Here's a quick walkthrough and strategy game guide for the Hollow Grove stages in the action and arcade defense game - Trolls vs Vikings. In these stages, Giant Rocks will block normal shots, unless you have a unit that can do flying or lobbed attacks. Enemies will also move randomly to the top or bottom lane if they hit these Giant Rocks, so make sure to prioritize your defenses on those lanes because it will be bombarded with lots of vikings.
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- Save your Gold for later use, no need to use Skills or buy anything except for the "Magic Starter Kit".
- Recommended Team Selection: Hack, Punk, Buster, Zap, and Rock.
- Always remember, only summon 3 Hacks, 4 is ok but more than that would cost you more Gold.
- Busters are your real front-liners, because Rocks aren't that sturdy. Rocks + Busters is the best defensive combination.
- In case one of your Busters went down, quickly place another Buster on that same spot.
- Note: You can interchange 2 Busters to take down a tough enemy.
- Zap are the best easy summon-nukers in the game, very useful to weaken tough vikings.
- To view the guides for the other stages, go here: FAQ Guides List
Formation Guide:
- The explanation can be found here: Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
Strategy for Summoning Units (Steps and In-Order)
- To learn the effective way or pattern for summoning units, please refer to the "Strategy for Summoning Units" here (it's the same for these stages): Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
- Hollow Grove Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide -
Hollow Grove 1
- Formation: | Hacks and Zaps | Punks | Busters |
- Zaps are very effective against those armored vikings. During the final wave, use Zap to defeat grouped vikings attacking your Buster.
Hollow Grove 2
- Formation: | Hacks and Zaps | Punks | Busters |
- The drunk viking can change lanes so make sure to put defenders behind those Giant Rocks.
- 2nd Formation: | Hacks and Zaps | Punks | Punks | Busters |
- Put Punks first on lanes beside the Giant Rocks. See example screenshot below.

- Formation: Same as Hollow Grove 2 above.
- Strategy: Same as Hollow Grove 2, including the 2nd Formation.
- If an enemy Archer comes into battle, either block her shots using one of your Busters, or attack her using Zap (optional).
Hollow Grove 4
- Formation: | Hacks and 1 Zap | Punks and Zaps | Busters |
- Same strategy for summoning units, but this time place 2 Zaps behind those Giant Rocks for now, see screenshot below.
- Your aim is to collect 3,600 Moonstones before the time runs out. Summon 5 Hacks to reach the requirement, and make sure to collect all Moonstones.
- Zaps vs armored vikings or heavily grouped vikings attacking your Buster.
- 2nd Formation: | Hacks and 1 Zap | Punks and Zaps | Punks | Busters |

- Formation: | Hacks and 2 Zaps | Punks and 2 Zaps | Busters and 1 Zap | Busters |
- Quickly deploy your units, place all 5 Zaps behind those Giant Rocks.
- Zaps vs the Beastmasters, or armored vikings.
Hollow Grove 6
- Formation: | Hacks and Zaps | Punks | Busters |
- Yes, Vixen is the perfect counter here, but Zap should be enough.
- Zaps vs vikings with "walking sticks", tough vikings, or heavily grouped vikings attacking your Buster.
- Those vikings with walking sticks, can go over Giant Rocks or the first unit it approaches, then falls down.
- 2nd Formation: | Hacks and Zaps | Punks | Punks | Busters | except for the 2nd row, let your Buster stay behind the Giant Rock.
Hollow Grove 7
- Formation: | Hacks and Zaps | Punks | Punks| Busters |
- Select DOC , then heal the petrified Punk, do this every time the DOC glows. You must protect them too, so always place a Buster in front of them.
- Zaps vs vikings with "walking sticks" and tough vikings.
- After healing the Punk, use DOC's healing to any injured units, preferably Busters.
Hollow Grove 8
- Formation: | Hacks and Zaps | Punks | Punks| Busters |
- No need to place Punks on rows with Giant Rocks though.
- Zaps vs vikings with "walking sticks", tough vikings, or heavily grouped vikings attacking your Buster.
- Once the formation is complete, summon more Zaps and place them on rows with Giant Rocks.
Hollow Grove 9
- Formation: | Hacks and Zaps | Punks | Dwarves| Busters |
- Since you already have some starting units, summon 1 Zap right away.
- Zaps vs vikings with "walking sticks", tough vikings, or heavily grouped vikings attacking your Buster.
- Once the formation is complete, replace your Hacks with Zaps. Use the recycle bin icon to delete a unit.
Hollow Grove 10
- Formation: | Hacks and Zaps | Punks| Busters |
- No need to place Punks and Busters on rows with Giant Rocks though.
- Zaps vs vikings with "walking sticks", tough vikings, or heavily grouped vikings attacking your Buster.
- 2nd Formation: | Hacks and Zaps | Punks | Punks| Busters |
- Once the 2nd formation is complete, replace all Hacks with Zaps. Use the recycle bin icon to delete a unit.
Thor the "Rolling Thunder"
- Formation: | Punks | None | Rocks and Busters |
- Place Rocks and Busters on the 3rd column to quickly set-up your line of defense, back them up with Punks, especially on rows with only Rocks. Rocks and Busters can endure the attacks of those goats.
- 2nd Formation: | Punks | Punks | Rocks | Busters |
- Now, advance your Busters, then complete a line of Rocks and Busters. Place more Punks to back them up.
- 3rd Formation: | Punks and Zaps | Punks and Zaps | Rocks | Busters |
- Once Thor unleashes his deadly skills, quickly replace all units, but this time mix in some Zaps.
- Use Zaps to finish Thor.
Ready for the Next Stages?
- Go here: Trolls vs Vikings: Troll Peaks and Gate of Asgard Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide - Odin
Related Trolls vs Vikings Tips & Guides:
Trolls vs Vikings: Dreamwoods Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide - Eric the Red
Trolls vs Vikings: Troll Peaks and Gate of Asgard Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide - Odin
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