Run Forrest Run is an endless fast-paced action and arcade running game presented by Genera Mobile. Available on Android - Google Play and iOS - App Store. Join Forrest on his epic adventure across the country, and enjoy unexpected moments based on the iconic film Forrest Gump.
Run and collect Coins to unlock power-ups, abilities, costumes, and more. Customize Forrest and run with your facebook friends!

- Run Forrest Run Gameplay Trailer -

- Secret Spawn Locations
- Featured Zones: Route 66 and Vietnam
- How to re-spawn the Chocolates

How to Get High Scores Over 1 Million!
- Things To Upgrade
- The Key Items
- Notable Tips While Running
More Here Soon!

How to Get High Scores Over 1 Million!
- Things To Upgrade
- The Key Items
- Notable Tips While Running
More Here Soon!
- Run Forrest Run FAQ Tips, Tricks, and Strategies -
Basic Controls and In-Air Maneuvers:
- Swipe LEFT or RIGHT to switch lanes.
- Swipe UP to jump.
- Swipe DOWN to duck or slide.
- Swipe LEFT or RIGHT while in mid-air to switch lanes, also possible while rolling or sliding.
- Swipe DOWN while in mid-air to perform a quick roll. This is pretty useful when you're jumping towards on top of vehicles like trains.
- Swipe UP while rolling to perform a quick jump and cancel your slide.
- Connect to Facebook to get an easy 5,000 Coins!
- Complete Daily Rewards and Challenges for more Coins and Super Mystery Boxes.
- Optional: Go to Shop > Rewards to collect some optional Coins (internet connection required).
- Earn your Coins for upgrading Boosts, then use them for skipping missions related to spending Chocolates, do this until your Score Multiplier is maxed.
- Unlock Route 66 Zone, run and collect Super Mystery Boxes, they can give you lots of Coins too.
- Zone Vietnam is also a nice place to farm Coins, just start a run then get the first Shrimp Net on the right lane, time it well. Collect all the Coins then purposely crash after the duration runs out, repeat steps. Best while collecting letters for Daily Challenges.
- The obstacles are tricky, but once you see and memorize the patterns, things will get easier.
- Keep Running Costs: 1 Chocolate > 2000 Coins > 3 Chocolates > ?
The Score Multiplier
- Complete missions to increase your score multiplier.
- Upgrade "Double-up" to increase the duration of the x2 Score Count boost.
- Single Use Item: You can further increase your Score Multiplier by using the "+4 Multiplier" single use item boost.
- Increase your Score Multiplier to unlock new Zones for free.
- Run Forrest Run: Missions Guide -

- Skipping Missions: Go to the "Missions" section to skip unwanted missions using Coins.
Continue [a Number of] Times
- After crashing, select the "Keep Running" option, it will cost you 1 Chocolate though, so if you want to save your Chocolates for later use instead, then you need to Skip all related missions by paying Coins. This is highly recommended for free to play players, since Boosts now require Chocolates to upgrade.
- Continue 1 Times: 5000 Coins
- Continue 2 Times: 10,000 Coins
- Continue 5 Times: 20,000 Coins
Change Lanes [a Number of] Times
- Spam "Swipe Left" and "Swipe Right" to switch lanes, and to finish this quick. Be careful, just stay on the lanes.
- Recommended Zone: Any or GameDay
Get [a Number of] Points
- Just Run Forrest Run! Get "Double-Up", "Hang Glider", or other boosts along the way to help you out.
- Recommended Zone: Any or Vietnam
Get [a Number of] Coins
- Just Run Forrest Run! Get "Shrimp Net" and other boosts along the way to help you out. Vietnam Zone is a nice spot for collecting Coins too.
- Recommended Zone: Any or Vietnam
Slide [a Number of] Times
- Spam "Swipe Down" to slide, note that rolling doesn't count and Forrest must stand first before sliding again to count. Yes, simply sliding non stop will just be counted as 1 slide, so to make this quick, slide then switch lanes to cancel your slide, repeat steps.
- Recommended Zone: GameDay
Jump [a Number of] Times
- Just alternately spam Jump (Swipe Up) and Roll (Swipe Down) whenever you can to finish this quick.
- Recommended Zone: Any or GameDay
Roll [a Number of] Times
- Just alternately spam Jump (Swipe Up) and Roll (Swipe Down) whenever you can to finish this quick.
- Recommended Zone: Any or GameDay
Travel a Distance of [a Number of] Yards
- Just Run Forrest Run! Get "Lawn Mower" or "Hang Glider" along the way to help you out. Choose an easier Zone like Gameday, it doesn't have any tricky obstacles.
- Recommended Zone: Any or GameDay
- Run Forrest Run: Boosts -
Single Use Power-Ups:
- Single Use items are consumable items that will give you some perks while running.
- Do not buy anything here until late game, save up your Coins for other permanent items and upgrades first.
- Helmet
- A must have late game items if you are trying to set a high score. Buy as many as you can then use it for tight situations or when the game gets a little laggy!
- See Helmet section below for more info.
- To activate: "Double Tap" while running.
- +4 Multiplier
- You can further increase your Score Multiplier by using this item, a must have late game item if you are trying to set a high score.
- To activate: Start a run then tap on the "+4" icon at the lower left corner.
- Flying Head Start
- Better spend your Coins for the 2 items above, but if you have extra, this is also a nice late game item because it can boost your starting location, plus you will get a permanent Helmet that will save you from 1 hit.
- To activate: Start a run then tap on the "rocket" icon at the lower left corner.
- Like the title says, upgrading them will increase their duration.
- Upgrade Costs: 500 Coins > 2000 Coins > 2 Chocolates > 5 Chocolates > 10 Chocolates

- Get 2 upgrades here, then earn your Coins next for skipping missions that will require you to spend Chocolates. Conserve your Chocolates for upgrading Boosts late game.
- Makes Forrest invincible for a limited time, all destroyed vehicles or obstacles will gain you +50 Points each.
- Shrimp Net
- Spend your first 2,500 Coins to get 2 upgrades here early game, upgrade Hang Glider next.
- Useful early game for getting all Coins along the way, plus, they are pretty common too.
- Double-Up
- Upgrade only if you have maxed your "Score Multiplier".
- Doubles your current Score Multiplier for a limited time, great for getting high scores late game.
- Hang Glider
- Get 2 upgrades here early game, then upgrade Lawn Mower next.
- This boost will also make Forrest invincible for a limited time, plus you can freely collect Coins without obstacles.
- Run Forrest Run: Helmets and Perks -
What Are Helmets, and How Do I Use Them?
- Helmets are consumable items that you can buy from the "Boosts" section for 500 Coins each.
- To activate and equip your Helmet, simply "double tap" while running.
- While active, you can also get some Perks, depending on the Helmet you equipped under Shop > "Helmets" section. By default, you have the "Green Machine" helmet which can take a hit, or can save you from 1 crash. Note that this Perk is only active for a limited time, or until the duration of your Helmet runs out.
- Note that all Helmets sold from the Shop can at least take 1 hit.
- I don't recommend using this one early game, save up your Coins for better items or upgrades instead.
- Recommended only if you are trying to set a high score late game. If you are unsure if you can break through an upcoming tricky obstacles, use this to protect you.
Recommended Coins Only Helmets

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