Crash of Cars: Epic Kills and Maneuvers (How to Save GIF Images)

Here's some gameplay samples that you can

How To Save GIF Images From the Game?

   - After the clash, you'll be given a number of Coins plus a chance to share your epic battles.
   - Just by sharing your epic battle moments to social media like Facebook won't work (hope they will fix this), so better download them to your device instead.

Here's Some Basic and Epic Kills, Enjoy! ^^

Crash of Cars Pirate Ship
"Yup, the Pirate Ship is slow but move away once you see one with Full Cannons!"

Crash of Cars Teleport Kill
"Calculated Guess, Teleport Can Really Do Insta-Kills, ~ 3 Cars Down!"

Crash of Cars - Flamethrower
"Drop a Flamethrower to cover you, then say ~ oh yeah, burn baby burn!"

Crash of Cars - Land Mines
"Who said Land Mines can only be used as traps?"

Crash of Cars - Spread Cannons
"This area and attack method can really give you a lot of kills!"

Crash of Cars Front Cannons
"If you don't want to get caught in the crash, control your front cannons and nuke them out!"

Crash of Cars Side Cannons
"When Chasers just won't give up, ~ Give em an Epic maneuver with Side Cannons!"

Crash of Cars - Crushed
"When a lucky one YOLO flies and landed into an unlucky...!@#$ ~ LOL!"

Crash of Cars What Just Happened?
"OMG ~ WHAT JUST HAPPENED!? An in-game bug? or a hacker who turned on a "1 hit kill" to himself? ~ LOL!"

How To Manipulate the Game To Capture What I Want?

   - The best way so far is to let your car retire (let it die purposely) right after performing a great kill, witnessing a funny moment, or an unusual scenario. This way, it most likely that the game will feature the last kill that you did.
   - If you didn't crash any cars, the game will not show any replay scenes though.

   - If you also have any epic battles, feel free to send or comment the link below and I'll post them up here too! Add some captions too if you want, Good Luck~ ^^

 Thanks and credits goes to these players:
   - Submitted by Rin

Related Crash of Cars Tips & Guides:
Crash of Cars: FAQs, Tips on Earning Fast Coins and Legendary Cars

Crash of Cars: How to Get High Scores or Crowns per Run