Here's a list of skills for all front line heroes in the action RPG multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game - Heroes Charge. Front line Heroes specializes in melee combat and are durable because of their high HP pool.

- US: Ultimate Skill (primarily unlocked)
- GS: Green Tier Skill (unlocked after promoting to green)
- BS: Blue Tier Skill (unlocked after promoting to blue)
- PS: Purple Tier Skill (unlocked after promoting to purple)
- "Front Line Area" Heroes -
- Skills to Prioritize: US > PS > BS > GS
Ancient Protector
- Skills to Prioritize: US > PS > BS > GS
Arcane Sapper
- Skills to Prioritize: GS > US > BS > PS
Bear Warrior
- Skills to Prioritize: US > BS > PS > GS
- Skills to Prioritize: PS > US > BS > GS
- Skills to Prioritize: GS > US > BS > PS
- Skills to Prioritize: US > GS > BS > PS
- Skills to Prioritize: US > PS > BS > GS
Death Bringer
- Skills to Prioritize: US > PS > BS > GS
Death Knight
- Skills to Prioritize: US > BS > GS > PS
- Skills to Prioritize: US > BS > PS > GS
Depths Voice
- Skills to Prioritize: US > GS > BS > PS
Drunken Master
- Skills to Prioritize: US > GS > BS > PS
- Skills to Prioritize: US > GS > BS > PS
- Skills to Prioritize: BS > US > GS > PS
Ember Blade
- Skills to Prioritize: PS > US > BS > GS
Fallen Dominion
- Skills to Prioritize: US > GS > BS > PS
- Skills to Prioritize: US > BS > GS > PS
Iron Hoof
- Skills to Prioritize: BS > US > GS > PS
Lightning Elemental
- Skills to Prioritize: US > GS > BS > PS
- Skills to Prioritize: PS > US > BS > GS
- Skills to Prioritize: US > BS > GS > PS
Savage One
- Skills to Prioritize: US > BS > GS > PS
Shallows Keeper
- Skills to Prioritize: US > PS > GS > BS
- Skills to Prioritize: US > GS > BS > PS
- Skills to Prioritize: US > GS > PS > BS
- Skills to Prioritize: GS > PS > BS > US
Vanguard Warrior
- Skills to Prioritize: GS > US > BS > PS
War Chief
- Skills to Prioritize: GS > BS > PS > US
Warrior Monk
- Skills to Prioritize: US > GS > BS > PS
- "Front Line Area" Heroes -
- Ancient Sails: Carin summons a ghost ship that strikes targets, causing magic damage and stun on crash.
- Waterspout: A jet of water knocks an enemy into the air, dealing damage.
- Tsunami Pierce: The sea itself fortifies Carin's attack, damaging enemies over a small area.
- Elder Strength: Carin's years of seafaring have made her strong.
- Force of Nature: Transformed into an ancient tree and gains the ability to summon 3 kinds of plants. Energy Spore: Increases AP's energy. Missile Spore: Launches missiles and deals damage to enemies. Detonation Spore: Starts self destruct and damage nearby enemies. (Costs Ancient Protector 200 energy.)
- Vine Armor: Creates an armor of vines around a Friendly unit, increasing his armor and recovering HP.
- Entangle: Summons vines and branches to entangle a target dealing DOT damage.
- Life Blessing: Increases HP of summoned plants.
Arcane Sapper
- Energy Void: Merjac blinks behind the enemy of most intellect and creates a powerful void caused by a lack of energy. Causing AoE magic damage.
- Energy Burn: Merjac blinks to the enemy of most intellect and deals small area physical damage, burning the targets energy.
- Agile Blade: Merjac enhances his blade and increases Agility.
- Anti-Mage Shield: Merjac uses his understanding of anti-mage to increase his magic resistance.
Bear Warrior
- Maul: A rushing charge attacking, dealing damage to all enemies in his way.
- Shockwave: Mayor Bar strikes the ground with his claw, damaging all enemies nearby.
- Ursine Focus: Mayor Bar summons the aspect of the bear, increasing his critical strike odds.
- Spirit of Ursa: The spirit of the bear enhances Mayor Bar's attack power.
- Axe of Elimination: Urtock strikes without mercy: Those near death (< 30% HP) suffer massive physical damage, if enemy is killed by this, Urtock receives extra energy bonus.
- Bloodcurse: Urtock curses his opponents, causing them to lose HP over a period of time.
- Cleaving Attack: A powerful attack that deals physical damage to all nearby foes.
- Dark Resistance: Urtock connection to Kreln blood-magic enhances his armor.
- Armor of Spirit: Ryst calls down divine power to protect his allies from physical harm.
- Divine Light: Ryst uses the power of his gods to heal his weakest ally.
- Counter Curse: Rsyt dispels damaging spells and temporarily makes his ally absorb magic damage.
- Blessing: With the blessing of his gods, Ryst reduces physical damage his allies take.
