Here's the 1st part of the quick walkthrough and strategy guide for the "Lost City Part 1" stages in the strategy defense game - Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time! Journey deep into the jungle and discover 16 gilded levels. Explore new features like sun-producing Gold Tiles and get in the game even faster!

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Tips to Remember!
- Play Frostbite Caves Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide first before this guide!
Red Stinger
- Performance is based from it's location: Similar to a Repeater when close to home (cheaper), and becomes a weaker version of a Wall when further away from it. When placed on the center, it's just like a Peashooter with extra defense.
Lava Guava
- Erupts when zombies are too near, dealing massive damages. Left over lava pools will also burn zombies when stepped on. Effective vs Excavator Zombies.
- Lobs projectiles that bounce from zombie to zombie, effective vs Excavator Zombies.
- Defensive plants that deal damage to zombies attacking it.
- Snapdragons: After placing 2 Sunflowers, place the first 2 Snapdragons on the 2nd and 4th row first, next on 3rd, then 1st and 5th rows last. If the formation below requires 2 columns of Snapdragons, start by placing 4 of them on the the 2nd and 4th row, and so on.
- Note: Use Wall-Nuts or Tall-Nuts if needed to defend your Snapdragons.
Gold Tiles
- Place a plant here to get bonus Suns overtime. If possible, place your first few plants here to speed up your progress. Note: Using a Shovel and placing another plant won't work hehe, best use plants with 0 Sun requirement.
- You can instantly repair defensive plants like Wall-Nuts and Talls-Nuts by planting the same plant on top of them.
- You can use Plant Food on any seed packet to instantly refresh their cool down.
- You can manually launch one mower by tapping and holding!
- After you complete the formation below, you may slowly replace your Sun producing plants with offensive plants.
- If you are having difficulty, you may use Power Ups or buy PFs if you like.
How to Plant Guide:
- | Sunflower | Peashooter | Peashooter | Wall |
- This means: Plant Sunflowers in the 1st column from the left, Peashooters in the 2nd and 3rd columns, then Wall-Nuts in the 4th column.
- World: Lost City Day 1 to 16 -
Lost City - Day 1
- | Sunflower | Snapdragon | Snapdragon | Wall |- PF: Any
- Wall-Nut: As usual, place to defend your Snapdragons from tough zombies.
- Cherry Bomb, Chili Bean, and Stunion for support.
Lost City - Day 2
- Shovel: Sell the 3 Red Stingers, they are just there for show. See the Red Stinger section above for more info instead. Gather Sun and place 3 Sunflowers and 3 Snapdragons.- | Sunflower | Snapdragon | Snapdragon | Wall |
- PF: Any
- Cherry Bomb, Chili Bean, and Stunion for support.
- After the formation, replace Sunflowers with Red Stingers if you want.
Lost City - Day 3 (Mini Game)
- | Red Stinger | Red Stinger | Lava Guava |- PF: Any
Lost City - Day 4
- Shovel: Sell that Wall-Nut!- | Sunflower | Snapdragon | Snapdragon |
- Delay the first Excavator Zombie with your Iceberg Lettuce and/or Stunion while setting up your Snapdragons.
- PF: Any
- Iceberg Lettuce: Spam and place on those Gold Tiles to farm Sun early on.
- Cherry Bomb, Chili Bean, Iceberg Lettuce and Stunion for support and vs tough zombies.
Lost City - Day 5 (Mini Game)
- | A.K.E.E | A.K.E.E | Wall |- PF: A.K.E.E vs group of zombies
- Yup, no need to put in Red Stingers, or place on the 4th column if you like.
- Cherry Bomb vs tough zombies.
Lost City - Day 6
- | Sunflower | A.K.E.E | Snapdragon |- PF: Any
- Iceberg Lettuce and Puff-shroom: Spam and place on those Gold Tiles to farm Sun early on. Setup 3 Snapdragons, then A.K.E.Es.
- Cherry Bomb and Stunion: vs tough zombies.
- After the formation, replace Sunflowers with A.K.E.Es.
Lost City - Day 7
- | Sunflower | Snapdragon | Snapdragon |- PF: Any
- Iceberg Lettuce and Puff-shroom: Same, spam and place on those Gold Tiles.
- Cherry Bomb and Chili Bean: vs tough zombies.
- After the formation, replace Sunflowers with A.K.E.Es!
Lost City - Day 8 (Protect the Flowers!)
- | A.K.E.E | A.K.E.E | A.K.E.E | Red Stinger- PF: Any, or Red Stinger/Puff-Shroom vs tough or Parasol Zombies.
