Pokemon GO: Pokemon With Highest Attack, Defense, and Stamina

Here'a list of Generation 1 Pokemon together with their rankings according to their base stats.

The Base Stats (Hidden Values)
   - Every Pokemon has 3 base stats that are hidden: ATTACK, DEFENSE, and STAMINA, and each Pokemon specie will get a unique set of base stats.
Pokemon GO: Base Stats Per Pokemon
- Best Pokemon By Base Stats -

Pokemon ATK Pokemon DEF Pokemon STA Pokemon Total
Mewtwo 284 Articuno 242 Mewtwo 212 Mewtwo 698
Moltres 242 Mew 220 Mew 200 Mew 640
Zapdos 232 Mewtwo 202 Articuno 180 Articuno 620
Mew 220 Moltres 194 Moltres 180 Moltres 616
Articuno 198 Zapdos 194 Zapdos 180 Zapdos 606
Ditto 110 Ditto 110 Ditto 96 Ditto 316
*I'll separate all Legendary Pokemon and Ditto for now
*For mobile view, slide left or right to move the table

Pokemon ATK Pokemon DEF Pokemon STA Pokemon Total
Dragonite 250 Blastoise 222 Chansey 500 Snorlax 680
Flareon 238 Dragonite 212 Snorlax 320 Dragonite 644
Exeggutor 232 Hitmonchan 204 Wigglytuff 280 Lapras 636
Arcanine 230 Poliwrath 202 Vaporeon 260 Vaporeon 614
Victreebel 222 Omastar 202 Lapras 260 Chansey 600
Magmar 214 Marowak 202 Jigglypuff 230 Arcanine 590
Charizard 212 Venusaur 200 Muk 210 Exeggutor 586
Nidoking 204 Weezing 198 Kangaskhan 210 Muk 578
Gengar 204 Slowbro 198 Rhydon 210 Gyarados 578
Vileplume 202 Golem 198 Slowbro 190 Slowbro 572
Rapidash 200 Cloyster 196 Exeggutor 190 Blastoise 566
Raichu 200 Gyarados 196 Clefable 190 Poliwrath 562
Machamp 198 Tentacruel 196 Gyarados 190 Machamp 558
Venusaur 198 Hypno 196 Dragonite 182 Venusaur 558
Electabuzz 198 Mr. Mime 196 Poliwrath 180 Wigglytuff 556
Cloyster 196 Ninetales 194 Nidoqueen 180 Nidoqueen 554
Golduck 194 Starmie 192 Dewgong 180 Charizard 550
Starmie 194 Dewgong 192 Arcanine 180 Clefable 546
Gyarados 192 Vileplume 190 Lickitung 180 Flareon 546
Jolteon 192 Kabutops 190 Machamp 180 Vileplume 542
Weezing 190 Lapras 190 Slowpoke 180 Rhydon 536
Weepinbell 190 Nidoqueen 190 Hypno 170 Nidoking 536
Kabutops 190 Muk 188 Pidgeot 166 Golem 534
Vaporeon 186 Pinsir 186 Nidoking 162 Victreebel 534
Lapras 186 Onix 186 Golem 160 Kangaskhan 530
Blastoise 186 Tauros 184 Golduck 160 Golduck 530
Alakazam 186 Charizard 182 Venusaur 160 Dewgong 528
Magneton 186 Arcanine 180 Tentacruel 160 Hypno 528
Slowbro 184 Machamp 180 Victreebel 160 Tentacruel 526
Nidoqueen 184 Magneton 180 Seaking 160 Omastar 522
Pinsir 184 Snorlax 180 Aerodactyl 160 Weezing 518
Aerodactyl 182 Scyther 180 Machoke 160 Ninetales 516
Dodrio 182 Flareon 178 Grimer 160 Starmie 506
Snorlax 180 Clefable 178 Rhyhorn 160 Aerodactyl 504
Muk 180 Kangaskhan 178 Blastoise 158 Pidgeot 502
Poliwrath 180 Golduck 176 Charizard 156 Magmar 502
