Here's a quick walkthrough and strategy guide for the Vasebreaker Egyptian Challenge Pack in the defense strategy mobile game: Plants vs. Zombies 2 It's About Time.
Vasebreaker is a mini-game where you need to break all vases to complete the stage. You can't select any plants to play with, and you can only randomly get them from breaking vases. Good Luck!

- Vasebreaker Egyptian Challenge Strategy Guide -

General Tips to Remember
Which Vases to Break First?
- Break all last column vases first, once done, break all green vases next.
- Note: If most of them are zombies, better restart.
- Most of the time, it is best to break and defeat 1 zombie at a time, but it also good to break multiple vases depending on the situation, refer to the guide below for more info.
Placing Plants
- Prioritize incoming zombies first, but if your defense can handle them, place your plants on a row that has the most number of non-green vases. Refer to the formations below as your guide per stage.
- As much as possible, only break vases in rows that doesn't have zombies and has a good defense.
- Always break vases from right to left, unless stated otherwise.
How to Plant Guide:
- | Sunflower | Peashooter | Peashooter | Wall |
- This means: Plant Sunflowers in the 1st column from the left, Peashooters in the 2nd and 3rd columns, then Wall-Nuts in the 4th column.
Game Is Luck Based
- Plants and zombies that you get are totally random, so yeah may luck be kind.
- Using Power-Ups is optional, unless it is highly recommended.

Egyptian Challenge: One at a Time
- Formation: | Bloom | Any |- PF: Bloom placed on the 2nd column. Once all remaining zombies reaches the 2nd column, use it to destroy them all!
- PF: Potato Mine: If needed to instantly activate vs cone zombies.
- Wall-Nut or Potato Mine: Best vs cone zombies.
- Bloomerang: They can hit multiple enemies at once, so it's OK to break more vases, but try to keep all zombies close to each other.

Egyptian Challenge: Freeze 'Em
- Formation: | Repeater or Cab-Pult | Repeater or Cab-Pult |- PF: Cabbage-pult, best used when zombies reaches your plants. Note that if your defenses are good enough, you can break all remaining vases then use your PF on your Cabbage Pult!
- Iceberg Lettuce: Best vs torch zombies, to put out their burn abilities.
- Potato Mine: Best vs Bucket zombies (if possible).

Egyptian Challenge: Block and Spike
- Formation: | Repeater | Wall | Spike |
- PF: Repeater that doesn't have Wall and Spike, use it as a final blow.
- Other Notes: Break vases on lanes that have Wall and Spike at least, and defeat zombies 1 at a time (per row).
- Potato Mine: Best vs any tough zombies.

Related Plants vs. Zombies 2 Tips & Guides:
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: Vasebreaker Intro Walkthrough and Strategy Guide
- Plants vs. Zombies 2: Vasebreaker Pirate Challenge Walkthrough Guide

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