- Iceberg Lettuce and Puff-shroom: Same, spam and place on those Gold Tiles. If you need more space for your A.K.E.Es, use Shovel to remove them.
- A.K.E.E: Place them first on non-Gold Tiles.
- Red Stingers will be your mini walls.
- Iceberg Lettuce: Use to delay tough or Parasol Zombies.
Lost City - Day 9 (Mini Game)
- | Snapdragon | Snapdragon | Snapdragon | Endurian | Spikerock- PF: Spikerock vs Excavator Zombies
- Cherry Bomb: vs Excavator Zombies
- Sometimes you will get more Endurians than Snapdragons, just spam them out.
- If those Excavator zombies managed to throw your Spikerocks and Endurians, just replace them.
Lost City - Day 10
- | Sunflower | A.K.E.E | Snapdragon | Endurian |- PF: Any
- Iceberg Lettuce and Puff-shroom: Same, spam and place on those Gold Tiles.
- Complete Snapdragons with some Endurains first, before A.K.E.Es.
- After the formation, replace Sunflowers with A.K.E.Es!
- Cherry Bomb: vs tough zombies.
Lost City - Day 11
- | Sunflower | A.K.E.E | Snapdragon | Snapdragon |- PF: Any
- Iceberg Lettuce and Puff-shroom: Same, spam and place on those Gold Tiles, use Shovel to remove them if you need their space.
- Blover: vs Bug Zombies!
- Cherry Bomb: vs tough zombies.
Lost City - Day 12 (Produce 5000+ Sun)
- | Twin Sunflower | Snapdragon | Snapdragon |- PF: Snapdragon vs Porter Gargantuar
- Iceberg Lettuce and Puff-shroom: Same, spam and place on those Gold Tiles, use Shovel to remove them if you need their space.
- Chili Bean: use it on the first Conehead zombie to clear it out.
- Blover: vs Bug Zombies!
- Cherry Bomb: vs Porter Gargantuar.
- Mower: In case you'll get more than 1 Porter Gargantuar, you can manually launch one mower by tapping and holding to instantly defeat one.
- Build Twin Sunflowers fast and spam those Gold Tiles to complete the requirement.
Lost City - Day 13 (Mini Game)
- | Any | Any | Any | Spikerock |- Note: Parasol Zombies are invulnerable from lob attacks, and Excavator Zombies from straight line attacks, so it is best to put at least 1 Lob and 1 Straight attacker per row.
- Lob Attackers: Watermelon-pults (best placed on the 2nd/3rd/4th rows) and A.K.E.Es.
- Straight Attackers: Red Stingers and Repeaters.
- PF: Depends on the target zombie near your plants, and on what type of attack they are vulnerable. Example: Red Stingers vs Parasol Zombies, or Watermelon-pults vs Excavator or other zombies.
- This mini game might need some luck, because sometimes the game will just give you a series of long Lob or Straight attackers, from the start LoL.
Lost City - Day 14 (Survive the Zombie Attack!)
- | None | A.K.E.E | A.K.E.E | Sunflower |- PF: Any, In case you run out of Lava Guava, you can use a PF on it's seed packet to instantly remove it's cool-down!
- Lava Guava: vs Parasol Zombies or other tough zombies.
Lost City - Day 15 (Survive and Protect the Plants!)
- | Sunflower | None | Snapdragon | Snapdragon |- PF: Any
- Cherry Bomb and Chili Bean for support.
- Blover: vs Bug Zombies!
- Iceberg Lettuce and Puff-shroom: Same, spam and place on those Gold Tiles.
- After the formation, add more Snapdragons on the 2nd column.
Lost City - Day 16 (Mini Game! - Gargantuar and World Key!)
- | Any | Any | Any | Any | Endurian |- PF: Red Stinger vs Porter Gargantuars, If some zombies managed to reach the 1st column early game, use PF on A.K.E.E, or if you want to get rid of those Parasol Zombies near your plants, then use it on Red Stingers. Save up for the Porter Gargantuars though.
- Place 2 Red Stingers and 2 A.K.E.Es per row.
- Cherry Bomb and Lava Guava: vs Porter Gargantuars. For best results, always use Cherry Bomb on the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th row.
Plants vs. Zombies 2: Lost City Part 2
- Go here: Lost City Part 2 Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
Related Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time Tips & Guides:
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time: Plant Food Effects on Plants
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: Big Wave Beach Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: Frostbite Caves Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: Neon Mixtape Tour Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
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