Omastar 180 Wartortle 176 Sandslash 150 Pinsir 500
Clefable 178 Jolteon 174 Golbat 150 Kabutops 500
Primeape 178 Electrode 174 Vileplume 150 Rapidash 500
Kingler 178 Sandslash 172 Tauros 150 Scyther 496
Golem 176 Hitmonlee 172 Ninetales 146 Jolteon 496
Ninetales 176 Nidoking 170 Omastar 140 Seaking 492
Scyther 176 Rapidash 170 Venomoth 140 Cloyster 492
Seadra 176 Parasect 170 Scyther 140 Electabuzz 488
Seaking 172 Vaporeon 168 Nidorina 140 Tauros 482
Venomoth 172 Kingler 168 Clefairy 140 Gengar 480
Jynx 172 Pidgeot 166 Machop 140 Golbat 478
Haunter 172 Arbok 166 Persian 130 Raichu 474
Pidgeot 170 Exeggutor 164 Flareon 130 Sandslash 472
Tentacruel 170 Golbat 164 Tangela 130 Lickitung 466
Dragonair 170 Aerodactyl 162 Weezing 130 Venomoth 466
Wigglytuff 168 Electabuzz 160 Jynx 130 Magneton 466
Fearow 168 Seaking 160 Rapidash 130 Marowak 462
Ponyta 168 Rhydon 160 Magmar 130 Machoke 458
Rhydon 166 Omanyte 160 Poliwhirl 130 Primeape 458
Arbok 166 Lickitung 160 Seel 130 Kingler 456
Golbat 164 Magmar 158 Jolteon 130 Parasect 452
Tangela 164 Gloom 158 Porygon 130 Arbok 452
Hypno 162 Porygon 158 Beedrill 130 Dodrio 452
Parasect 162 Ivysaur 158 Electabuzz 130 Alakazam 448
Gloom 162 Gengar 156 Pinsir 130 Tangela 446
Charmeleon 160 Graveler 156 Primeape 130 Electrode 444
Bellsprout 158 Raichu 154 Fearow 130 Porygon 444
Dewgong 156 Venomoth 154 Weepinbell 130 Fearow 444
Persian 156 Victreebel 152 Pidgeotto 126 Dragonair 444
Porygon 156 Alakazam 152 Dragonair 122 Hitmonchan 442
Ivysaur 156 Dragonair 152 Nidorino 122 Gloom 440
Growlithe 156 Tangela 152 Starmie 120 Wartortle 438
Machoke 154 Dodrio 150 Kabutops 120 Jynx 436
Mr. Mime 154 Primeape 150 Gengar 120 Seadra 436
Sandslash 150 Seadra 150 Ivysaur 120 Ivysaur 434
Electrode 150 Raticate 150 Parasect 120 Persian 432
Kadabra 150 Cubone 150 Raichu 120 Mr. Mime 430
Tauros 148 Fearow 146 Butterfree 120 Weepinbell 430
Hitmonlee 148 Persian 146 Gloom 120 Hitmonlee 420
Dugtrio 148 Machoke 144 Arbok 120 Charmeleon 416
Kabuto 148 Butterfree 144 Electrode 120 Nidorina 408
Raticate 146 Kabuto 142 Dodrio 120 Butterfree 408
Beedrill 144 Koffing 142 Drowzee 120 Graveler 408
Butterfree 144 Squirtle 142 Venonat 120 Raticate 406
Wartortle 144 Charmeleon 140 Marowak 120 Ponyta 406
Kangaskhan 142 Dugtrio 140 Exeggcute 120 Beedrill 404
Nidorino 142 Drowzee 140 Wartortle 118 Slowpoke 400
Graveler 142 Ponyta 138 Charmeleon 116 Grimer 394
Marowak 140 Magnemite 138 Alakazam 110 Poliwhirl 394
Farfetch'd 138 Seel 138 Seadra 110 Nidorino 392
Hitmonchan 138 Nidorina 136 Kingler 110 Rhyhorn 386
Koffing 136 Tentacool 136 Graveler 110 Jigglypuff 382
Gastly 136 Jynx 134 Raticate 110 Clefairy 380
