Here's an item info guide and how to effectively use them during battle, in the multiplayer online battle arena - mobile game BarbarQ.
Pick Up and Use Items!
As much as possible, always carry an item with you. These items can really help you survive, defeat opponents, or escape from them! Also, note that these are not the only way to use them, feel free to add more tips using the comment section, have fun! ^^

Bomb Balls! (Attack Item)
Item Info Guide
- Instantly damages and knocks down targets in front of you, including allies (AoE range).
- Excellent damage against grouped enemies, and for chasing fleeing targets! Pretty good for clearing teams that are lurking within those clouds for example.
- Doesn't seem to work well vs targets that are too near.
- Can also be found randomly from boxes, crates, or pots, if you see one, hit them quick!
- Counter with: Dodge or Deflect using normal attacks (easier now because they nerfed it's speed).
How to Toss and Spike Bombs?
- Just move to a straight direction and keep walking (must only use normal speed to work). While walking, toss your bomb then quickly spam normal attacks to spike the bomb farther!
- Too bad they nerfed this because Bombs will now fly slower than before.

Lightning Hammer (Attack Item)
Item Info Guide
- Instantly damages and knocks down targets in front of you, including allies (Line AoE range).
- Decent damage against grouped enemies, and for chasing fleeing targets. Also, it can be used to finish off low HP targets.
- Will now bounce if it hits any unbreakable object like ice blocks. Pretty good for clearing teams that are lurking within those clouds surrounded by unbreakable objects for example.
- Doesn't seem to work well vs targets that are way too near, or while you are being attacked at melee range.
- Counter with: Dodge or Deflect using a Block skill.

Fire Arrow (Attack Item)
Item Info Guide
- Fires a straight arrow taking the target with it for a ride, then explodes for some minor damage (Single Target but can carry more than 1, explosion is AoE).
- Really cool if you have a pesky strong enemy that is always chasing you around especially near the end of the battle.
- This needs a bit of accuracy, but you can actually use this to your ally Master Evil to save him/her out from a heavy fight. Just make sure that he/she has enough HP though to withstand the damage.
- Used to isolate one target from a group of enemies, like support or control units.
- Not a good idea for last hitting low HP targets, because you won't be able to gather their mushrooms, unless you are willing to chase them. Also not a good idea to be used against a Master Evil, especially near the end of the battle where your team needs to kill em instead.
- Counter with: Dodge, use Block skill (would still get damaged), hit the arrow first, or let someone hit you to remove the arrow.

Honey Jars (Crowd Control Item)
Item Info Guide
- Thrown to a nearby location to set up a trap (lasts 15 seconds), knocking and slowing targets down once activated by allies or enemies. Slow effect lasts around 5 seconds.
- Not very popular though because it's easy to dodge, but still kinda useful for group fights and for escaping. Example: If your team has the Master Evil, go to the very corner of the map then use Honey Jars to set traps for incoming enemies.
- This item can also cancel block skills when triggered.
- Counter with: If caught in the trap, Jump or Dash away while recovering from the knock down effect. Speed buffs from skills, items, or pets can also work.

Drumstick (Healing Item)
Item Info Guide
- Gradually recovers your HP to max, a life saver!
- Can be obtained while carrying an item.
- Really good especially if you have no support, and even better if you have lots of bags to carry more Drumsticks!
- Best used while recovering from a knockdown, or when your enemies are down.
- Counter with: Just hit them quickly to interrupt the recovery.

Ella's SPD Spirits Beer (Buff Item)
Item Info Guide
- Gives a Speed buff and faster Energy Recovery rate for 4 seconds.
- Can be obtained while carrying an item.
- Pretty good for getting more speed while running towards your teammates or away from your enemies.
- Counter with: Honey Jars maybe, or any control/slow item/skill/pet.

Bubbles and Shock Liquors (Crowd Control Items)
Item Info Guide
- No longer available after the Sasatta character update.

Giant Mushroom's Item Bag (Misc Item)
Item Info Guide
- Aside from mushrooms, you can also get a bonus bag that can increase your item's capacity (1 item type only).
- Watch out though because if your character dies, you will also drop all of your bags!
- Counter with: Kill and grab that DR! I mean Bag! hehe.
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