Here's a list of Chapter 1 - Check Your Six Task Missions that you need to complete in order to Master the Chapter. You may also use the Chapter 1 Missions and Stages below as your reference for finding locations of certain enemies or villains.
Kindly note that the "How to Complete" section below are just suggestions based from my gameplay experience and available heroes, so they are not the only way to complete the task.

Other Notes
- You can tap+hold enemies during a fight to check more info like their names.
- The free Hero Reward for Mastering Chapter 1 is Electro.

- Chapter 1: Normal Mode -

Mission 1 and Stages
- S1 (Sinister Syndicate); S2 (Mini Boss-Hydra Power Armor); S3 (Sinister Syndicate); S4 (Boss-Doc Octopus)
Mission 2 and Stages
- S1 (AIM); S2 (Mini Boss-Shoker); S3 (Mini-Mysterio); S4 (AIM); S5 (Boss-Mysterio)
Mission 3 and Stages
- S1 (Sinister Syndicate); S2 (AIM); S3 (Mini Boss-Boomerang); S4 (AIM); S5 (Boss - Rhino)
Mission 4 and Stages
- S1 (Hydra); S2 (Mini Boss-Hydra Power Armor); S3 (AIM); S4 (Mini Boss-Mysterio); S5 (AIM); S6 (Boss-Electro)
Mission 5 and Stages
- S1 (Sinister Syndicate); S2 (Mini Boss-Shocker); S3 (AIM); S4 (AIM); S5 (Boss-Lizard)
Mission 6 and Stages
- S1 (Sinister Syndicate); S2 (Sinister Syndicate); S3 (Mini Boss-Doc Octopus); S4 (Sinister Syndicate); S5 (Sinister Syndicate); S6 (Boss-Green Goblin)

Chapter 1 Normal - Story Line Tasks
Promoting Diversity
- Task: Assign a Hero who is not Hawkeye to be Leader of the Strike Team.
- How to Complete: Just change the Leader of the Strike Team before entering a stage.
True To The Street
- Task: Defeat Syndicate members in Mission 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, or 1.6 [25 Times].
- How to Complete: Enter Sinister Syndicate stages and defeat them.
- Task: Apply Exposed effect to Syndicate members in Mission 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, or 1.6 [5 Times].
- How to Complete: You can check Heroes with Exposed Effect here: Physical Debuffs List. Either use your own hero, or team-up heroes.
Rock 'Em Sock 'Em
- Task: Defeat the Hydra Power Armors in Mission 1.1 [3 Times].
- How to Complete: Hydra Power Armor is the 1st Mini-Boss in Mission 1.1.
Reboot The Suit
- Task: Use an attack with the Shock tag on a Hydra Power Armor in Mission 1.1 [3 Times].
- How to Complete: Check your Heroes if one of their abilities has a Shock "Attack Type Tag". If none, browse the available Hero-Team Ups for the stage, then check their abilities from the Heroes Screen. Choose someone that can deal a Shock attack. Some of the common Heroes are Wasp, Hawkeye's Stun Arrow, Spider-Woman, and more.
What's Up Doc
- Task: Defeat Doctor Octopus in Mission 1.1.
- How to Complete: Defeat the Final Boss in Mission 1.
- Task: Defeat Doctor Octopus only using Unarmed tagged attacks in Mission 1.1
- How to Complete: He can be found as the Final Boss in Mission 1. Only use abilities with Unarmed "Attack Type Tags" to damage and defeat him. Some of the common heroes are: Luke Cage, Iron Fist and more.
- How to Complete: It is also possible to wait it out until your Heroes are strong enough to deal massive damages.
Representative Sample
- Task: Defeat A.I.M scientists in Mission 1.3 [25 Times].
- How to Complete: Enter A.I.M. stages and defeat them.
- Task: Apply the Hindered effect to A.I.M scientists in Mission 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, or 1.5 [5 Times].
- How to Complete: You can check Heroes with Hindered Effect here: Tactical Debuffs List. Either use your own hero, or team-up heroes.
Smoke and Mirrors
- Task: Defeat Mysterio in Mission 1.2.
- How to Complete: Defeat the Final Boss in Mission 2.
- Task: Apply the Dazed effect to Mysterio in Mission 1.2 [3 Times].
- How to Complete: You can check Heroes with Dazed Effect here: Mental Debuffs List. Either use your own hero, or team-up heroes.
Big Leagues
- Task: Defeat Boomerang in Mission 1.3.
- How to Complete: Defeat the first Mini-Boss in Mission 3.
Street Safari
- Task: Defeat Rhino in Mission 1.3.
- How to Complete: Defeat the Final Boss in Mission 3.
Big Game
- Task: Apply the Stun effect to Rhino in Mission 1.3 [3 Times].
- How to Complete: You can check Heroes with Stun Effect here: Uncategorized Debuffs List. Either use your own hero, or team-up heroes.
50 New Heads
- Task: Defeat Hydra soldiers in Mission 1.4 [25 Times].
- How to Complete: Enter Hydra or Hydra Power Armor stages and defeat them.
Fear and Loathing
- Task: Apply the Intimidated effect to Hydra Soldiers in Mission 1.1 or 1.4 [5 Times].
- How to Complete: You can check Heroes with Intimidated Effect here: Mental Debuffs List. Either use your own hero, or team-up heroes.
Power Lines
- Task: Defeat Electro in Mission 1.4.
- How to Complete: Defeat the Final Boss in Mission 4.
Static Cling
- Task: Defeat Electro without being affected by his Static Shock effect in Mission 1.4.
- How to Complete: I was able to complete this early because of Wasp, use her "Protecting" skill with high evasion stat to avoid Electro's Static Shock attack and effect. Static Shock is a Physical Debuff, so using Iron Fist's Healing Lotus for example will also prevent the effect.
- How to Complete: It is also possible to wait it out until your Heroes are strong enough to deal massive damages before he can act, or high dodge rates to avoid attacks.
Amplitude and Frequency
- Task: Defeat Shocker in Mission 1.5.
- How to Complete: Defeat the first Mini-Boss in Mission 3.
Lizard in a Lab Coat
- Task: Defeat Lizard in Mission 1.5.
- How to Complete: Defeat the Final Boss in Mission 5.
It Isn't Easy Being Green
- Task: Green Goblin in Mission 1.6.
- How to Complete: Defeat the Final Boss in Mission 6.

