Here's a list of Pokemon that can be evolved using Candies. If you are looking for some Pokemon that you might want to farm, for later evolutions to boost your Training Lvl, then you may refer to the tables below.
Tip: Do not capture a Pokemon's 1st and 2nd Evolution if you want to get them through evolution at later levels. Evolve multiple Pokemon while your Lucky Egg is active to maximize the XP gained.
How To get More Candies
- You can obtain Candies whenever you catch (+3 Candies), hatch (depends on rarity), or transfer (+1 Candy) Pokemon of any species.

- Pokemon That Can Evolve (Number Of Candies) -

Pokemon (12 Candies) | 1st Evolution (50 Candies) | 2nd Evolution |
Caterpie (12) | Metapod (50) | Butterfree |
Pidgey (12) | Pidgeotto (50) | Pidgeot |
Weedle (12) | Kakuna (50) | Beedrill |

Pokemon (25 Candies) | 1st Evolution (100 Candies) | 2nd Evolution |
Abra (25) | Kadabra (100) | Alakazam |
Bellsprout (25) | Weepinbell (100) | Victreebel |
Bulbasaur (25) | Ivysaur (100) | Venusaur |
Charmander (25) | Charmeleon (100) | Charizard |
Dratini (25) | Dragonair (100) | Dragonite |
Eevee (25) | Vaporeon Jolteon Flareon | |
Gastly (25) | Haunter (100) | Gengar |
Geodude (25) | Graveler (100) | Golem |
Machop (25) | Machoke (100) | Machamp |
Nidoran♀ (25) | Nidorina (100) | Nidoqueen |
Nidoran♂ (25) | Nidorino (100) | Nidoking |
Oddish (25) | Gloom (100) | Vileplume |
Poliwag (25) | Poliwhirl (100) | Poliwrath |
Rattata (25) | Raticate | |
Squirtle (25) | Wartortle (100) | Blastoise |

Pokemon (50 Candies) | 1st Evolution | 2nd Evolution |
Ekans (50) | Arbok | |
Clefairy (50) | Clefable | |
Cubone (50) | Marowak | |
Diglett (50) | Dugtrio | |
Doduo (50) | Dodtrio | |
Drowzee (50) | Hypno | |
Exeggcute (50) | Exeggutor | |
Goldeen (50) | Seaking | |
Growlithe (50) | Arcanine | |
Grimer (50) | Muk | |
Horsea (50) | Seadra | |
Jigglypuff (50) | Wigglytuff | |
Kabuto (50) | Kabutops | |
Koffing (50) | Weezing | |
Krabby (50) | Kingler | |
Magnemite (50) | Magneton | |
Mankey (50) | Primeape | |
Meowth (50) | Persian | |
Omanyte (50) | Omaster | |
Paras (50) | Parasect | |
Pikachu (50) | Raichu | |
Ponyta (50) | Rapidash | |
Psyduck (50) | Golduck | |
Rhyhorn (50) | Rhydon | |
Sandshrew (50) | Sandslash | |
Seel (50) | Dewgong | |
Shellder (50) | Cloyster | |
Slowpoke (50) | Slowbro | |
Spearow (50) | Fearow | |
Staryu (50) | Starmie | |
Tentacool (50) | Tentacruel | |
Venonat (50) | Venomoth | |
Voltorb (50) | Electrode | |
Vulpix (50) | Ninetails | |
Zubat (50) | Golbat |

Pokemon (100+ Candies) | 1st Evolution | 2nd Evolution |
Magikarp (400) | Gyarados |

Related Pokemon GO Tips & Guides:
- Pokemon GO: Best Time To Upgrade - Evolve or Power-up First?
- Pokemon GO: List of Pokemon That Doesn't Evolve
- Pokemon GO: FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guide - Start Smart