Fighters are characters that subdues enemies with continuous close range attacks using a glove. High in survival rate due to high HP, suitable for intermediate players.
Suggested Stats Allocation
- 3 STA (Awakening Points: 5 STA)

- Fighter Stat Building Guide -
CRIT Type Build Until Lvl 35
- HP: as high as possible (Stamina+, HP+).
- ATK: as high as possible (Stamina+, ATK+).
- CRIT RATE: just aim for at least 40% or more (CRIT RATE+%).
- DEF: Collect and upgrade your gears to get the DEF bonuses, if you need more, get (DEX+, DEF+, STR+). Aim for 700+ or 800+ for Chapter 8 and 9 Normal.
- Evasion: Getting this around 40% will also help dodge some attacks (Evasion+%, DEX+, Stamina+).
- CRIT DMG: just get what you can for now, make sure to cover CRIT RATE first before increasing.
- MP: Leave it for now, or just get the bonus MP+ from Necklace upgrade bonus.
- Accuracy: 120+ to 130+ should be fine.
- When resetting Stats, I highly suggest you check the stats available per item gear here: Fighter Stat Reset Guide
CRIT Type Build Lvl 35 to 60
- Unlock Hero Mode First. Note that monsters from here on are stronger than before so it is normal to grind if you get stuck.
- Reminder: Upgrade your gears (especially weapon), battle pets (summon for boss fights), fairies, increase awakening stars, and upgrade some Seals.
- HP: as high as possible (Stamina+, HP+).
- ATK: as high as possible (Stamina+, ATK+).
- CRIT RATE: just cap it around 100%+ (CRIT RATE+%), increase if you need more chance but do not exceed far from 200%.
- CRIT DMG: aim for at least 100%+ (CRIT DMG+%, DEX+), then 200% or more around Lvl 50.
- DEF: aim for at least 2000+ DEF around Lvl 50 and above.(DEX+, DEF+, STR+). Your "DEF Increase" passive skill will also start to give great bonuses at this point too.
- Evasion: Just cap it around 100% or less (Evasion+%, DEX+, Stamina+) to help dodge some attacks. Increase at higher Lvls if you need more.
- Accuracy: Only increase if you miss a lot in PvE, or increase to around 200+ to 250+ for PVP purposes (Accuracy+). If you are a PVP enthusiast , you need to increase this more, unless the meta changes and everyone drops their Evasion.
- MP: Leave it for now, or just get the bonus MP+ from Necklace upgrade bonus and Seals.
- When resetting Stats, I highly suggest you check the stats available per item gear here: Fighter Stat Reset Guide

- Don't forget to upgrade some of your SEALS too.
Example CRIT Build At Lvl 50 to 59
- If you reached this point, you probably know now what you are doing.

