Here's the 1st part of the quick walkthrough and strategy guide for the "Jurassic Marsh" stages in the strategy defense game - Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time! Encounter raptors, stegosauruses and pterodactyls in 16 dino-mite levels!

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Tips to Remember!
- Play Neon Mixtape Tour Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide first before this guide!
Primal Peashooter
- Works like a peashooter but with extra knock-backs or stun. This plant can replace your Snapdragons as your main damage dealers!
- A single use plant that explodes and scatter bouncing projectiles in eight directions. Nice for clearing zombie mobs.
Primal Wall-nut
- Similar to Wall-nuts but with faster recharge time.
- A single use plant that charms dinosaurs to harm zombies. Be careful though, do not to charm leaving dinosaurs.
- Snapdragons: After placing 2 Sunflowers, place the first 2 Snapdragons on the 2nd and 4th row first, next on 3rd, then 1st and 5th rows last. If the formation below requires 2 columns of Snapdragons, start by placing 4 of them on the the 2nd and 4th row, and so on.
- Note: Use Wall-Nuts or Tall-Nuts if needed to defend your Snapdragons.
How to Plant Guide:
- | Sunflower | Peashooter | Peashooter | Wall |
- This means: Plant Sunflowers in the 1st column from the left, Peashooters in the 2nd and 3rd columns, then Wall-Nuts in the 4th column.
- World: Jurassic Marsh Day 1 to 16 -
Jurassic Marsh - Day 1
- | Sunflower | Primal Peas | Primal Peas |- PF: Any
- Complete Sunflowers then plant Primal Peas to defeat zombies.
- Support: Stallia, others are optional.
Jurassic Marsh - Day 2
- Same as Jurassic Marsh - Day 1, but this time spam Stallia on the 4th column from the start.- Prioritize 2 Primal Peas on rows with Dinosaurs first.
- Use Chili Bean or Cherry Bomb only if needed.
Jurassic Marsh - Day 3 (Mini Game)
- | Melon-pult |- Grapeshot: Conserve and use them to clear waves of zombies, or to defeat tough zombies later on.
- Garlic: Plant on lanes (far right column) that doesn't have a Melon-pult. You can also use them to stall zombies later on, or to move zombies away from those dinosaurs.
Jurassic Marsh - Day 4
- | Sunflower | Primal Peas | Primal Peas |- PF: Any
- Start with 3 Sunflowers, then plant 1 Potato Mine to defeat the first zombie. Complete formation.
- Stallia, Chili Bean, Potato Mine and Cherry Bomb: Use them to support your Primal Peas plants (preferably on the 3rd column).
Jurassic Marsh - Day 5
- | Sunflower | Primal Peas | Primal Peas | Primal Wall |- PF: Primal Peas if needed.
- Complete Sunflowers first then Primal Peas lanes.
- Chili Bean, Iceberg Lettuce, Stallia and Cherry Bomb: Use them to support your Primal Peas plants if needed (also against tough zombies).
Jurassic Marsh - Day 6
- Same as Jurassic Marsh - Day 5- PF: Sunflower of Primal Peas if needed.
Jurassic Marsh - Day 7 (Protect the Flowers!)
- | Primal Peas | Primal Peas | None | None | Magnet | Primal Wall |- PF: Primal Peas to defeat tough zombies.
- Cherry Bomb: Use to protect plants or to defeat tough zombies, time it well and hit as many as you can.
- Magnet Shrooms: Plant only on the 3 center lanes.
- Primal Wall-nuts: Quickly place them on the flowers to protect them. Make sure that you recharge them using your backup Wall-Nuts.
Jurassic Marsh - Day 8
- | Sunflower | Primal Peas |- PF: Drag and drop on Perfume-shroom's seed packet to let it cool-down instantly.
- Stall the first zombie while completing Sunflowers, then use Chili Bean to defeat. Charm all dinosaurs that you can using your Perfume-shroom plant.
- Chili Bean, Iceberg Lettuce, Stallia and Cherry Bomb: Use them to support your Primal Peas plants if needed (also against tough zombies).
Jurassic Marsh - Day 9 (Survive with the Given Plants!)
- | Sun-shroom | Primal Peas | Primal Wall |- PF: Use the 1st PF on your Sun-shroom to make it bigger and get more Sun. Use the next ones to cool-down Perfume-shroom.
- Plant 3 Sun-shrooms first, then 1 Primal Pea to defeat the first few zombies. Complete Sun-shrooms and Primal Wall-nuts. Replace fallen plants if needed.