- Execution: Launches a target into the air and causes consecutive attacks to him. If the target dies during the execution time, Tracy will greatly increase her attack damage.
- Overwhelming: Fires flaming arrows against enemies ahead, dealing damage and granting all allies bonus attack and movement speed according to the number of enemies bit by the arrows.
- Bravery: Increases a weak allied hero's health regeneration and life steal rating.
- Courageous Charge: Each time Tracy receives 10 attacks, she charges into enemies and knocks them back, dealing damage based on the number of attacks she has received.
Crossed Knight
- Shielded: Arthur protects himself with his shield and reduces incoming damage.
- Bash: Arthur hurls his shield to the enemy of highest attack power, damaging and stunning him.
- Battle Shout: Arthut shout and taunts his nearby enemies, making them attack Arthur.
- Absolute Defense: Arthur goes into absolute defense mode, receiving reduced incoming damage, but his attack damage is weakened.
Death Bringer
- Termination: Lucas consumes his energy over time to damage and disable an enemy from casting any active skills. (This does not apply to some monsters in Guild Raid Instances or Outland Portal.)
- Flaming Land: Lucas burns the nearby land he walks on, dealing area magic damage.
- Destruction: Lucas terrifies a target and deals magic damage. The damage will be doubled if the number of allied units exceeds or equals the number of enemies on the battlefield. (This does not include summoned units or illusions).
- Devour: Lucas swallows an enemy illusion or a summoned unit to increase his power for a short period of time. If it is a strength unit, Lucas will increase armor. If it is an agile unit, Lucas will increase dodge rate. If it is an intellect unit, Lucas will increase attack speed and movement speed.
Death Knight
- Agile Recovery: Lig creates a magical shield, absorbing damage and turning it into HP.
- Death Coil: Launches toward the weakest target in range causing magic damage if the target is an enemy, or restoring HP if the target is an ally.
- Ward: Protects Lig's weakest ally with a shield of dark energy, will eventually explode, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.
- Frozen Barrier: A protective ward that shields allies from magic damage.
- Bristle-back: Braktusk covers his back in spines, causing him to take reduced damage.
- Nasal Goo: Braktusk covers a target in snot, causing it to have reduced armor.
- Quill Spray: On receiving a certain amount of damage from rear, Braktusk automatically releases a quill spray dealing physical damage to nearby enemies.
- Warpath: Braktusk works himself into a rage and gives damage bonus.
Depths Voice
- Siren Song: Talenta uses an old Nedan sleeping-song, forcing her enemies into a deep sleep.
- Blade Halo: A spinning blade causes physical damage nearby foes.
- Entrap: Talenta binds an enemy in her magical net and deals magic damage, trapping and disabling them.
- Untouchable: Talenta uses ancient Nedanese martial secrets to easily dodge incoming attacks.
Drunken Master
- Concussive Blow: Lien strikes down his enemies, causing a series of physical damage.
- Drunken Haze: Lien splashes his enemies with potent magical wine, causing magic damage and making them drunk and clumsy. It thus reduces their physical attack, accuracy and dodge rate.
- Shaking Strike: Lien stomps down into a group of enemies, causing physical damage and leaving them dizzy.
- Elemental Forces: Lien focuses inward, giving him more strength.
Dungeon Keeper
- Fatal Hook: Pargetter launches his hook and drags the victim back to himself, dealing physical damage. Tap in the skill icon again to drag the current victim. If the battle is in auto-fight, the hook will drag the first victim it encounters.
- Iron Chain: Pargetter releases an iron chain and stuns the nearest enemy, dealing physical damage.
- Force of Shield: Pargetter creates a shield for himself, absorbs incoming damage.
- Decay: Increases magic resistance for the whole team.
Dwarf Warrior
- Fatal Axe: Keane swings his axe and strikes an enemy, dealing massive damage but receiving reflected damage as well.
- Furious Charge: Keane charges towards enemies and stuns them for 4 seconds, after which Keane increases his physical armor and magic resistance.
- Get Drunk: Keane gets drunk and randomly receives one of the following boosts: HP recovery, energy recovery, attack bonus or armor enhancement.
- Elder Strength: Keane receives strength boost by the dwarf's combative skills.
Ember Blade
- Ember Remnant: Releases 3 fire remnants on the battle field, when Ember Blade is hit by critical strikes, the fire remnants will explode and Ember Blade will dash out to the last remnant's location.
- Flame Chains: Unleashes flame chains and locks two enemies nearby, dealing damage over time.
- Flame Shield: Ember Blade surrounds himself with a magic shield that burns enemies nearby and resists incoming magic damage.
- Blazing Blades: Ember Blade charges around, attacking all enemies while he cannot be attacked or damaged.
Fallen Dominion
- Transform: When Drees has half of energy or more, he is able to transform into a powerful demon with a ranged attack. The demon form consumes energy over time.
- Mirror Image: Drees creates a copy of himself which deals damage.
- Lifeforce Steal: Drees locks an enemy unit and steals life force from them.
- Devil's Blood: Drees strengthens his body with devil's blood, increasing HP.