- Note: Stats above are not fully optimized, there is still room for improvement. Once you reach and get the Lvl 60 weapon, ATK and other stats will greatly buff up, pick wisely. Add in more Accuracy (reach around 250), HP, DEF, CRIT DMG or any stats according to your needs or play style.
- Reflect+%: This could be a game changer at higher levels, add in to your T12 Weapons and/or T10+ Amulets. This stat will reflect incoming damages back to the enemy depending on the percentage of your Reflect stat!
- Fighter Skills: "Passive Type" Build -
Important Note! - Due to the new revamped skills update, the skill build below is not 100% working. I will update this guide once they release the final patch notes of the revamped Skills and Stats.By default, skill sets below are focused for PVE or leveling purposes. Note that this is not the only way to build your skills! There are so many skill builds around that is also viable.
*After the v1.0.8 update patch, you can start farming Soul Stones from the Fairy Tower at Lvl 10. It's way easier now, so Awaken your character as fast as possible. Enhance your Fairies also with Fairy Dusts and evolve to get more stats!
Lvl 20 to 29 with 2 Stars
- Full Blast = Lvl 1
- Life Circulation = Lvl 1
- Lion's Roar = Lvl 1
- Main Skills: Full Blast, Lion's Roar, and Life Circulation.
- DMG Increase = MAX Lvl 6
- DEF Increase = MAX Lvl 6
- Deadly Will = MAX Lvl 6
- The bonuses of the 3 passive skills above isn't great early game but it will be very helpful as you go higher. Note that the Deadly Will passive skill will modify your CRIT RATE by it's current percentage, it doesn't add as is.
- Blessing of Fortitude: Good early game, but the bonus is not very satisfying at higher levels, just throw in your extra skill points here late game.
- Reserved Skill Points = 13
Lvl 30 to 39 with 3 or 4 Stars
- Empowered Light = Lvl 1
- Shadow Double = Lvl 5 or 10 (can also be capped at Lvl 5 for MP purposes, increase if you can cast with ease. If MP is a problem, you can increase MP from Set and Necklace upgrade bonuses.)
- Battle Cry = Lvl 1
- Main Skills: Lion's Roar, Empowered Light and Shadow Double.
- Situational Skills: Battle Cry (can be used once you have a decent CRIT RATE, also good for Raids.) Life Circulation for more survivability, or simply add Full Blast for extra damage and invulnerability.
- Shadow Double's DPS is kinda shaky but it's very useful for certain stages. It can be used to absorb damages, or as dummies for powerful boss skills and annoying disabilities like stun or grabs. If used correctly, they can also mob and destroy bosses!
- If Auto Potion is disrupting your Empowered Light's timing, turn it off every time you enter dungeons.
- Empowered Light can also cover your MP, but once you have a nice MP pool (from Necklace upgrades), you might want to start using HP Pots and Max HP for dungeon runs.
- Chapters 9-5 to 9-10: If you are having trouble, just use Shadow Double to clear the mobs, move to a safe place, wait for cooldown, repeat. Use Empowered Light to restore MP.
- Recommend: Upgrade your gears, battle pets, fairies, and increase Awakening Stars for easier clear.
- DMG Increase = MAX Lvl 9 or 12
- DEF Increase = MAX Lvl 9 or 12
- Deadly Will = MAX Lvl 9 or 12
- Reserved Skill Points = 12 (3 Stars) or 3 (4 Stars)
Example Lvl 40 with 4 Stars

- Destructive Blow = Lvl 1
- Shadow Double = Lvl 10 (can also be capped at Lvl 5 until your MP can support Lvl 10 with other skills. Max it if you want, but it looks like the "Summon:+4" at Lvl 15 isn't working at the moment.)
- Main Skills: Destructive Blow, Empowered Light and Shadow Double.
- Other Skills are still useful for Dungeons, Monster Wave, Raid or PVP, add any skill/s you like according to the situation.
- Example Basic Combo: Gather Mobs > Shadow Double > Destructive Blow. This will help cast Destructive Blow at full strength and without getting damages.
- DMG Increase = MAX Lvl 15
- DEF Increase = MAX Lvl 15
- Deadly Will = MAX Lvl 15
- Reserved Skill Points = 8
Lvl 50 and Above
- Destructive Blow = MAX LvL 15 (Just make sure that your MP can handle higher Lvls. Combo with Battle Cry (increase or MAX) for insane damages!)
- Passive Master = MAX next (increases the base bonus stat of all passive skills, a nice skill at higher levels). Reserve or put Skill Points here, and wait until it is fixed.
- Blessing of Fortitude = Put remaining skill points here.
- Note: Passive Master and Focus are NOT working (at the moment, stats doesn't increase at certain Lvls after Lvl 1).
- Focus = Optional skill at higher levels. How it works? Ex: If you have 400 STA and Lvl 10 Discipline (+30% DMG per STA), you'll get 400*.30 = +120 ATK.
- Blood Drain = This is also an optional skill for CRIT Builds, some players put up to 4 Skill Points here to trigger Life Steals ("Didn't test personally, how effective though"). Note: Chance Rate increases by 2% per upgrade.
The End Game
- Once you are done with the story line and all available modes, it's time to reach the Max Lvl.
- Continue or reconfigure your skills for Auto-Battle Grinding, then reset again if you want for PVP builds last. Experiment and have fun!
- Suggested Fighter Set Gears -
*Due to the v1.0.8 update patch, Raid Set Gears are no longer available for new players. For now, use what you need from the available sets dropped from Dungeons, we will update this soon...
So far the popular choice is Destroyer Set.
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