- Chapter 1: Hard Mode -

- Note: I only listed the Hard Mode path for reference, you may take the shortest route (lower Combat Lvl) if you just need to finish the Mission. Hard Mode Missions are those with higher Combat Lvl requirement.
Mission 1 and Stages
- S1 (Sinister Syndicate); S2 (Mini Boss-Hydra Power Armor); S3 (Sinister Syndicate); S4 (Mini Boss-Hydra Power Armor); S5 (Boss-Doc Octopus)
Mission 2 and Stages
- S1 (AIM); S2 (Mini Boss-Paladin); S3 (Mini Boss-Mysterio); S4 (AIM); S5 (Boss-Mysterio)
Mission 3 and Stages
- S1 (Sinister Syndicate); S2 (Mini Boss-Living Laser); S3; (AIM); S4 (Mini Boss-Sinister Syndicate); S5 (Boss-Rhino)
Mission 4 and Stages
- S1 (Hydra); S2 (Mini Boss-Hydra Power Armor); S3 (AIM); S4 (Mini Boss-Rhino); S5 (AIM); S6 (Boss-Elektro)
Mission 5 and Stages
- S1 (Sinister Syndicate); S2 (Mini Boss-Shocker); S3 (AIM); S4 (Mini Boss-Living Laser); S5 (Sinister Syndicate); S6 (Boss-Lizard)
Mission 6 and Stages
- S1 (Sinister Syndicate); S2 (Mini Boss-Lizard); S3 (Sinister Syndicate); S4 (Mini Boss-Electro); S5 (Sinister Syndicate); S6 (Boss-Green Goblin)

Chapter 1 Hard - Story Line Tasks
Lawful Neutral
- Task: Defeat Paladin in Mission 1.2 (Hard).
- How to Complete: Defeat the first Mini-Boss in Mission 2.
Coherent Emission
- Task: Defeat Living Laser in Mission 1.3 (Hard).
- How to Complete: Defeat the first Mini-Boss in Mission 3.
Body Check
- Task: Hit Lizard with Unarmed attacks in Mission 1.5 or 1.6 (Hard) [3 Times].
- How to Complete: Some of the common heroes with lots of Unarmed attacks are: Luke Cage, Iron Fist and more. Either use your own hero, or team-up heroes.

