Here's is the Part 2 of the quick walkthrough and strategy guide for the role playing game Final Fable. Collect and summon heroes to join your epic team, upgrade their gears, skills, and stats to make them a formidable allies and help you dominate the Campaign Battles, Arena, Conquest and more!
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- Final Fable Beginner's Guide (Part 2) -
Go Here for the Part 1 of this Guide:
- Final Fable: Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide For Beginners (Part 1)
- The Best Way to Spend Gems? -
Stamina! (Shop > Hot Deals)
- Yes, it's the best way to:
- get more Heroes by farming Shards.
- boost Team or Hero Levels.
- get more Gold for upgrading skills.
- and to Promote or Evolve Heroes by farming the items needed.
- Get at least 1 Stamina Pack per day (F2P), more depending on your Gems.
- Get at least 1 Stamina Pack per day (F2P), more depending on your Gems.
Midas Touch: Do this only 5 times a day to get the Team Lvl EXP. Since it will consume 50 Gems, this will be an optional feature for F2P players.
First Wellspring - Arcane Tome:
- Your first Arcane Tome draw has a high chance to reveal a nicely promoted Hero, so it's a good idea to spend your first few Gems for this one early game.
Wellspring - Arcane Tome (Ten Summons):
- Well, this is kinda hard for F2P gamers because the required Gems is somewhat high, it's better to spend Gems to Stamina and farm Shards to get specific Heroes early on, then just earn your excess Gems for this as you go on (optional).
- For VIP gamers, this feature is a good way to spend some extra Gems, especially early game. It is still luck based though but you will probably get at least 1 new Hero.
- Check Events for some sweet deals, probably something that will give you a new hero, hero shards or summon tomes.
- Check Events for some sweet deals, probably something that will give you a new hero, hero shards or summon tomes.
- The PVP Arena! -
PvP Arena Unlocks at Team Lvl 10
- A nice place to get Diamonds, Coins, Honor Coins for the Arena Showroom Shop, and more.
- Note: For early game, only use Honor Coins for purchasing Hero Soul Stones.
- Fight teams with lower Might Power than yours to get a higher chance of winning.
- The key is to form a team that works together. Mix, match, and experiment to find what suits your defensive and offensive playing style.
- If you can't win anymore, you an still purposely lose fights to complete the "Keen Combatant" Daily Event.
- Check the Rules to see the rewards you can get with your current Rank.
Extra Stamina Challenge
- You can fight the Arena NPC's to get some extra Stamina!
- More Early Game Unlockables -
RIFT Battles (Under Friends Menu)
- When fighting in an Elite chapter, there is a chance for a Rift to open and for you to win Hero Shards and Gold. They’re open for only 4 hours, during which your friends are alerted and can participate in them. When your friend completes a Rift for the first time, you’ll get Friend Points that you can use to buy items in the Shop.
- Even if it looks like you are losing, still continue and finish the battles, you'll still win no matter what.
- Do RIFT battles to gain various rewards including EXP and Gold. Try to aim for the heroes you need more shards (featured hero). A nice place to farm Hero Shards and Tome pieces for Summoning!
- Even if it looks like you are losing, still continue and finish the battles, you'll still win no matter what.
- Do RIFT battles to gain various rewards including EXP and Gold. Try to aim for the heroes you need more shards (featured hero). A nice place to farm Hero Shards and Tome pieces for Summoning!
The Skyview Boutique and Other Shops
- A place where you can sell your loots, just sell the ones that pops up.
- If you have extra Gold, buy some here in-case you'll need the items for later, especially EXP potions.
- Click and hold the item's portrait to check how many items you currently have.
- Click and hold the item's portrait to check how many items you currently have.
Team Lvl 12: Grimm's Midway
- A nice place to collect lots of Gold and various items!
Team Lvl 15: Crests:
- Crests will give your hero increased stats.
- Completing a set of crests will give your hero a bonus passive skill.
- You can get more Crest items by opening your Pouches from the Bag.
- To upgrade your Crests, use the Forge Crest feature (requires a number of Rubies).
- To get more free Rubies, farm your Ruby Mines (just above the Arena), or by gathering Helper's Packs.
- Helper's Pack (Getting Rubies)
- To get the Rubies, you need to send a mercenary to another player's conquest.
- Go to the Chat feature, scroll to the bottom, then wait for a player that needs help on their Conquest, tap the pink area to send a mercenary (needs 10 Stamina).

- Also try to figure out the time of the day when a lot of players are pouring in to play and ask help for Conquest.
- Claim Helper's Bag from your Mailbox then open from your Bag to collect random items, including Rubies!
Team Lvl 16: Trials
- A nice place to collect various items, especially materials for promotion and for getting your heroes' sub elements.
- When you have enough heroes or when using mercenaries, try to customize your team to counter the element of your enemies.
Team Lvl 18: Aesop's Blessing (Roll any Talent)
- Choose any hero and change/refresh a talent once a day for 100 Gems, to complete the Daily Quest.
- Note: The new Talent generated is not limited to the hero you chose above, you can equip it to any hero that is more suitable. Pick the suitable hero, then click on the Confirm button.
Team Lvl 18: Aesop's Blessing (Roll any Talent)
- Choose any hero and change/refresh a talent once a day for 100 Gems, to complete the Daily Quest.

Team Lvl 20: Conquest
- Another place where you can farm lots of Gold! Plus, it doesn't require Stamina to play.
- Focus on creating multiple Teams for this Mode, one of the challenging features in the game.
- Use your Heroes, Mercenaries (Optional: Use Gold Only) and skills wisely per stage!
- No After Victory Rewards!?
- But you can open chests every after battle. Rewards can be Gold, Items, Hero Shards and also a chance to instantly acquire Heroes!
- Rewards will also drop Pouches to get more Crests, or Blue and Purple gears for evolving your heroes.
- TIP: If one of your main heroes dies, or if your team is at a disadvantage, just hit the Settings (Gear Icon) > Retreat to quit the current battle. Use this to try other strategies from full HP again.
- This will also help check the elements of your enemies, and use mercenaries that are effective against them.
- Do not rely on Auto Deploy and Battle, you can learn many things by doing it on your own!
- Charge up your MP bars from the start, and only use them if needed.
- If there is only one enemy left, use it to charge your MP bars, do not fire off all of your skills!
- Rotate wounded heroes, to let them heal in the background, and wisely use your healer's Ulti.
- Only spend your Conquest Coins on Hero Shards early game, then if you have extra, spend on purple items at higher levels.
Team Lvl 30: Enchant
- Do this only once your Hero reached Purple+. Check and prioritize stats that is important for that Hero.
- Never Enchant before Evolving, or else, you'll just waste a lot of Gold. All Stats from Item Enchants will NOT carry over after Evolving, only the base stats of the gears equipped.
Congratulations! If you reached this point, then I hope you already know what you are doing. Gold, Stamina and Gems shouldn't be a problem, since you already know where and how to get them.
More in-game features will unlock once you reach higher levels, Good Luck and Happy Playing! ^^
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