Here's a guide on how to complete all Spec Op 1 Matter & Ant-Matter tasks. Refer below if you need help on how to complete certain tasks like how to unlock the Epic Boss Yellowjacket in Spec Op 1.
Mastering Spec Op 1 will reward you a 2-Stars Ant-Man, and the Spec Op 1 Anthology that grants you permanent access to Spec Op 01: Matter and Ant-Matter. Good luck and have fun!

- Spec Op 1: Matter & Ant-Matter -

Important Reminders
- You must claim the reward first before starting a new task.
- Some tasks can be completed through Normal Missions or Scouting Missions.
- If you retreat or give up during battle, your achievements from that battle will still count.
- New paths will unlock as you go.

Spec Op 1 Tasks and How To Complete
The Wrong Crowd
- Defeat 10 members of the Crossfire Gang in Spec Op 1.
- How To Complete: Can be completed after your first few fights.
- Note: After the 1st Stage, send a hero to your first Deploy Mission, but do not claim it until you receive the reward for this task. You'll need it for the 2nd task below, and to save a lot of Energy!
Community Service
- Complete a Deploy in Spec Op 1.
- How To Complete: If you followed my advice above, you should be able to complete this right away.
- Note: Claim your Deploy Mission reward, and the reward for this task first, before you enter the Mini-Boss Ant-Man stage.
- Defeat Ant-Man in Spec Op 1.1.
- How To Complete: If you followed my advice above, you should also be able to complete this right after the next fight.
Out of the Lab
Out of the Lab
- Complete Spec Op 1 Mission 1.
Stay Hydrated
- How To Complete: Any path will do.
- Defeat 10 Hydra Soldiers in Spec Op 1 Mission 1.
So Many Minis
- How To Complete: After defeating Mini Boss Ant-Man in Mission 1, choose any path. You can find Hydra Soldiers from those last few stages including the boss stage.
- Note: Count the number of Hydra Soldiers you have defeated, if it didn't reach 10, do not kill the Boss, better retreat ("via pause option") and replay the Boss stage again.
- Defeat a Mini Boss in Spec Op 1 Mission 2.
Traumatic Tactics
- How To Complete: Follow any path that leads to the "orange colored" stages. Probably by following the path towards the stage (Boss-Crossfire).
- Apply Wounded 5 times to Tacticians.
We Spy
- How To Complete: Check Heroes that can inflict the Wounded effect here: Uncategorized Debuffs List. Heroes that can inflict Minor Wounding, Minor Wounding Strike, Wounded, or Wounding Strike.
- Take two Infiltrators into a Single Combat.
The Cross Cuz
- How To Complete: I accidentally completed this task by doing Scouting Missions ~ lol.
- Defeat Crossfire or Yellowjacket in Spec Op 1, Mission 2
- How To Complete: Complete Mission 2.
- Complete Spec Op 1, Mission 2.
Throw Down
- How To Complete: Complete Mission 2.
- Defeat 3 Hydra Bruiser while he is Protecting.
- How To Complete: Go to Mission 3 S1 (Hydra), and look for Hydra Bruisers ("Schützen"), they are the ones carrying a large mini-gun. If you can't find any here, continue until you reach the S3 (Mini Boss-Boomerang) stage. Now, what you need to do is to lower their HP to below 50%, this will make them start Protecting. Use Recharge/Tactical Ability if you need to wait.
- If you need more, better retreat ("via pause option"), then do it again.
- Note: Do not complete the Boomerang Stage, reserve it for the next task, just retreat then claim your reward for this task first.
- Use 5 Ranged Attacks on Boomerang in Spec Op 1, Mission 3.
Big Deal
- How To Complete: If you followed my advice above, you should be able to complete this right away.
- Complete Spec Op 1, Mission 3
- How To Complete: Complete Mission 3.
- Defeat Ghost in Spec Op 1.