- Perfume-shroom: Prioritize flying dinosaurs and the 1st Blue dino.
- After the formation, you can replace some Sunflowers with Primal Peas.
Jurassic Marsh - Day 10
- | Sunflower | Primal Peas | Primal Wall |- PF: Drag and drop on Perfume-shroom's seed packet.
- Use Stallia to stall first few zombies, while completing Sunflowers. Continue and complete formation.
- Chili Bean, Stallia and Cherry Bomb: Use them to support your Primal Peas (also against tough zombies).
- Perfume-shroom: Just use on flying dinosaurs.
- After the formation, you can replace some Sunflowers with Primal Peas.
Jurassic Marsh - Day 11
- | Sunflower | Primal Peas | None | Puff-shroom |- PF: Drag and drop on Perfume-shroom's seed packet.
- Use Stallia and Puff-shrooms to stall those first few zombies, while completing Sunflowers. Continue and complete formation.
- Chili Bean, Stallia and Cherry Bomb: Use them to support your Primal Peas (also against tough zombies).
- Perfume-shroom: Just use on flying dinosaurs.
Jurassic Marsh - Day 12 (Don't Lose More Than 6 Plants)
- | Sunflower | Primal Peas | Primal Wall or Chard Guard |- PF: Sunflower then Primal Peas vs Gargantuars.
- Complete Sunflowers then start attacking zombies with your Primal Peas plants. Setup Primal Wall-nuts too to protect your plants, and make sure to use Perfume-shroom against the first flying dino.
- Don't forget to recharge damaged Primal Wall-nuts or depleted Chard Guards.
- It's ok to use Perfume-shroom (flying dinos only), Cherry Bomb and Chili Bean as long that you do not lose 6 plants, use them wisely.
- To help defeat 1 Gargantuar, you can tap and hold 1 of your mowers.
Jurassic Marsh - Day 13
- | Sunflower | Primal Peas | Primal Wall |- PF: Sunflower
- Use Stallia and Puff-shrooms to stall those first few zombies, while completing Sunflowers. Continue and complete formation.
- Puff-shroom, Chili Bean, Stallia and Cherry Bomb: Use them to support your Primal Peas (also against tough zombies).
Jurassic Marsh - Day 14 (Survive with the Given Plants!)
- | Sun-shroom | Primal Peas | Primal Peas |- PF: Sun-shroom
- Iceberg Lettuce: to stall zombies.
- Perfume-shroom: Use on dinos, especially on lanes with Gargantuars.
- Grapeshot: Simply use to clear out heavy zombie mobs in your screen,. Use it wisely, preferably when those mini zombies comes in.
- To help defeat 1 Gargantuar, you can tap and hold 1 of your mowers.
Jurassic Marsh - Day 15 (Survive and Protect Plants!)
- | Sunflower | Primal Peas | Primal Peas |- PF: Just use them on those 2 Primal Wall-nuts.
- Use Stallia and Puff-shrooms to stall those first few zombies, while completing Sunflowers. Continue and complete formation.
- Puff-shroom, Chili Bean, Stallia and Cherry Bomb: Use them to support your Primal Peas (also against tough zombies).
- To help defeat 1 Gargantuar, you can tap and hold 1 of your mowers, if needed.
Jurassic Marsh - Day 16 (Mini Game! - Gargantuar and World Key!)
- | Primal Peas | Celery | Primal Wall |- PF: Primal Peas to push out zombies, or any.
- Celery: Very effective for clearing zombies that can break through your Walls or undefended lanes. You can also plant them behind tough zombies like Gargantuars to defeat them.
- Prefume-shroom: Use them on flying dinos, and also on lanes with dinos and Gargantuars.
- Grapeshot: Simply use to clear out heavy zombie mobs in your screen,. Use it wisely, preferably vs Gargantuars.
- If you are having trouble, try to turn off turbo mode and play with normal speed.
- Note: This stage is kinda luck based too, depending on the roll of your plants. This formation can also work if you get lots of Primal Peas plants, replace Celery plants above.
- 2nd Formation: | Primal Peas | Primal Peas | Primal Wall | None | Celery |
Plants vs. Zombies 2: Jurassic Marsh Part 2
- The 2nd Part of the Jurassic Marsh is now available HERE.
Related Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time Tips & Guides:
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time: Plant Food Effects on Plants
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: Lost City Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: Neon Mixtape Tour Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: Modern Day Quick Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
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