This section will cover Guild Raid Chapter XIV - Dragon's Mountains. To start raiding, Join a guild with a good number of active raiders, then unlocks and complete Chapter 14 from Campaign Normal Mode to join Chapter XIV - Dragon's Mountains Guild Raid!

- Guild Raid: Chapter Selection -
- Chapter XIV Raid: Boss Stage -

Silver Dragon is a Lvl 99 ancient dragon boss that can cast powerful Ice, Fire, and Thunder skills with uber crowd control or disabilities depending on it's current HP%. To make this guide more accurate, I will divide all 4 phases or forms.
- Phase 1 (Ice Dragon): Boss HP 100% to 70% -

During this phase, Silver Dragon will use icy AoE attacks and knock-backs with freeze, uber silence, or slow disabilities! Using physical teams, works better here, since you will be silenced a lot!
Sample Team Formations
- 1 Tank and 4 DPS
- 0 Tank and 5 DPS
Tank Heroes
- Savage One
- War Chief
DPS Heroes
- Arcane Sapper
- Cloud Walker
- Drunken Master
- Fallen Dominion
- Lunar Guardian
- Ninja Assassin
- Shadowleaf
- Sniper
- Summoner
- Sword Master
Control Heroes
- None
Support Heroes
- None
- Phase 2 (Fire Dragon): Boss HP 69% to 40% -

During this phase, Silver Dragon will use fiery AoE attacks and knock-backs with Damage over Time (DoT) and Armor Impaired debuffs! If you want to get a high single round score for this boss, this phase is your best choice.
Sample Team Formations
- 1 Tank and 4 DPS
- 0 Tank and 5 DPS
- 0 Tank, 4 DPS and 1 Support
Tank Heroes
- Savage One
DPS Heroes
- Ancient Protector (off-tank DPS hero)
- Cloud Walker
- Death Mage
- Drunken Master
- Fallen Dominion
- Lunar Guardian
- Ninja Assassin
- Poisoned One
- Summoner
- Shadowleaf
- Sword Master
Control Heroes
- None
Support Heroes
- Chaplain (if team dies quickly)
- Shadow Shaman (if team dies quickly)
- Tusked Storm
- Phase 3 (Thunder Dragon): Boss HP 39% to 10% -

During this phase, Silver Dragon will use thunderous AoE attacks with "Attack Weakened" debuffs, single target stun, and lots of annoying knock-backs with Blinding effect! (lowers team's hit rate)
Sample Team Formations
- 1 Tank and 4 DPS
- 1 Tank, 3 DPS and 1 Support
Tank Heroes
- Savage One
DPS Heroes
- Cloud Walker
- Fallen Dominion
- Hidden Needle
- Lunar Guardian
- Ninja Assassin
- Summoner
- Shadowleaf
- Sword Master
Control Heroes
- None
Support Heroes
- Tusked Storm
- Phase 4 (Hybrid Dragon): Boss HP 9% to 0% -

During this phase, Silver Dragon will use all skills mentioned above!
Sample Team Formations
- 1 Tank and 4 DPS
- 2 Tanks and 3 DPS (ancient protector as off-tank)
Tank Heroes
- Savage One
DPS Heroes
- Ancient Protector (off-tank DPS hero)
- Cloud Walker
- Fallen Dominion
- Ninja Assassin
- Poisoned One
- Shadowleaf
- Sword Master
Control Heroes
- None
Support Heroes
- None
Labeling Guide
- Highly Recommended Heroes = Popular raid heroes for this chapter.
- Possible Alternatives = Nice heroes that can be mixed or used as alternatives to the recommended ones.
Team Compositions
- Refer to the comments section below for sample team compositions.
- Got some nice raiding team/s for this stage? Why not share them below!
- Include Lvl of heroes, stars, Expected Total Damage (ETD), and more.
Friendly Reminders:
- Rent heroes you need from the Mercenary Camp, if they don't have the hero you are looking for, try to ask nicely, someone might lend you one.
- Help and speak to your guildmates to know what they need too. Don't think of them as your competition, -- cooperation, teamwork, and strategy matters a lot here.
- To get items, select "Loot" and queue for the item you want.
To Newbie Guild Leaders and Officers:
- Your guild has to finish the current chapter before moving on to the next one. Never reset an unfinished raid!
- Always do the top 2 or 3 available Chapters, depending on your guild's kill rate and points gain rate.
- Reset the highest chapter, then reset any Chapter you like with the remaining points. You must also check your queues to help you choose which chapters to reset.
- Ignore the 7 days completion bonus, do not reset or spend your points just to complete them on time.
Final Notes:
- Heroes with Legendary Skills are NOT considered here for now to give mid to near high level players a better and accurate options. I will consider them if needed.
- These are not the only heroes out there that can be used. I probably missed some Heroes that are also useful, but the above heroes should be enough. Learn, experiment, and share. Good Luck Guys!~ ^^
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