- How To Complete: Enter Mission 1 and continue until you reach the split. Choose Help Ant-Man: S4 (Crossfire Mercs); S5 (Hydra); S6 (Boss-Ghost).
Category 5
- Defeat Ghost in Spec Op 1.
- How To Complete: Enter Mission 1 and continue until you reach the split. Choose Help Ant-Man: S4 (Crossfire Mercs); S5 (Hydra); S6 (Boss-Ghost).
Category 5
- Use Hindered 2 times on Whirlwind in Spec Op 1.
- Enter Mission 2 then follow this path: S1 (Crossfire Mercs); S2 (Mini Boss-Shocker); S3 (Mini Boss-Whirlwind)
- How To Complete: You can check Heroes with Hindered Effect here: Tactical Debuffs List.
- Note: If you don't have any hero with Hindered, you can master Chapter 2, the free hero reward is M.O.D.O.K.. Upgrade his Doomsday Chair ability to 2-Stars to unlock it's Hindered effect. Equip Iso-8 focusing on Accuracy, and use his Telemetric Research ability to hit Whirlwind even at Lvl 19.
Three Quarters
- Defeat 3 members of the Hydra 4 in Spec Op 1.
- How To Complete: First, go to Mission 3 and follow this path: S1 (Hydra); S2 (Hydra); S3 (Mini Boss - Militant) to get your first Hydra Four member.
- For the next 2 Hydra Four members, enter Mission 2 and follow this path: S1 (Crossfire Mercs); S2 (Hydra); S3 (Hydra); S4 (Mini Boss-Tactical Force); S5 (Crossfire Mercs-Pursue Yellowjacket); S6 (Mini Boss-Bowman); S7 (Boss-Yellowjacket).
- Note: Following this path will also unlock Epic Boss Yellowjacket, needed for the last 2 tasks.
Cream of the Crop
Monocle and Jacket
- How To Complete: You can check Heroes with Hindered Effect here: Tactical Debuffs List.
- Note: If you don't have any hero with Hindered, you can master Chapter 2, the free hero reward is M.O.D.O.K.. Upgrade his Doomsday Chair ability to 2-Stars to unlock it's Hindered effect. Equip Iso-8 focusing on Accuracy, and use his Telemetric Research ability to hit Whirlwind even at Lvl 19.
Three Quarters
- Defeat 3 members of the Hydra 4 in Spec Op 1.
- How To Complete: First, go to Mission 3 and follow this path: S1 (Hydra); S2 (Hydra); S3 (Mini Boss - Militant) to get your first Hydra Four member.
- For the next 2 Hydra Four members, enter Mission 2 and follow this path: S1 (Crossfire Mercs); S2 (Hydra); S3 (Hydra); S4 (Mini Boss-Tactical Force); S5 (Crossfire Mercs-Pursue Yellowjacket); S6 (Mini Boss-Bowman); S7 (Boss-Yellowjacket).
- Note: Following this path will also unlock Epic Boss Yellowjacket, needed for the last 2 tasks.

- Defeat 10 Elite enemies in Spec Op 1. Elite enemies are tougher than normal enemies in many fights.
- How To Complete: Enter Spec Op 1 Mission 3. If you followed my advice above, you should now be able to check the new path towards the Epic Boss Yellowjacket. Now, continue by using this path: S1 (Hydra); S2 (Hydra); S3 (Hydra); S4 (Hydra). This task should be complete right before the final showdown!
Monocle and Jacket
- Defeat Epic Yellowjacket in Spec Op 1.
- How To Complete: If you followed my advice above, then just go and enter the Epic Boss stage. Take out Crossfire first because he can detect hidden heroes, bypass protect abilities, and do stun attacks. Yellowjacket can counter with AoE attacks, so bring a healer and/or heroes with high Evasion stats.
- How To Complete: If you followed my advice above, then just go and enter the Epic Boss stage. Take out Crossfire first because he can detect hidden heroes, bypass protect abilities, and do stun attacks. Yellowjacket can counter with AoE attacks, so bring a healer and/or heroes with high Evasion stats.

Spec Op 1 Mastery Reward: Ant-Man

So, How did you defeat Spec Op 1? Share your awesome team/s below too!
Thanks for checking our guide. ^^

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