This section will cover the most popular Pokemon used by Trainers, but not just that, their Ranks below are also based from how well they perform when attacking rival gyms and how dependable they are for defending a team's gyms. In simple terms, they are the best of both worlds!
Important Note:
- MewTwo is probably the best Pokemon out there at the moment, but because of it's rarity, I will not include him here, including Mew and those Legendary Birds: Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos.

- Top Balanced "Off & Def" Pokemon
(and Recommended Pokemon To Catch!) -
(and Recommended Pokemon To Catch!) -

Rank #1: Pidgey, Caterpie, and Weedle!

- Anyways, if you've been ignoring them from the start, then maybe you might want to reconsider! These 3 Pokemon can be evolved by only using 12 Candies (3 Candies per catch), and evolving a Pokemon will yield 500 XP (x2 with Lucky Egg activated), so if you want to level up fast, you also need them as your "evolution slaves".

Rank #2: Snorlax
Type: Normal
Eggs: 10km; Evolution: n/a

Eggs: 10km; Evolution: n/a

Rank #3: Lapras

Type: Water , Ice
Eggs: 10km; Evolution: n/a

Rank #4: Dragonite

Type: Dragon , Flying
Eggs: Dratini (10km); Evolution: Dratini (25) to Dragonair (100)

Rank #5: Vaporeon
Type: Water
Eggs: Eevee (10km); Evolution: Eevee (25)

Eggs: Eevee (10km); Evolution: Eevee (25)

Rank #6: Exeggutor

Type: Grass , Psychic
Eggs: Exeggcute (5km); Evolution: Exeggcute (50)

Rank #7: Arcanine

Type: Fire

Type: Fire
Eggs: Growlithe (5km); Evolution: Growlithe (50)

Eggs: Poliwag (5km); Evolution: Poliwag (25) to Poliwhirl (100)

Rank #9: Slowbro

Type: Water , Psychic
Eggs: Slowpoke (5km); Evolution: Slowpoke (50)

Rank #10: Wigglytuff

Type: Normal , Fairy
Eggs: Jigglypuff (2km); Evolution: Jigglypuff (50)

Rank #11: Venusuar

Eggs: Bulbasaur (2km); Evolution: Bulbsaur (25) to Ivysaur (100)

Rank #12: Muk

Eggs: Grimer (5km); Evolution: Grimer (50)

Eggs: Nidoran♀ (5km); Evolution: Nidoran♀ (25) to Nidorina (100)

Rank #14: Gyarados

Type: Water , Flying
Eggs: Magikarp (2km); Evolution: Magikarp (400)

Rank #15: Rhydon

Type: Rock , Ground
Eggs: Rhyhorn (5km); Evolution: Rhyhorn (50)

Type: Water
Eggs: Squirtle (2km); Evolution: Squirtle (25) to Wartortle (100)

Rank #17: Vileplume
Type: Grass , Poison
Eggs: Oddish (5km); Evolution: Oddish (25) to Gloom (100)

Rank #18: Charizard
Type: Fire , Flying
Eggs: Charmander (2km); Evolution: Charmander (25) to Charmeleon (100)

Rank #19: Victreebel
Type: Grass , Poison
Eggs: Bellsprout (5km); Evolution: Bellsprout (25) to Weepinbell (50)

Type: Grass , Poison
Eggs: Bellsprout (5km); Evolution: Bellsprout (25) to Weepinbell (50)

Rank #20: Nidoking
Type: Poison , Ground
Eggs: Nidoran♂ (5km); Evolution: Nidoran♂ (25) to Nidorina (100)

Rank #21: Golem
Type: Rock , Ground
Eggs: Geodude (2km); Evolution: Geodude (25) to Graveler (100)

Rank #22: Dewgong
Type: Water , Ice
Eggs: Seel (5km); Evolution: Seel (50)
Type: Water , Ice
Eggs: Seel (5km); Evolution: Seel (50)

Rank #23: Golduck
Type: Water
Eggs: Psyduck (5km); Evolution: Psyduck (50)

Type: Water
Eggs: Psyduck (5km); Evolution: Psyduck (50)

Rank #24: Clefable
Type: Fairy
Eggs: Clefairy (2km); Evolution: Clefairy (50)

Rank #26: Hypno
Type: Psychic
Eggs: Drowzee (5km); Evolution: Drowzee (50)

Type: Fairy
Eggs: Clefairy (2km); Evolution: Clefairy (50)

Rank #25: Tentacruel
Type: Water , Poison
Eggs: Tentacool (5km); Evolution: Tentacool (50)

Rank #26: Hypno
Type: Psychic
Eggs: Drowzee (5km); Evolution: Drowzee (50)

Rank #27: Flareon
Type: Fire
Eggs: Eevee (10km); Evolution: Eevee (25)
Type: Fire
Eggs: Eevee (10km); Evolution: Eevee (25)

Rank #28: Machamp
Type: Fighting
Eggs: Machop (5km); Evolution: Machop (25) to Machoke (100)

Type: Fighting
Eggs: Machop (5km); Evolution: Machop (25) to Machoke (100)

Rank #29: Omastar
Type: Rock , Water
Eggs: Omanyte (10km); Evolution: Omanyte (50)
Type: Rock , Water
Eggs: Omanyte (10km); Evolution: Omanyte (50)

Type: Fire
Eggs: Vulpix (5km); Evolution: Vulpix (50)

*Rankings above is based from the overall results of their Offensive (Base ATK and Best Move DPS), Defensive (Base Defense and Stamina), and popularity (except Rank #1 hehe).

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