Here's a list of Skills for all full 5 Stars Water Element Heroes in Bloodline: The Last Royal Vampire mobile game. If you want to know the new skill set of your 5* heroes after evolving them from 4*, or if you are looking for a nice Water Hero to add to your team, then you may refer here for information.

- Select Element -

- Water Element Heroes -

- Soul Sleep III: Rae silently chants incantations to summon three shock waves, dealing moderate Water Element damage to all enemies.
- Spirit Fury III: The Spirit's appearance causes enemy morale to drop, with the CRI hit rate of humanoid enemies reduced by 20%.
- FireLiquid DEF III: Water and Fire Element enemies cause 25% less damage.
How to Obtain: Evolve 4*/5* Hell Elegy Rae.
- Evolve Ghost Rae 3*/5*: Fragment Trade x20: Get from Growth Task Rewards. Pretty common too as Event rewards.

- Rainspell III: Transform surrounding space instantly into Water Mirage, restoring a large amount of HP to the three party members with the least HP.
- Dominate III: Ara prays for protection from the tides for her Water Element Squad mates, reducing damage received by 10%.
- Flash Flood III: At the start of every round, the party member with the least HP gains 1000 HP and a 50% increase in DEF.
How to Obtain: Gem Summon, Crystal Trade or VIP 9 Event Present.
- Evolve Dragonite Ara 4*/5*: Get from Gem Summon or Crystal Trade.
- Evolve Dragonling Ara 3*/5*: Get from Gem Summon, Crystal Trade, or Fragment Trade x30: Farm from Challenge Mode > Chapter 6 Abandoned Sea > Mystic Castle.

- Holy Thrust III: Riya releases multiple waves of energy, causing severe Water Element damage to a single enemy and lowering enemy's healing by 50% for 2 rounds.
- Dark Tracker III: In her quest to kill 100 heretics, Riya studies the weaknesses of the dark side, increasing damage to enemies from the dark side by 50%.
- Ice Rage III: All Water Element party members cause 50% more damage.
How to Obtain: Gem Summon, Crystal Trade or VIP 8 Event Present.
- Evolve Sensei Riya 4*/5*: Get from Gem Summon or Crystal Trade.
- Evolve Battle Riya 3*/5*: Get from Gem Summon, Crystal Trade, or Fragment Trade x30: Farm from Challenge Mode > Chapter 1 Blood Moon > Nun and Knight.

- Unseal III: Release tremendous Engraving Power to deal ultra-massive Water Element damage to a single enemy.
- Transfusion III: Uygur unleashes her inner energy after receiving Water and Fire Element damage, with damage dealt increased by 10% for 3 rounds.
- Icy Flame III: Water and Fire Element party members cause 40% more damage.
How to Obtain: Gem Summon or Crystal Trade.
- Evolve Seal Uygur 4*/5*: Get from Gem Summon or Crystal Trade.
- Evolve Sorcerer Uygur 3*/5*: Get from Gem Summon, Crystal Trade, or Fragment Trade x30: Farm from Challenge Mode > Chapter 7 Will of Greatness > Underworld.

- Quintile III: Zan deals moderate Water Element damage to all enemies.
- Magic Tattoo III: Zan, protected by the Magic Tattoo, has a lower chance of being ATK when HP is below than 50% while damage is increased by 20%.
- Heart Altar III: All party members gain the powers of werewolves, with Max HP increased by 30%.
How to Obtain: Evolve Maidservant Zan 4*/5*, or Fragment Trade x200: Can not be farmed yet.
- Evolve Werewolf Zan 3*/5*: Get from Fragment Trade x30: Can not be farmed yet, but available from Vampire Sanctuary mysterious encounters.

- Spider Bomb: Shin performs Last's Spider Bomb skill, dealing moderate Water damage to all enemies.
- Split Mind: Damage dealt increases by 20% when HP is greater than 50%; when HP is below 50%, 20% of damage is transformed to healing.
- Magic Shield: Damage received by all party members is decreased by 15%. with opponent's CRI hit rate is decreased by 50%
How to Obtain: Crystal Trade or Fragment Trade x200: Farm from Guild Shop.

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How to Obtain: Fragment Trade x200: Can not be farmed yet.
- Evolve Nun.Shou 3*/5*: Get from Fragment Trade x30: Can not be farmed yet.

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How to Obtain: Fragment Trade x200: Can not be farmed yet.

Other Notes
- Ult Skill: An Active Skill that is available when Hero's Fury bar is full. Can be upgraded through Fusion using Skill Mats, or Heroes with Similar Skill Type (Single. AoE, or Healing).- Talent: A Passive Skill that appears after reaching the required Number of Stars (mostly 3 Stars) and unlocks depending on the required Lvl of the Hero.
- Leader Skill: A Passive Skill that activates once a Hero is selected as Leader or Ally. The effect still works even if the Leader or Ally has been defeated.
Hero/Fragment Sources
- Gem Summons: Chance to get 3, 4, or 5 Star Heroes.
- Crystal Trade (Divine House): You can trade your Crystals here to get 3, 4 or 5 Star Heroes/Duplicates. The locked Heroes will become available if the Hero is present from your Hero Memoirs. Featured 5 Star Hero is based from the available event.
- Evolving Heroes: Basically, you can get them by evolving their lower versions up.
- Fragment Trade: After farming the required number of Fragments, trade them in the Divine House to get the Hero. Note that some will require 3*/5* or full 5* Hero Fragments.
- Vampire Sanctuary: Can obtain random Hero fragments from chests, with a chance to receive a full Hero. Hero Fragments can be farmed too from Mysterious dungeon encounters.
- Airship Merchant: Check and buy Hero Fragments here if you want, best done if you just need a few pieces to complete the Hero. Note that you can get almost all heroes here, including event only heroes.
- Event Based: Other sources like Sign-in rewards, Task Collections, Limited Events, VIP exclusive rewards, and more.

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