Oddish 134 Farfetch'd 132 Growlithe 110 Haunter 380
Nidorina 132 Poliwhirl 132 Eevee 110 Growlithe 376
Poliwhirl 132 Exeggcute 132 NidoranF 110 Pidgeotto 374
Psyduck 132 Beedrill 130 Farfetch'd 104 Farfetch'd 374
Omanyte 132 Oddish 130 Cloyster 100 Seel 372
Staryu 130 Nidorino 128 Magneton 100 Drowzee 364
Dratini 128 Staryu 128 Psyduck 100 Exeggcute 362
Charmander 128 Eevee 128 Sandshrew 100 Omanyte 362
Magnemite 128 Bulbasaur 126 Ponyta 100 Koffing 358
Lickitung 126 Goldeen 126 Hitmonlee 100 Dugtrio 358
Pidgeotto 126 Clefairy 124 Bellsprout 100 Machop 354
Bulbasaur 126 Voltorb 124 Hitmonchan 100 Oddish 354
Doduo 126 Pidgeotto 122 Cubone 100 Cubone 352
Grimer 124 Paras 120 Metapod 100 Eevee 352
Pikachu 124 Haunter 118 NidoranM 92 Kabuto 350
Mankey 122 Venonat 118 Haunter 90 Venonat 346
Paras 122 Geodude 118 Goldeen 90 Onix 346
Horsea 122 Vulpix 118 Bulbasaur 90 Psyduck 344
Shellder 120 Rhyhorn 116 Oddish 90 Squirtle 342
Machop 118 Sandshrew 114 Kakuna 90 Bulbasaur 342
Clefairy 116 Kadabra 112 Caterpie 90 Kadabra 342
Krabby 116 Psyduck 112 Squirtle 88 Bellsprout 336
Eevee 114 Shellder 112 Dratini 82 Goldeen 328
Goldeen 112 Ekans 112 Kadabra 80 Tentacool 322
Squirtle 112 Weepinbell 110 Mr. Mime 80 Dratini 320
Ekans 112 Growlithe 110 Meowth 80 Staryu 318
Slowpoke 110 Dratini 110 Mankey 80 Magnemite 316
Rhyhorn 110 Grimer 110 Poliwag 80 NidoranF 314
Exeggcute 110 Krabby 110 Koffing 80 Charmander 314
NidoranM 110 Slowpoke 110 Tentacool 80 Paras 312
Abra 110 Wigglytuff 108 Voltorb 80 Voltorb 306
Venonat 108 Charmander 108 Geodude 80 Sandshrew 304
Poliwag 108 Pikachu 108 Pidgey 80 Geodude 304
Diglett 108 NidoranF 104 Zubat 80 Pikachu 302
Tentacool 106 Horsea 100 Spearow 80 Vulpix 300
Geodude 106 Poliwag 98 Weedle 80 Mankey 298
Vulpix 106 Doduo 96 Charmander 78 NidoranM 296
Seel 104 Mankey 96 Vulpix 76 Ekans 294
Drowzee 104 Machop 96 Dugtrio 70 Doduo 292
Meowth 104 NidoranM 94 Omanyte 70 Shellder 292
Cubone 102 Meowth 94 Paras 70 Poliwag 286
Voltorb 102 Pidgey 90 Onix 70 Krabby 286
Spearow 102 Zubat 90 Ekans 70 Horsea 282
NidoranF 100 Diglett 86 Pikachu 70 Meowth 278
Jigglypuff 98 Rattata 86 Doduo 70 Gastly 278
Pidgey 94 Metapod 86 Kabuto 60 Pidgey 264
Rattata 92 Magikarp 84 Staryu 60 Spearow 260
Sandshrew 90 Gastly 82 Horsea 60 Zubat 258
Onix 90 Kakuna 82 Gastly 60 Metapod 242
Zubat 88 Bellsprout 78 Krabby 60 Rattata 238
Weedle 68 Spearow 78 Shellder 60 Abra 236
Kakuna 62 Abra 76 Rattata 60 Kakuna 234
Caterpie 62 Caterpie 66 Magnemite 50 Caterpie 218
Metapod 56 Weedle 64 Abra 50 Diglett 214
Magikarp 42 Chansey 60 Magikarp 40 Weedle 212
Chansey 40 Jigglypuff 54 Diglett 20 Magikarp 166

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