Here's a quick walkthrough and strategy game guide for the Hollow Grove stages in the action and arcade defense game - Trolls vs Vikings. In these stages, Moonstones are scarce, but there are some special tiles with sparkling Gem deposits that you can harvest using your Hacks. They generate more Moonstones but it will force you to put up your defenses way closer to the enemies than usual. Undead vikings will also occasionally pop out here to attack your units, be careful!

- Always place your first 2 Hacks on the closest "sparkling Gem deposits".
- Save your Gold for later use, no need to use Skills or buy anything except for the "Magic Starter Kit".
- Recommended Team Selection: Hack, Punk, Buster, Zap, and Rock.
- Always remember, only summon 3 Hacks, 4 is ok but more than that would cost you more Gold.
- Busters are your real front-liners, because Rocks aren't that sturdy. Rocks + Busters is the best defensive combination.
- In case one of your Busters went down, quickly place another Buster on that same spot.
- Note: You can interchange 2 Busters to take down a tough enemy.
- Zap are the best easy summon-nukers in the game, very useful to weaken tough vikings.
- To view the guides for the other stages, go here: LINK HERE SOON!
Formation Guide:
- The explanation can be found here: Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
Strategy for Summoning Units (Steps and In-Order)
- To learn the effective way or pattern for summoning units, please refer to the "Strategy for Summoning Units" here (it's the same for these stages): Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
- Troll Peaks Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide -
Troll Peaks 1
- Formation: | 1 Hack and Zaps | Punks | Punks and 1 Hack | 1 Hack | Busters |
- Zaps vs vikings holding spears.
Troll Peaks 2
- Formation: | 1 Hack and Zaps | Punks | 1 Hack | None | 1 Hack | Busters |
- Zaps vs tough vikings, like armored or shielded vikings.
- 2nd Formation: | 1 Hack and Zaps | Punks | 1 Hack | None |1 Hack | Busters |
Troll Peaks 3
- Formation: Same as Troll Peaks 2 above.
- Strategy: Same as Troll Peaks 2, including the 2nd Formation.
Troll Peaks 4
- Formation: | Zaps | None | Punks | None | None | Busters |
- Summon 2 or 3 Zaps for now, once you complete the above formation, summon more.
- Zaps vs tough vikings or heavily grouped vikings attacking your Buster.
- 2nd Formation: | Zaps | Punks | Punks | None | None | Busters |
Troll Peaks 5
- Formation: | 1 Hack and Zaps | None | Punks | 1 Hack | 1 Hack | Busters |
- We have another annoying enemy here, the "flying" vikings. Use your Zaps to take them down too, including those tough vikings. You can also get Vixen as your backup unit, just in-case you run out of Zaps, don't overdo it though because she requires more Moonstones to summon.
- Summon 2 or 3 Zaps for now, once you complete the above formation, summon more.
- 2nd Formation: | 1 Hack and Zaps | Panks | Punks | 1 Hack | 1 Hack | Busters |
Troll Peaks 6
- Formation: | 2 Hacks and Zaps | Punks | 2 Hacks and Punks | Rocks| Busters |
- Zaps vs tough vikings or heavily grouped vikings attacking your Buster. Prioritize "flying" vikings, and those "old" vikings carrying an explosive barrel.
Troll Peaks 7
- Formation: Refer to the screenshots below.

- Summon Zaps asap to eliminate those tough vikings holding a hammer early game.
- Protect your 3 Hacks in front by placing a Rock and a Buster in front of them, back them up with your Punks too.
- Zaps vs tough vikings and those "old" vikings carrying an explosive barrel.
- Once the Big viking comes in, use your Zaps to eliminate him while attacking.
- 2nd Formation: Refer to the screenshot below.

- Gate of Asgard Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide -
Gate of Asgard 1
- Formation: Refer to the screenshots below.

- Summon Zaps asap to eliminate those tough vikings early game.
- Protect your Hacks in front by placing a Rock and a Buster in front of them, back them up with your Punks too.

- 2nd Formation: Refer to the screenshot below.

- Formation: Refer to the screenshot below.

- Place your first 3 Hacks on those "sparkling Gem deposits", then place another Hack on the 1st column.
- Quickly replace fallen units, especially Busters and Rocks.
- Zaps vs tough vikings, those "flying" and "old" vikings carrying an explosive barrel, or heavily grouped vikings attacking your Buster.
- 2nd Formation: Refer to the screenshot below.

- Formation: Refer to the screenshot below.

- 2nd Formation: Refer to the screenshot below.

- Your aim here is to kill Odin before the time runs out, Emma must survive too!
- Formation: | Punks | Zaps | None | Busters and Emma |

- Zaps vs tough vikings, those "flying" ones, or heavily grouped vikings attacking your Buster or Rock.
- 2nd Formation: | Punks | Zaps | Punks | Busters and Emma |

Congratulations! Now you reached the end of the game, play HARD MODE or the Valhalla mode for more challenges. ^^
Tips for Hard Mode: Follow the previous guides, just mix in some Magic Spells because they will attack your defenses with more vikings than before!
Related Trolls vs Vikings Tips & Guides:
Trolls vs Vikings: Dreamwoods Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide - Eric the Red
Trolls vs Vikings: Hollow Grove Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide - Thor