- Chapter 1: Heroic Mode -

- Shorter and Easier route: Follow Normal Mode Missions and Stages above.
- Longer and Harder route: Follow Hard Mode Missions and Stages above.
Suggestions and Tips:
- If you are doing this with around Lvl 30 Heroes, follow these example team setup and tips:

- The other 2 heroes can be any Lvl 30 decent heroes, preferably with a good survivability and damage output to at least survive the first few attacks before you can start Wasp's Queen Bee ability ("just in case").
- Recruit a Team-Up hero with Evasion and/or Speed as Leader bonus if you need more buff for Wasp.
- Maintain Wasp's protecting skill, track it's duration, and attack or recharge wisely. Always use Queen Bee before recharging.
- If you have Healers, you can also put them as reserves for now, then swap them after activating Wasps' Queen Bee. Defeat enemies that can use AoE attacks first.
Example Team: Static Shock
- Since most of Wasp's abilities are Shock attacks, it is also a good idea to create a Static Shock Team. Check Heroes that can inflict a Static Shock debuff here: Physical Debuffs List. Either use your own hero if you have, or add more allies and use them as team-up heroes.
- Get or add at least 1 Hero to utilize Wasp's Shock attacks.
Note: If you just need Wasp to tank and try other team compositions, that is also cool.

Chapter 1 Heroic - Story Line Tasks

Osborn Again
- Task: Defeat Epic Boss Green Goblin in Mission 1.4.
- Location: S1 (Hydra); S2 (Mini Boss-Hydra Power Armor); S3 (AIM); S4 (Mini Boss-Rhino); S5 (Hydra); S6 (Epic Boss-Green Goblin)
- How to Complete: Goblin Serum gives +50% Evasion and Speed to Green Goblin, but Serum Overdose will make him vulnerable for a while, use this window to Attack, Recharge, or to apply your Debuffs. Stun attacks will also prolong his own debuff.
- Example Team: Wasp, + 1 Healer, and a hero with Static Shock debuff or any decent DPS hero.
- Example Team: Wasp + 2 Stunners, preferably those that can inflict Static Shock debuffs.
- Example Team: Wasp + Any 2 decent Heroes you like, best if you have a backup Healer.

- Task: Defeat Epic Boss Graviton in Mission 1.6.
- Location: S1 (Sinister Syndicate); S2 (Mini Boss-Lizard); S3 (Sinister Syndicate-Lvl31); S4 (Sinister Syndicate-Lvl32); S5 (Epic Boss-Graviton)
- How to Complete: Graviton is a "Flanker" with lots of AoE attacks, so Protecting isn't gonna help much here. He can also use Shields but you can bring it down by using abilities with "Shield Breaker" like Wasp's Bioenergy Blast, before dishing out damages. Using Galactic Iso-8 Set should also work if you can equip one.
- Tacticians are Graviton's counter class, so he is also strong against Bruisers.
- I highly recommended 3 or more 2 to 3-Stars Lvl 30 heroes, with 3 or 4-Stars key abilities, and decent Iso-8 setups (Fragments and Shards). All Stats should be around or at least 2500 especially Health.
- For healers, better focus their Iso-8 Crystals on Health, Defense, Speed, and Evasion to heal and survive longer. Yup, it's what I did to my 1-Star Iron Fist to survive.
- Example Team: Wasp (tank for early waves; for shield breaker and demoralized) + High Evasion hero like Black Widow (DPS and static shock) + any decent Healer or DPS hero.
Chapter 1 All-Star
- Task: Complete all Mission difficulties.
- How to Complete: Complete all Normal, Hard, and Heroic Modes.

Chapter 1 Mastery Reward: Electro
- One of the best heroes for free-users and Static Shock teams! Yay!

Also share your team and strategies below to help other players!
How did you defeat these Epic Bosses? ^^

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