Here's a list of Pokemon, ranked according to their total base ATK, best Move Set's DPS, and overall efficiency to all Types. Defense and Stamina has been weighed in, since dodging attacks will no longer nullify 100% damage. Note that Energy gained from attacks is now also a big factor.
Important Note:
- MewTwo is probably the best Pokemon out there at the moment, but because of it's rarity, I will not include him here, including Mew and those Legendary Birds: Articuno, Moltres and Zapdos.

- Top Offensive Type Pokemon -
(After Major Re-balance Update: 7/29/16)
(After Major Re-balance Update: 7/29/16)

*For recommended Move Sets, refer to our Pokemon Lists here:
- Info List, Type, Resistances, Move Set and More.

Rank #1: Snorlax

Eggs: 10km; Evolution: n/a
- Yup! Snorlax is still the king even though they nerfed his "Lick" attack, thanks to his "Hyper Beam" that got buffed from 70 to 120! It's way better now than it's previous best special attack "Body Slam".

Rank #2: Dragonite

Type: Dragon , Flying
Eggs: Dratini (10km); Evolution: Dratini (25) to Dragonair (100)
- Dragonite is probably the top full DPS Pokemon out there with his new Dragon Breath + Dragon Claw Move Set. If you have this move set, your Dragonite can outrank Snorlax!
- Dragonite is probably the top full DPS Pokemon out there with his new Dragon Breath + Dragon Claw Move Set. If you have this move set, your Dragonite can outrank Snorlax!

Rank #3: Lapras

Type: Water , Ice
Eggs: 10km; Evolution: n/a
- Popular choice for taking down Dragonites!
- Popular choice for taking down Dragonites!

Rank #4: Vaporeon

Eggs: Eevee (10km); Evolution: Eevee (25)
- The "tap tap tap meta" is over after the moves re-balancing update patch. Now, energy gained while attacking is a big factor, fortunately, the newly buffed "Hydro Pump" fits really well, so, Vaporeon is still a bad-ass even after the nerf to it's "Water Gun".

Rank #5: Arcanine

Type: Fire
Eggs: Growlithe (5km); Evolution: Growlithe (50)
- The top dog is back! Now with his newly buffed up Fire Fang and Fire Blast attacks.
- The top dog is back! Now with his newly buffed up Fire Fang and Fire Blast attacks.

Rank #6: Exeggutor

Type: Grass , Psychic
Eggs: Exeggcute (5km); Evolution: Exeggcute (50)
- Solar Beam after the update patch is more powerful than before!
- Solar Beam after the update patch is more powerful than before!

Rank #7: Blastoise

Eggs: Squirtle (2km); Evolution: Squirtle (25) to Wartortle (100)

Rank #8: Gyarados

Type: Water , Flying
Eggs: Magikarp (2km); Evolution: Magikarp (400)
- Also a notable Pokemon that moved higher due to it's buffed up Hydro Pump!
- Also a notable Pokemon that moved higher due to it's buffed up Hydro Pump!

Rank #9: Slowbro

Eggs: Slowpoke (5km); Evolution: Slowpoke (50)

Rank #10: Venusaur

Eggs: Bulbasaur (2km); Evolution: Bulbsaur (25) to Ivysaur (100)

Rank #11: Golem

Eggs: Geodude (2km); Evolution: Geodude (25) to Graveler (100)

Rank #12: Muk

Eggs: Grimer (5km); Evolution: Grimer (50)

Eggs: Nidoran♀ (5km); Evolution: Nidoran♀ (25) to Nidorina (100)

Rank #14: Charizard
Type: Fire , Flying
Eggs: Charmander (2km); Evolution: Charmander (25) to Charmeleon (100)

Eggs: Charmander (2km); Evolution: Charmander (25) to Charmeleon (100)

Rank #15: Poliwrath

Type: Water , Fighting
Eggs: Poliwag (5km); Evolution: Poliwag (25) to Poliwhirl (100)

Eggs: Jigglypuff (2km); Evolution: Jigglypuff (50)

Rank #17: Golduck

Eggs: Psyduck (5km); Evolution: Psyduck (50)

Rank #18: Rhydon
Type: Rock , Ground
Eggs: Rhyhorn (5km); Evolution: Rhyhorn (50)
- A new Pokemon joins up the top rankings with his newly buffed up "Mud Slap" and "Stone Edge" move set!

Eggs: Rhyhorn (5km); Evolution: Rhyhorn (50)
- A new Pokemon joins up the top rankings with his newly buffed up "Mud Slap" and "Stone Edge" move set!

Rank #19: Clefable

Eggs: Clefairy (2km); Evolution: Clefairy (50)

Eggs: Nidoran♂ (5km); Evolution: Nidoran♂ (25) to Nidorina (100)

Rank #21: Omastar
Type: Rock , Water
Eggs: Omanyte (10km); Evolution: Omanyte (50)

Rank #22: Dewgong
Type: Water , Ice
Eggs: Seel (5km); Evolution: Seel (50)

Rank #23: Vileplume
Type: Grass , Poison
Eggs: Oddish (5km); Evolution: Oddish (25) to Gloom (100)

Rank #24: Machamp
Type: Fighting
Eggs: Machop (5km); Evolution: Machop (25) to Machoke (100)

Rank #25: Tentacruel
Type: Water , Poison
Eggs: Tentacool (5km); Evolution: Tentacool (50)

Rank #26: Hypno
Type: Psychic
Eggs: Drowzee (5km); Evolution: Drowzee (50)
Type: Psychic
Eggs: Drowzee (5km); Evolution: Drowzee (50)

Rank #27: Victreebel
Type: Grass , Poison
Eggs: Bellsprout (5km); Evolution: Bellsprout (25) to Weepinbell (50)

Rank #28: Flareon
Type: Fire
Eggs: Eevee (10km); Evolution: Eevee (25)
Type: Fire
Eggs: Eevee (10km); Evolution: Eevee (25)

Rank #29: Starmie
Type: Water , Psychic
Eggs: Staryu (5km); Evolution: Staryu (50)

Type: Water , Psychic
Eggs: Staryu (5km); Evolution: Staryu (50)

Rank #30: Pidgeot
Type: Normal , Flying
Eggs: Pidgey (2km); Evolution: Pidgey (12) to Pidgeotto (50)

*Rankings might change in the future depending on new updates or findings.
Recommended Move Sets
Type: Normal , Flying
Eggs: Pidgey (2km); Evolution: Pidgey (12) to Pidgeotto (50)

*Rankings might change in the future depending on new updates or findings.
Recommended Move Sets
- For the new recommended Move Sets, refer to our Pokemon Lists here: Info List, Type, Resistances, Move Set and More.

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