- Army of Birds: Parker summons an army of birds flying across the enemies, dealing massive AoE damage.
- Eggs: Parker lays several eggs to hit random enemies. If it is an ice egg, it freezes the enemy. If it is a fire egg, it deals damage.
- Wings Sweep: Parker sweeps the enemies ahead, dealing damage and knocking them back.
- Hover: Increases Parker's dodge rate.
Iron Hoof
- Assault: Ballaks rushes forward, kicking away enemies with his massive hooves.
- Stomp: Ballaks slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemies.
- War Charge: Ballaks charges into the battlefield and grants the whole team a shield to absorb incoming damage.
- Fortitude: Ballaks giant body contains great strength.
Lightning Elemental
- Charged Sphere: Releases a Sphere of charged static electricity, causing wide-ranging magic damage to enemies.
- Lightning Strike: Summons a powerful storm cloud to strike an enemy and cause multiple magic damage.
- Energy Drain: Steals an enemy's physical attack power until the battle ends.
- Static Field: Arrec uses energy around him to increase magic resistance.
- Throw: Aetna grabs an enemy and tosses them, causing damage on impact.
- Caber: Aetna uproots a tree, giving him better range and damage.
- Rockslide: Aetna causes rocks to rain down on an area, damaging and stunning foes.
- Stoneskin: Aetna's granite skin protects him from damage and greatly enhances his armor.
- Kreln Shout: An old spell to damage enemies and give a chance to cast the spell multiple times in once cast.
- Firebomb: Bokka throws a firebomb at his target, possibly causing splash damage over time and gives a chance to cast the spell multiple times in once cast.
- Blood Call: Increases the attack and casting speed of a random ally and gives a chance to cast the spell multiple times in once cast.
- Elder Strength: Bokka's strength is bolstered.
Savage One
- Smash and Grab: Barrand slams the ground, causing magic damage and stunning foes in a moderate area.
- Arc Swing: A powerful attack that causes physical damages to nearby foes.
- Corrosion: Barrand marks an enemy and weakens the armor of the target for a period of time.
- Elder Strength: Barrand increases his own strength.
Shallows Keeper
- Shallow Keeper: Moray summons the fury of a sea storm to throw his enemies into the air, stunning them.
- Tidal Force: Moray summons a mighty wave that weakens an enemy's armor for a period of time.
- Anchor Aweigh: Moray swings a ship's anchor around, causing physical damage to any foes nearby.
- Shield of the Deep: Moray summons a tidal forces to resist damage and bolster his armor.
- Psychopompus: Summons a Psychopompus to attack the weakest target, dealing magic damage and dizzying them based on the missing HP of the target.
- Summons Manes: Rashek summons the spirits of the restless dead to cure allies and damage enemies.
- Gift of Life: By understanding the energies surrounding all living things, Rashek can gain a large amount of HP.
- Gift of Death: By understanding the energies surrounding death, Rashek can increase his magic resistance.
- Dagger Dance: Rapid-strike attacks against multiple enemies, Lokkan moves so fast that he cannot be hit.
- Fearless Charge: Lokkan charges into battle, causing physical damage to nearby enemies and resisting all magic damage.
- Protector: Lokkan places a healing ward to refill the whole team's HP.
- Surgical Strike: Lokkan hits his enemies in the vital organs, increasing his Agility.
Turtle Fighter
- Raging Taunt: Johnson taunts a random foe, disables him from casting skills and forces him to attack Johnson at all costs. The targets armor will be reduced.
- Rolling Stampede: Johnson rolls and stampedes into the enemies formation, damaging and stunning them. Johnson cannot be attacked or harmed while rolling.
- Return: Johnson turns into defensive mode, increases physical armor, and returns a certain amount of incoming physical damage.
- Intruder: Enemies hit by Johnson's second skill will be blinded for a period time.
Vanguard Warrior
- Phase Bash: Barret moves himself to the farthest enemy, performing 3 bash hits in a row.
- Charge of Valor: Upon the start of the battle Barret starts charging toward the battle center. Any enemy that comes in to contact during the charge will be bashed and damaged.
- Heavier Bash: Barret stuns a target and deals additional damage.
- Concentration: Barret concentrates his mind on enemies, increasing his attack accuracy.
War Chief
- Hammer Throw: Garl throws a hammer at a target, causing damage and stunning them.
- Power Swing: A mighty cut that results in massive physical damage.
- Kreln Bloodcall: Grant's a life-stealing ability to the whole team.
- Rage: Garl flies into a furious rage and will revive in 3 seconds after his first death.
Warrior Monk
- Earthshatter: Kenrick cracks and tears the earth's surface, dealing magic damage and stunning his foes.
- Broadswing: Kenrick strikes with a broad sweep, dealing magic damage and stunning enemies.
- Quake: Kenrick strikes the earth, causing magic damage and stunning enemies nearby.
- Elder Strength: The tauren strengthen their physique, sharply increasing strength.
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