Enhancing is a way to level up your gears to make it better and usable for a longer period of time. Once your gear reaches max level from enhancing, you can Tier Up the gear or Upgrade its Grade making it a whole new gear to use.

- Hunting For Item Gears! -
Main Gears
- After the v1.0.8 update patch, the Lvl requirement of gears has disappeared, and replaced by the Tier System, for more info, go here: New Equipment System - Tiers and Recycles
- For new players, follow the Tier System, and ignore the Equipment Lvl.
Types of Main Gears
Regular Set Gears
- Can be farmed from Dungeon Stages
- They can also be obtained from Mission Rewards and various in-game events (Weapon and Shield Coupons).
- Regular Set Gears includes: Destroyer, Duelist, Adventurer, and Guardian set types.
- These are the Prefixes or Set Types you can find from your item's names.
Rare Set Gears
- The Transcendentalist is a rare prefix that can be obtained upon upgrading to A, S or SS (also after upgrading T12 gears).
Set Effects
- An item with (S) on their icons means that your gear's set effect is active.
- These items rotates every 2 Tiers, so it's good to invest on them. Can be obtained from Arena victory rewards, V Pts weekly rewards, Missions and Login events (Accessory Coupons).
- Higher Grades and Tier Lvls yields higher stat bonuses.
- Grade SS = 4 Stat Bonuses (3 Gem Slots)
- Grade S = 3 Stat Bonuses (3 Gem Slots)
- Grade A = 3 Stat Bonuses (2 Gem Slots)
- Grade B = 2 Stat Bonuses (2 Gem Slots)
- Grade C = 1 Stat Bonus (1 Gem Slot)
- Grade D = 0 Stat Bonuses (0 Gem Slots)
The v1.1.5 Update Patch:
- You can now Upgrade MAX enhance level Transcendentalist equipment to SSS grade!
An additional gem slot will be added to all SSS equipment.
- Step #1: Enhancing Items! -

Never Let Yourself Run Out of Gold!
- Enhancing is one of the biggest money sinkers in the game, choose your items wisely and stop if you feel that the enhancing fee is way too much.
- Always maintain at least 200k to 500k Gold for other things.

- Items with higher Grade and Tier will give better results.
- Each item included regardless of the item's Grade and Tier will increase the fee by a fixed rate, so it's better to aim for the minimum number of items possible to reach 5/5 enhancement.
- Examples:
- S > SS = use Grade B, A, S, and/or SS
- A > S = use Grade C weapons, B, and/or A
- B > A = use Grade C weapons and/or B
- C > B = use Grade C
- D > C = use Grade D weapons, preferably high Tier ones.
- (Grade D is ok, but only for Accessories)

- Grade C non-weapon items can also be salvaged if your inventory is getting full, start from your lowest Tier item gears. Note that weapons gives better results than other type of gears.
- Preferably, salvage Grade D and C items early game that you don't need, like Tier 0 to 2 items.
- Grade D accessories on the other hand are ok to keep since accessories are somewhat harder to get.
- You can use and configure the "Auto Select" feature to quickly scan and salvage all Grade D items in your inventory.
- Step #2A: Tier Up Items! (Increase Tier Lvl) -

Example Scenario:
- You now have a Maxed Enhanced (5/5) Grade C - Tier 2 Item, ready to go Tier 3.- Use Crystal, Evolve Points, or ZEN to tier up and improve the basic stats of your equipment.

- As much as possible, use Crystals for this one, farm from Boss Raid rewards.
- Save your Evolve Points for Resetting (or use if you want, especially when you can't really find a party for Raids), and also save ZEN for better options.
- Only the item's Base or Primary Stat will increase like DEF or ATK.
- Bonus Stats will remain, however, higher stats range can be unlocked upon "Resetting" the item.
- For lower Tiers, I don't think it's a good idea to reset every after Tier Up. To save more resources, better do it after Upgrading the Grade, reaching the Tier Limit of the item, or once you get stuck while doing dungeon runs.
- Set Stats and Set Type (Prefix) will remain.
- Step #2B: Upgrading Items (Increase Grade Rank) -
Upgrading the item to the next Grade will add additional bonus Stat or Gem Slot depending on the next Grade. Refer to the "Item Grade and Bonuses" section above for the number of Stats and Gem Slots per grade.
This feature is only done if the UPGRADE option is available for your item after MAX Enhance, check the New Equipment System - Tiers and Recycles section for more info, then go back here.

- You now have a Maxed Enhanced (5/5) Grade C - Tier 4 Item, ready to be upgraded to Grade B.
- You have 2 Choices here, upgrade with Upgrade Stones, or combine 2 Identical Equipment.
Upgrading with 2 Identical Equipment
- The Base and the other item must be of the same Item Type (hero class; weapon or armor), Grade and Tier Lvl, both items must also be Maxed Enhanced (5/5). Item Names doesn't matter.
- The item's Base or Primary Stat will increase like DEF or ATK.
- Bonus Stats will remain, however, higher stats range can be unlocked upon "Resetting" the item.
- Set Type (Prefix) will randomly change. This is acceptable at lower Grades (D, C and maybe B) since you will Upgrade them fast anyway, but for Grades A, and S, (B is optional) it's better to use Upgrade Stones to easily maintain the Set Type/Prefix.
- In case you don't like the current Prefix of you item, or if you want to gamble using separate items other than your equipped items, then it's ok to upgrade with this method.
- If you didn't get the Prefix you wanted after the upgrade, the only way now is to upgrade it again to the next Grade Lvl, since you can't use Recycle. It's not a waste though because you can still use it for later upgrades also.
- Set Stats will greatly increase once you reach B, S, and SS Grades.
Upgrade Using Upgrade Stones
- Just the base item, plus the type and required number of Upgrade Stones.

- The item's Base or Primary Stat will increase like DEF or ATK.
- Bonus Stats will remain, however, higher stats range can be unlocked upon "Resetting" the item.
- Set Stats will greatly increase once you reach Grade B, S, and SS.
- Set Type (Prefix) will remain the same. It's better to use Upgrade Stones to upgrade Grade B or A and above gears depending on your resources, with the Set Type Prefix you like. Use it to maintain the Prefixes of your items.
- Step #3: Customizing Items! -
Item customization is the final part of the steps, it will allow you to reconfigure the stat bonuses of your items the way you like.
- For more in-depth info, go here: Customizing Items: Resets and Gems
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