If you are wondering how to complete the Achievement - Wind Master in GunboundM, here's some helpful tips that can help you achieve this.
How To Get a Point?
Use Sky Shots!
- In order to get a successful point, perform a Sky Shot or Super Sky Shot while the Wind Force is 10 or higher. So, always aim for higher shots with around 90% degrees angle, and hit your target.- Note that it will only record 1 Point per Game.

Where to Find a 10 Wind Force?
- You can only complete this achievement through PVP Mode, and the only Mode that will let you experience a 10 Wind Force is under Pro Battles.- So get your team, Gold, and skills ready first before trying this one.
How To Accurately Adjust My Guide Line?
Learn and Master 3 and 1 Wind Force First
- Mastering at least 3 and 1 Wind Force can help you adjust your guide line accurately for 10 Wind Force. I believe every screen size + default zoom will give you different adjustments or space between your target and guide line.- For more in-depth info, please refer here: Tips for Wind and How to Charge SS Bars Fast
Aiming with 10 Wind Force
- So after learning and memorizing your spaces needed for a 3 and 1 Wind Force, you can now proceed and apply the patterns to 10 Wind Force.Some Helpful Tips and Sample Pics:

- Next, I adjusted my guide line to match my Wind Force 3 space based from my "directly to the Right/Left" adjustment/space from HERE (for my screen size and default zoom, my space for Wind Force 3 is 1 inch). So, I will just double that space to match the calculated number above which is 6 ("2 inches").
Another Example From the Opposite Side

- Here the Wind Direction is the same but at the opposite side, same pattern applies as long that you can do a full pull Power + around 90 degrees aiming angle.
What If the Wind Direction is Directly to the Right or Left?
- This rarely happens I think, but just in case, one way is to refer again from the space/adjustment of your 3 Wind Force, triple that (3x3 = 9), then adjust a little bit more farther from your target to reach a total of 10.What If the Wind Direction is Directly Upwards or Downwards?
- What I'm doing most of the time, it to divide the Wind Force by 2 twice, so 10/2/2 = 2.5, then adjust.- Note that "Downwards" will make your shot shorter, while "Upwards" will make it farther.
How About Tornadoes!?
- It should still work, but sometimes you need to adjust your Pull Power to around 75% to accurately adjust your guide line to a preferred position (which is annoyingly difficult sometimes because of the limited time).- Yes, because Tornadoes can disrupt your aiming options and detects locations with wide spaces.
*That's it guys hope it helped you achieve and complete the Wind Master Achievement for an easy 10+ Gems. Good Luck! ^^

Related GunboundM Tips & Guides:
- GunboundM: Battle Tips for Wind and How to Charge SS Bars Fast
- GunboundM: Beginner's Tips, Gem Spending, FAQs and Strategy Guide
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