Instance will give you better EXP and Gold per Energy. If you have time, do Team Instance, but if you don't have time to spare, SWEEP option is ok.
Lvl 15 Meditation Rock
- Once you reach Lvl 15, go to the Meditation Rock to Meditate, try to do this 3 times a day.
- Select the "?" on your screen to learn more about Meditations and Interruptions.
Lvl 18 Pet System
- Once you reach Lvl 18, buy your first Pet from the Store > Box Section > Pet Egg for 200,000 Gold. Go to the Pet House and start feeding your Pet to learn skills and/or stats that you like. Open up an extra Pet Bowl with your Diamonds to feed more Power to your Pet.
- The Pet guide section can be found here:
- Chaos Fighters: Complete List of Pets and Pet Skills - Active, Passive and Exclusive Skills
Lvl 20 The Guild and Mercenary System
- You can Apply anytime to any Guild you want, but you can only create a new Guild at Lvl 20. Joining a guild will let you enjoy other game features and bonuses exclusive only to guild members. Try to join a guild by directly Applying to the Guild section, or through the Chat window.
- To add players to your Mercenary List, go to the "Friends" section first to add players under Netizens, or to Accept Friend Requests. You can only add players who are 5 levels above or below your Lvl as your mercenary, choose a fighter that can boost you.
- Now you can advance your adventure further and unlock the 2nd Team Instance (F-2).
Lvl 21 Training Center
- Do Standard Training to safely gain EXP, even when offline. Do this whenever it's available.
- Select the "?" on your screen to learn more about the Standard and Special Trainings.
- More Tips:
- Go back to the Enhancing and Reforming section above, to learn which items to upgrade. Use your Drill (Basic), to any item you like to put a Gem, fuse Gems to upgrade them to +1 or +2, note that upgraded Gems will also require certain Lvl of equipments, check the Rules under the Gem Fusion section.
- Set items or Suit, 4 Stats (with orange background color in it's icon). Try to collect them from Team Instances, especially at higher Lvls to get extra stat bonuses when have 2 or more. For more info, check the Suit under your Assistant > FAQ section, or go here: Chaos Fighters: Suits or Set Items Drop Locations - Team Instances
- Expand your Backpack, only if you really need to.
- Below your portrait, you can find an "ENG/2", it's an Energy bonus that is activated (when not grayed) at certain times (GMT+8: 12PM to 2PM, and 8PM to 10PM), tap on them for more info. Watch out for modified EXPx2 events too.
- Participate or place Bets in the World Tournament every Saturday.
Lvl 25 Prisoner System
- Defeat non-AI fighters in the Arena first, then defeat them again inside your Jail to make them your prisoner. Select the "?" on your screen to learn more about what you can do with your Prisoner.
Lvl 27 Star Altar
- Just add Stardusts to the Stat bonuses you want to get.
- Select the "?" on your screen to learn more about the Black Hole and Constellations.
- Get more Stardusts from Orange equipments (Suit or Set Items), Arena rewards, Daily Quests, and more. Do not decompose your Fighters, Pets, and Gems unless you really don't need them.
- Slowly reach the next Team Instance (F-3) together with your Mercenary. If you can't reach it yet, stay, upgrade your equipments, and Lvl up at Team Instance (F-2) for now, no need to rush.
Lvl 30 Evil Tower
- Challenge the Tower and earn rewards!
- Reach what you can, then claim your accumulated EXP. Increase it further as you go on.
Lvl 31 Laboratory
- Only +0 Fighters and Pets can be transformed in the Laboratory.
- Use this to get copies of your Fighter for Fusion at the Forge. Note that Basic Fighters can't be transformed to a better one.
- From here on, things will start to go a little bit slow, just continue and keep in mind the tips above as you go on.
Lvl 40 Soul Refining System
- It can greatly improve your Fighters attribute!
Lvl 45 Treasure Digging System
- Chance to receive Fighters and Gold.
More new functions will be gradually released!
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